Tonje Nordstrand's dyreterapi

Tonje Nordstrand's dyreterapi Velkommen til min side. Mitt navn er Tonje Nordstrand og jeg er utdannet innen laser for dyr. I have had the privilege of dealing with horses for over 26 years.

Professional activities related to horses and training of horses has and will always remain important for me. As with any sport, it takes time and effort to reach goals and to achieve results. I have had a very early start to horse competition – jumping and dressage at different professional levels. I have most experience in dealing with young horses and problematic horses, both trotters and ridin

g horses. I am familiar with western and I follow the main principals of natural horsemanship. The horsetherapist education goes ower 3 years.
1 year is horsemassage and lasertherapy
2 year is rehabilitation and mobilising/adjustment of tendances
3 year is Akupressur + elektrotherapy
From end of February i hope i can offer Lasertherapy for both horses and dogs!

Laserbehandling for ALLE dyr 🐈🐎🐕- Har dyret ditt noen gang hatt vondt i ryggen, leddproblemer, problemer med sener eller...

Laserbehandling for ALLE dyr 🐈🐎🐕

- Har dyret ditt noen gang hatt vondt i ryggen, leddproblemer, problemer med sener eller brukket bein?

- Vet du at laserbehandlig kan hjelpe på slike problemer samt at rehabiliteringsprossesen skjer raskere?

- Så hvilke områder kan laser bli brukt for?
- Det kan bli brukt på følgende områder:

* Leddproblemer
* Muskelskader
* Muskelspenninger
* Seneskader
* Strekk overbelastning
* Leddbåndskader
* Helbedring av sår som ikke leges
* Sår av alle størrelser
* Ryggvondt
* Triggerpunkter
* Brudd
* Smerte (akutt og kronisk)
* Leddgikt - Bursitt / Synovitt - Ødem / hematom Halthet (akutt og kronisk)
* Muskelkontraksjon - Forstuing / belastning - Tendinitt (akutt og kronisk)
* Artrose
* Kapillær Sykdom
* Bekkensubluksasjon

- Bruk av laser er sikkert, smertefritt og effektivt.
- Laser kan bli brukt sammen med annen behandling eller for seg selv.

- Når kan ikke laser bli brukt?

* Laser kan ikke bli brukt når dyret er nylig insiminert/parret og drektig(gravid)
* Medisin: Avtal med din veterinær for behandling.
* Kortisonbehandling: Kortison-laser og omvendt slår ut effekten av hverandre, så vente 2-3 uker etter kortisonbehandling.

Som en sertifisert laserterapeut så kan jeg tilby laserbehandling.
Utstyret jeg bruker er spesialisert laserutstyr for laserbehandling.

Er det noe du lurer på så er du mer enn velkommen til å ta kontakt med meg, jeg er mer enn glad for å hjelpe deg og ditt dyr😊

P.S: Det er 4 dagers karantene på laserbehandling!

My name is Tonje Loikmann, I'm 33 year's old and I am living in Uuri Küla with my husband and our son.


Hei 😊

Jeg er utdannet laserterapeut for dyr, i tillegg så driver jeg med hestemassasje.

Fortiden er det kun dette jeg har muliget til å tilby.
Det skal sies at laser passer til ALLE dyr 😊

🐎Varer mellom 1-1½ time
🐎Sjekker hesten sitt utstyr

🐕🐈Her tilbyr jeg laserbehandling pr dags dato

Det er bare og ta kontakt for mer informasjon.

Forberedelser før massasje:
- Hver sikker på at hesten har tørr og ren pels
- Ikke trene før behandling, hesten skal være kald

Situasjoner når en hest ikke kan bli behandlet:
-Hvis hesten er drektig, tar medisiner eller er syk
- Hvis hesten har nettopp fått vaksine eller markur, hesten kan bli massert igjen etter 5 dager

Under behandling:
-Mønstring vil bli gjort
-Om eier ikke er til stede så må det være en mulighet for å komme i kontakt med eier
-Hesten bør vær bindet/holdt fast

Etter behandling:
- Viss jeg ikke gir beskjed så kan hesten bli lett trent etter behandling, her anbefaler jeg longering da hesten kan vær sår i musklene i etterkant
- Gi meg gjerne beskjed om forandeinger om endringer i bevegelse eller oppførsel

Hvor lenge varer en behandling?
Somregel varer den første behandlingsrunden ca 1½ time.
Da går jeg igjennom mønstring, utstyr, historikk og selve hesten.
Påfølgende behandlinger er ca 1time.

Det er ingen karantene på massasje.

Avbestilling av time:
Avbestilling av time må gjøres senest 24 timer før avtalt tid.
Skjer avbestilling senere, eller du ikke møter opp til timen vil du bli fakturert for hele timen.

Velkommen til min side.Her har du en mulighet til og følge meg å mitt arbeid med dyrene jeg jobber med.Du kan ta kontakt...

Velkommen til min side.

Her har du en mulighet til og følge meg å mitt arbeid med dyrene jeg jobber med.

Du kan ta kontakt med meg gjennom denne siden eller ring/send melding for å bestille time.

🔷 Kissing Spines - also known as Spinal Crowding SyndromeBoth horses in the photo below have kissing spines. The top one...

🔷 Kissing Spines - also known as Spinal Crowding Syndrome

Both horses in the photo below have kissing spines. The top one looks like the classic picture of a back that may have kissing spines, the bottom one has a back that looks better than many horses I see that are out competing at local shows and he also has kissing spines.

Kissing spines refers to a condition in horses where two or more of the spinous processes (the flanges of bone sticking up from each vertebra in the spine) are positioned so that they touch or rub against each other. A horse with kissing spines may develop back pain, bone cysts, arthritic changes, and other problems (Kentucky Equine Research).

Kissing spine is often secondary to another issue and is often the end of a problem, not the start of one. For a horse who has not been ridden or strengthened correctly or has another chronic (long term) complaint that they have been compensating for, kissing spines are the end result of a larger, more complicated picture. The good news with this, is that it can be reversible when managed correctly.

A horse with kissing spines will be reluctant to flex its back, therefore it will not use its body to the fullest extent. The horse will tend to alter its posture and way of going to compensate, which creates imbalances that put undue strain on certain muscles, joints, ligaments, and tendons.

🔷Causes of Kissing Spines

- Congenital/conformational
- Incorrect rider/horse weight ratio
- Weakness and instability in the multifidus muscle group - explained in detail below and how to rehab this
- Incorrect riding/training
- Lack of core strength
- Lack of postural stability
- starting horses too young or too much/too soon

🔷Signs and symptoms of Back Pain in horses

- Cold backed
- Fidgeting when being groomed or tacked up
- Nipping or kicking out when having the girth tightened
- Misbehaviour under saddle (bucking, rearing, kicking out, head tossing)
- Dragging one or both rear toes
- Inability to get the correct canter lead on way
- Awkward in gait transitions
- They have shifting lameness
- Stiff to one side
- Inability to flex or collect

I am aware that lots of these are symptoms of other biomechanical dysfunction but the most important thing to note here is that if your horse has been having regular bodywork (with the appropriate qualified professional), saddle fits well and it is still not improving, then there may be something more going on - this requires a vet and x-ray to diagnose.

❌ A note on cold backed horses - 99.9% of the time there is always a reason. You cannot simply say - 'my horse just does this'. No, they don't. They will have a degree of discomfort somewhere which may be related to muscle tightness, restricted vertebrae, pain in the ribcage, ulcers, incorrect saddle fit, kissing spine, shoulder pain, incorrect rider-horse weight ratio or that they are simply not strong enough through their backs to perform what is being asked of them.


Diagnosis of kissing spines needs to be done by your veterinarian and can be made based on history, physical examination, thermography, and radiography. The affected vertebrae can be in the thoracic or lumbar region but are often those that are positioned directly under the seat of the saddle. Sometimes four or more vertebrae are involved.


🔹Physical Therapy
As osteopaths our approach is a holistic one. To manage kissing spine, we'll need a treatment and management programme that involves manual techniques as well as a rehab programme. To manage kissing spines long term, this rehab programme will be what you will have to do with your horse for the rest of its career.

It is important to make sure that the horse is functioning its best in all areas of its body so that there is no extra loading or unhelpful compensatory patterns happening over the top of the spinal problem. This will require a combination of spinal mobilisation, myofascial release, specific soft tissue techniques, stretches, cranial and rebalancing techniques.

🔹🔹The Multifidus System and Carrot Stretches 🥕🥕

There is a complex system of muscles that run under the spine called the Multifidus System. These are the body’s ‘core’ muscles and need to be strong and short to counteract spinal dipping and keep the gaps between the processes open when carrying the rider. Simply asking the horse for more forward effort in an effort to engage the quarters will not build the Multifidus system, particularly if the spine has learned already to dip as the horse is working against himself.

When our horses become more mature and we ask for work in a more advanced outline, the muscles over the spine can become very tense as they further attempt to defend the spine from the potentially uncomfortable twisting of an active gait, while the increased impulsion and muscular tension creates a critical counter force leading to further compressions of the processes. At that stage, there is a possibility for kissing spine to develop, where the vertebrae have become kinked by the strong Longissimus Dorsi muscles in spasm, and the spinal processes start to touch/rub one another.

A secondary effect of the spine losing elasticity is that kinetic force is thrown forwards towards the shoulders as it can no longer be absorbed through the horse’s centre. This pushes the lowest part of the cervical section of his spine, the base of the neck, downwards between his shoulder blades and robbing him of forehand ‘suspension’, plunging him downhill, onto the forehand and heavily into the rider’s hand making straightness and balance physically impossible It is likely that advanced cases may have spinal interference in the C6, C7, T1 which contribute to the bracing resistance found in the rein contact of affected horses (Visconte Simon Cocozza -

🥕🥕 Carrot stretches are the best exercise to engage the multifidus system. Carrot stretches are dynamic mobilisation exercises that create spinal mobility and core stabilsation in which the horse is trained to move its chin to a specific position by following a piece of carrot/treat.

🔶 The positions you need to do 5 times a week for a horse with kissing spine and weekly for prevention are -

1) Chin-to-chest in which the chin was moved as close as possible to the chest bone

2) Chin-between-knees in which the chin was moved as far back as possible with the bottom of the nose at the level of the knee

3) Chin-between-fore fetlocks in which the chin was taken as far down and back as possible between the fore fetlocks

4) Thoracic/Sternal lifts - pressing your fingers into the sternum of your horse and asking it to lift and hold its back in flexion

5-7 preformed on both the left and right sides of the horse

5) Chin-to-girth in which the horse stretched laterally (to the side) until the chin reaches the level of the girth

6) Chin-to-hip in which the horse stretched laterally with the chin moving toward the point of the hip

7) Chin-to-hock in which the horse stretched laterally toward the hock reaching as far back and down as possible

The horse should encouraged to hold each position for 5 seconds and then be rewarded with the piece of carrot. For a rehab programme each of these exercises should be repeated 5 times, 5 days a week for 3 months. This programme is the human equivalent of around 45 abdominal crunches per day.

🔹Gymnastic exercises

In less severe cases where you are still able to ride (as well as do your ground work), gymnastic exercises will help to maintain top line and abdominal strength.

- Long and low leg yield with the horse bending its neck down and away from the direction its yielding - encourages the hips to rotate in the opposite direction from the shoulders

- Bend and stretch at walk on a small circle - encourage lots of inside bend and a lowered head position

- Turn on the forehand - builds the lateral and rotative pelvic control muscles, as well as simultaneously lifting the spine and separating the spinus processes. Start with quarter turns and graduate to full turns

- Walk pirouettes - develops the thoracic sling range of motion, encouraging the horse to carry his thoracic spine higher between his shoulder blades. Start with half pirouettes and graduate to full.

🔹Changing or refitting saddles is helpful for many horses with kissing spine. Make sure you check your saddle fit regularly as the fit will change as your horse develops and changes its way of going.

🔹Medical treatment

Unless the Kissing Spines are very advanced, most veterinarians will likely recommend starting with a conservative, medical approach to the treatment of this condition. These are methods to control the pain and inflammation and therefore break the muscle spasm cycle. One of the most common methods of pain and inflammation management is corticosteroid injections, as well as, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, veterinary acupuncture, therapeutic ultrasound and shockwave therapy.

Veterinarians may recommend surgery for Kissing Spines as the first treatment option or after an unsuccessful course of medical and physical therapy.

🔷 Prognosis

While every case is different, the majority of horses with Kissing Spine that are diagnosed, treated, and rehabbed appropriately are able to return to work. Some will be able to perform at their previous level while others may need a step down in order to remain comfortable. While the formal physical therapy program may have ended, trainers and riders should continue schooling horses in a frame that encourages a rounding of the back, self-carriage, and balance as well as maintaining multifidus strength with carrot stretches - just less regularly than in the rehab program.

Links to sources

The science behind Kissing Spine and avoiding it with simple exercises to improve your horse's gaits.

Have your animal ever had Backpain, Jointproblems, problems with tendens or even broken boans? Do you know that Laser th...

Have your animal ever had Backpain, Jointproblems, problems with tendens or even broken boans? Do you know that Laser therapy can help with this problems and to heal faster?
What health issues can the laser be used for?
- joint problems - muscle injuries - muscle tension - tendon injuries - tensile overload - ligament injuries - healing of wounds that will not heal- Wounds in all sizes - Back pain - Trigger points - Fractures - Pain (acute and chronic) - Arthritis - Bursitis / Synovitis - Edema / hematoma Lameness (acute and chronic) - Muscle contraction - Sprain / strain - Tendinitis (acute and chronic) - Osteoarthritis - Capillary disease - Pelvic subluxation. Using a laser is safe, painless and effective. The laser can be used in accordance with other treatment or for itself.
When can laser not be used?
Laser can not be used when the mare is newly inseminated or carrying a foal.
Medicine: Agree with you your veterinarian before. Cortisone-laser knocks out cortisone and vice versa. Wait at least 2-3 weeks after cortisone treatment.
As a certified laser therapyst I can provide the laser tretment service. The equipment used is sepcialized laser tehcnology meant for laser treatment.
Feel free to take contact with me and I am more then happy to try to help you.
Price per treatment is according to size of animal.
For more information you can also see my homepage:

My name is Tonje Loikmann, I'm 33 year's old and I am living in Uuri Küla with my husband and our son.


Merry Christmas to you all :)

Thank you Regne Lembke for the pictures 😊

Thank you Regne Lembke for the pictures 😊


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