A short Presentations from Marjo about her seminars and private sessions:
At herdig-training we have a goal we want to go towards, but the finished result is only the tip of the iceberg!
Do you see all the work under the surface thats done to get the result? It takes a lot of intermediate steps to reach the destination.
We should not forget all the work we've do to reach the goal in a good way, caring for both dog and sheeps. It requires a lot of patience from us people 😊
My passion is to see a dog that has a strong will of work and can maintain the innerpeace even when the situation can be tuff. The key to achieve such a combination, is to nourish the natural instincts and let the dog learn on its own pace, and help the dog do its best, think by itself and work together with the sheep.
It's so many little things that make a huge difference! No matter how "difficult" your dog is there is a way to both help and teach her/him 🐕
I'm ready to help you to get connected with your dog and find your way to communicate in a good way for progressing with herding.
I want also that we give the dogs and you, time to learn to communicate with the sheep. We also need to give sheep time to get to know the dog and us a little, do we earn their trust?
We show them we are here to take care of them, that is the main goal of herding ❤️
All the tasks we need to learn to do this work has to be done carefully and with respect. We can't learn it all at once, it takes time, it need patience and willingness to learn.
We receive the answers to questions, when we just give the time for listening, observing and let all come together, little by little.
At the end all that matters is that you and your dog work together so that you both enjoy the work with the sheep and sheep feel safe with you.