Wessels Vetker, Breeding Talents

Wessels Vetker, Breeding Talents Our core-business is to breed and coach talented jumping horses. Just to give you a tip of the iceberg. That is where you will find the Wessels-Vetker stable.

One fitting example, which we are very proud of, is that our stable breeded the KWPN approved stallion Wizzerd WV. Secluded from the city life, surrounded by a beautiful forest environment and located near Wierden, The Netherlands. The Wessels-Vetker stable is in possession of all the resources that are needed for breeding and coaching talented jumping horses. The Wessels-Vetker family is well-kno

wn for their breeding and coaching business. In the early 70′s Frits Vetker and Erna Wessels were both active in jumping and dressage. Both reached and performed on a high level within these sporting branches. Judith Vetker was born in the summer of 1985, the first daughter. The vice president of a local riding school was quite perspicacious and said; “She was practically born on a horse, so there would be no other way then her ending up in horse-riding as well. He was right. In the years to come Maurits, Liseth and Sander were born and they all performed on a high level in horse jumping

Judith Vetker was determined to turn her hobby into her career. At young age she became very successful in European Championships for ponies and juniors, where she won many prices and medals. By living through observances and experiences she became wiser. The techniques and skills she learned through experience are still applied in her daily job in breeding and coaching jumping horses. As stated before, our core-business is to breed and coach talented jumping horses.

🥇🏆Trots op ons fokproduct Othello WV!!

🥇🏆Trots op ons fokproduct Othello WV!!

De uitslag van de 5 jarigen rubriek van de GMB competitie in Bathmen is gewonnen door Judith Vermeulen Vetker met de thuis gefokte Othello WV. De volledige uitslag kunt u vinden op www. jongepaardencompetitie.nl onder het kopje "startljisten & uitslagen"

SOLD🐴 Notre Dame WV 🇮🇹We wish the new owners all the luck with this super mare!

SOLD🐴 Notre Dame WV 🇮🇹
We wish the new owners all the luck with this super mare!



Ypeloweg 43


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