Ferret and Ivan

Ferret and Ivan This site is about our greenland dogs Kimassok's Jetstream Ferret, Wild trekker Ivanhoe and their 7 puppies. Puppies for sale! From that day, I knew my destiny.

Our story:
It started with for me as a dream about a family dog and a companion for hiking year around. We had a Labrador long time ago, very nice dog but not what I was looking for. My wife doesn’t like dogs with wolfish eyes, as she thought most polar dogs have. At that time, I was on the hook for a polar-kind of dog. One happy day we came along a nice picture: Greenland dogs for sale! And a lit

ter of beautiful dogs appeared. Kennel Kimassok offered us a charming male dog, black’n white majestically dog. He was shining and even as a puppy he looked strong, safe and confident. His name was Kimassok’s Ittuat Yukon. Yukon was what the breeder promised; and a lot more. Easy to handle, soft as ice cream, sweat as chocolate……. And so one.. We loved him. As the time went on we realized his social needs were more than we could give him. We had to get another dog or offer Yukon a new home. One more time Kennel Kimassok saved us, thanks again Tove-Kristin Ludvigsen. In Kiruna, Sweden, she told us: there was a lonely female. She had lost her friend and needed a new companion. Luckily for us the Swedish house owner doesn’t allow more dogs in their house. So, we went to Kiruna. And there she was, Kimassok’s Jetstream Ferret. A light colored small female Greenland dog. She was more lively than our Yukon. She meets us in full speed and told us welcome. Is it necessary to tell that we fell for her? Well, we did. Ferret are a soft lady. She is not the tough kind in meeting with other dogs. With people: no problem. Every one’s able to scratch her are her friend. Yukon and Ferret meet first time far away from our house and it took 2 minutes for them to connect. They came around very nicely from that day on. For the next year and a half, we had a lot of good times. Hiking, traveling, petting, cuddling and some frustration. Up to midsummer day in 2016. We gathered family and friends for celebration. It was a nice day. Not warm, but we live in Lofoten, so we are used to low temperatures. First when we packed up I realized there was something strange whit Yukon. He would not come when I called for him, and he searched out for the high grass. Well, after a few hours with surgery it was all over. The necropsy didn’t give us any answer why he got gastric dilatation volvulus. Ferret was once again alone in the dog yard. From that night, she was inconsolable. She howled a mournful tone to the sky. Day and night, she was howling. Midsummer night was on a Tuesday. Saturday Tove-Kristin the third time saved us. She contacted all her connections if there was a dog for us. Not us humans, but for Ferret. Then we got in touch with Katinka Mossin (Tinka’s Kennel). She had a dog they thought could match our needs. I jumped on a plane to Oslo and there I meet our new friend: Wild Trekker Ivanhoe. Colored same as Ferret, smaller than Yukon, but larger than Ferret. For my untrained eye I could tell he is strong build. This is the end of this chapter of our life. The end of one era, and the beginning of the new life; The life of Ferret and Ivan. Ivan is strong, have good moves and else akt much like Yukon. Of course, we miss our Yukon, but Ivan filled in to our pack just as smooth as silk. Ferret and Ivan are a well functional team. Ivan is intelligent in his work. He chooses his way with his head. His social skills with other dogs are fenomenal. Ferret goes just on willingness. She doesn’t care if it’s a wall or a canyon. She will and she can. One day, 14th of September 2016 we heard the noise we were waiting for. Ferret was screaming as for her life. And that sound was the beginning of this facebook site. From now on you are all welcome to join us. A big hug and thanks to:
Tove-Kristin Ludvigsen (Kennel Kimassok), what she doesn’t know about greenland dogs you don’t need to know. Everything from breeding, pedigree, history and how the fur look like 6 months after they giving birth. Gro Willerslev, Kiruna. She and her family give Ferret her good start in life, the fundament we just could step into and enjoy. Katinka Mossin (Tinka’s Kennel) for letting us have Ivan, and doing the service for bringing him to Oslo for pick up. Hope your car is fixed, BMW rental cars is not to recommend for dog transports

Fredrik Farstad.







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