Greetings faithful and patient followers! As NZ enters into lockdown and families are forced into solitary confinement, the trick is, keeping yourself positive and alive in spirit as well as in body!
Have you ever said you would write a novel one day? Well, that day has come!
Ever said "oh I wish I could draw"? Now is the opportunity to learn.
Spend time with your families - for those not sharing confinement with you, there is always the telephone, or any manner of video chat groups. Write them emails! Connect with people digitally where you cannot socially.
Over the next few days/weeks I'll try and post a few things up here to keep you (and maybe the kids) entertained: coloring pages, drawing tutorials. It's going to be a testing time for families, but we can do this.
To begin, here's some lineart I drew many years ago. They are manakins. I do not know their species. Your challenge? Color them! If you crave accuracy, research first!
Kia Kaha!