I have more bantam hens needing homes 🥰
As usual these girls are rescued from off public land. They range in age from around 10 weeks to adult, and are all very cute! The population they came from has some funky genetics going on that has resulted in some of them having weird feet, but also the most beautiful plumage I've seen yet!
The two adult hens are called Lady and Almond. They both came in with chicks and were very flighty. Now the kids have moved out and they've settled down really nicely. Except Lady has gone broody again... sigh 😅
I also have a super cute trio up for adoption! They are sisters, and their names are Rhea, Osprey and Raven. They've gained a lot of confidence since they came into the rescue, and are starting to show some adorable s***k.
And there are more! I didn't get pictures of all of them because they're wiggly little potatoes but I have attached the few pictures that weren't blurry.
Free range homes only.
Not for the pot.
Not for breeding (they are crossbred and in**ed).
Adoption fees are $20 per hen, and pickup is in Albany, Auckland. Please message me if you would like to apply to adopt 😊
- Emma