Hi all!
I have been very much off the radar for some time.
In May 24" I had the last (hopefully) of 6 surgeries for 3 seperate injuries since Feb 2022.
These include a hand reconstruction, new TMJ and a multi level lumbar disc surgery.
It's been a real journey and one I am still forced unhappily to follow, rehab is very slow. And I am not open for business, but will try and get back to people as and when I can.
The last was a major where they replaced my Left TMJ joint which was damaged in a head injury sustained in Winter 2021. Omg nearly 4 years ago where has the time gone. The recover from number 6 is painfully slow and I have been struggling with a return of my head injury concussion symptoms.
On top of my surgeries as a family we have been dealt a pretty tough hand, my husband's cancer and rehab (he's had 8 surgeries now and due for another), my daughter has a rare anatomical issue which requires close monitoring to keep her well, and another very close family member has battled and come through (so far so good) another form of cancer, surgeries and treatments.
I have learned so much about resilience and compassion, and now can say I have had 4 years hands on experience as an honorary nurse lol keeping everyone healthy! I wonder if I can cross credit that somehow...
To the future ...
Things as a result are going to look a lot different for Epona Downs going forward.
In 2022 I was approved to train some reps who could undertake refits for my business, of the 10 trained 4 have been busy helping out where they could, 4 decided it wasn't for them and 2 help me locally.
There are a few new individual wow fitters now in the north island which have taken up some of the slack and I wish them well. Though remind people they all offer a different service to the one Epona Downs offered. That being said if you have worked with us in the past and need parts traded I may still be able to offer this to you if I have the kit.
Due to health woes in my family on top on top of my own, I have made the hard decision to not undertake the massive north island fitting trips going forward. I will work, however, as much as I can using the reps available or pass clients on to the other fitters.
I will be doing south island runs likely to start again late 2024 or in 2025.
Epona Downs will be running some WOW Saddle owners courses, and if they are successful and well recieved I will aim to run some in the north island hubs. I hope to focus on education about the brand as much as possible to empower owners more so they feel more confident managing their saddles.
I hope to get an online shop for parts, such as girths, saddle cloths, stirrup leathers, etc
A big shift for me in going to be back into my coaching and recovery work for horses and riders. I spent nearly 30 years of my life training horses and coaching riders before I fitted saddles, and it really is where my passion lays.
Epona Downs also has an fabulous team of horses, best I have ever produced, and my personal focus will be on getting them out and about!
I am still in the early days of rehab for my tmj so will not be able to do much for several months but, I hope, I can start some of the education side of things online as my brain allows time on the PC!
Here's To the future and to a brighter 2024!
Thank you to all who have given my family and me support throughout these tough years!