Having fun in the long grass 🐾❤️🇳🇿
Whiskey and Nuku
Having fun in the long grass 🐾❤️🇳🇿
Beautiful morning here at New Zealand Boeboels. Everyone’s ready to go for a run in the paddock. Happy Monday guys 🇳🇿 🐾
This is the one we’re super stoked about!!! Whiskey came 1st in Jr male 15-18 months.
He was competing with other Boerboels of his age from all over the world.
We’re beyond thrilled with these results.
Thanks again WBBA for the opportunity to compete.
Stay tuned for some more exciting news we’ll have soon!
All the best ❤️
We are beyond excited to share the pennhip results of our beautiful girl Gladiator Nimhu A Perfect Storm of New Zealand Boerboels.
The reason we’re so excited is….. drum roll please!!!! She got a 0.26 this is a phenomenal score. You will see on the paperwork the green line with the dot is her compared to the grey area which is where 90% of Boerboels worldwide fit.
This means she is officially in the best 5% for hip laxity of any pennhip Boerboel in the world!!!
Watch this space!!! ❤️🇳🇿
Tennessee Whiskeys hip scores are in!!
He has come in at a respectable 0.4 with pennhip they score each hip separately and the overall score is whatever is the highest of the 2 hips.
We’re very happy with these results 😀
Pennhip scores have been done! 😀 Here’s a little bit of information for those of you who are not familiar with hip tests. There are different types of hip tests that are usually performed on dogs. There are the OFA style where a dogs hips are x-rayed in a single position and the X-ray is sent into a panel of specialist radiologists who will look and advise their score. Alternatively there is pennhip. This was developed at Pennsylvania University in the states. This has to be completed by a specialised vet, they take 3 X-rays in particular positions, send this through to Pennsylvania University who inputs the data into specialised software which runs an algorithm and provides a score of hip laxity between 0 and 1. We decided to go with pennhip to make sure we’re getting the most accurate data, to ensure we’re starting out with the best possible dogs. I read recently, to not look at hip scores on a dog is like buying a car without looking under the hood. You will see in nuku’s results the grey area is the average score for the Boerboel. She come in above average for Boerboels so we are happy with that! If you would like to know more about this check it out on Google there is loads of information out there. Stay tuned for more results 🧫🧪
Ataraxia Kira #boerboellife #newzealand 🇳🇿❤️