Do you want to overcome your riding trauma?
The longterm effect of a riding accident:
Everyone who rides had at least one fall or accident, often with severe injuries.
While we get a lot of support in healing the injury from the outside, there is a lack of support helping people resolving the impact that is still stored within the nervous system and therefore in the body too.
This can result in ongoing headaches, bad sleep quality, feeling on the "edge", tightness in back and hips, shoulder and neck pain, fatigue syndrome and more. All with an mon obvious, "unknown" source.
We adress those symptoms from the inside by re- balancing the nervous system. This helps muscles to lengthen again without external force (passive stretching), built awareness in movement and takes the pressure and compression off the joints.
Posture can improve, movement gets easier again and the body finds back to symmetry and wholeness.
๐ดWe know that if the rider is balanced and symmetric in the saddle, the horse can move freer and gets sore or stiff less often!๐ด
For the mind we offer Hypnotherapy to let go of the anxiety and doubt that still gets triggered all the time and makes progress slow and frustrating. We can resolve the root cause in just one or two sessions. Leading to progress, confidence and joy when you ride your horse.
๐ดWe know that a horse is a herd animal that relies on the safety within the herd. If the riders (who is part of the herd) is constantly anxious and tensed, the horse will be anxious and tensed too!!!! A vicious cycle that results in danger and more accidents!!!!๐ด
We are helping riders reconnecting to their horses by adressing the underlying issues from the inside๐
Back to balance for the rider!!!!!
Self care is horse careโค๏ธ๐ด
This is a holistic approach that works on the root cause rather than fixing symptoms. The focus is to create long term relief and enable healing from within.
If you want to know more send a message and lets have a FREE chat.๐๐
Britta has a therapeutic background and worked successfully with people since 1999.๐
More info on www.rebalancemindandbody.com