BJM Equestrian

BJM Equestrian BJM Equestrian
Blake - Trainer and Rider A trip to Christchurch saw an opportunity arise to purchase a section A mare and the dream has started.

BJM Equestrian has been formed between brothers 8 year old Blake and 9 year old Jayden Mouat with the goal to compete at the 2020 Horse of the Year show on Blake's new school master lease pony. Inspired by Vicki WIlson having broken in her first pony at 10 years of age Blake longed to break in a pony before he turned 10. In his younger years Jayden showed miniature horses competing very successful

ly at the 2013 NZMHA National Show. Jayden has no desire to ride but enjoys the ground work and inhand aspects of showing and is keen to get back in the ring with small ponies. Blake has been riding for 5 years and has a phenomenal drive and passion for horses. The 2016/17 season saw Blake forgo the first ridden ring and went to the hunter pony show ring. He competed well in registered level one dressage and rodeo barrel racing. As a member of Invercargill Kennington Pony Club he has started jumping and is keen to pursue a future in show jumping and eventing. This page is Blake and Jaydens story on their journey of kids producing a kids pony.



Well three weekends in a row DONKEY has stepped up and been consistent. Now normally this would have meant consistently naughty, but nope the wee Donkey was outstanding.
I have never seen her so well behaved not a single bit of nappiness just happily bouncing around in her special uncoordinated way.
Her 90cm round saw two rails and one stop which were all rider related to finish 4th and her 1m class just two rider rails to finish 3rd.
Poor wee Tui was a bit overwhelmed today and didn't settle at all. Blake elected to retire half way through the course after having 2 rails and Tui refusing to listen. As Blake said there will always be another day out.
Blake is very honoured to have Horsempire and Added Energy Ltd "The Local Experts" on board with him this season helping him to achieve his goals.
Remember you too can purchase the amazing products from Horsempire and get 10% off using the code BLAKE10. The Equestro clothing and Suomy helmet Blake rides in is the most comfortable riding wear he has ever had the pleasure to ride in.
Video is of Blake and Donkey in their 1m round. It ain't pretty but it works.



What a way to start the new year.
The venue was absolutely stunning.
After lessons this week with the amazing Bill Noble Tui had a change of scenery and went jumping. Blake rode beautifully for just a couple of of rails in each round. Jumping 80-90 cm and 100 -110cm. Very very pleased with how this very classy mare is progressing.

And then there was DONKEY it wasn't pretty but boy was it effective.
80-90 cm double clear for the win in a very fast time. Then stepping up to the 100cm -110 cm class for just two rails and second place. This is the highest Donkey has ever jumped and she did it with ease.

So grateful to have Jase with us on our travels today who is such a calming influence on both the ponies and Blake.

Massive thanks also to Blakes very generous partners Gary and Naomi Maclean from Added Energy and Gaia Cristiano from Horsempire.

Video of Blake and Donkey in their winning 80-90 round.


After a few weeks off of rest and recovering yesterday we ventured to Gore Pony Club training day. Donkey and Roman were meant to make the trip but surprise surprise once again someone had kicked poor Roman and he was lame. Step up Tui who had her first look at show jumps since Labour Weekend.
What a wee star couple of excited moments but generally very very well behaved and jumped well with just a couple of over excited rails.
Then there was Donkey. This pony is the biggest pain in the butt I know. Had just about convinced Blake to list her for sale and she goes out and jumps a 95cm and a 1m round fantastically. So once again she is not for sale yet.
The video is of her second round of the day her 1m with just one rail down. But more importantly no nappiness, no being a brat and no sulking.
This pony is the most frustrating pony on the property but yes secretly deep down we all love her to bits

******SOLD******With our recent purchase of a four horse truck it is time for the mothership to find a new home. 3 horse...


With our recent purchase of a four horse truck it is time for the mothership to find a new home.
3 horse angle load
Cover rack
Saddle rack
Stallion guards
Fits up to 16.2hh horses

Living with seating, small fridge, gas cooker, heaps of storage, water pump (not water tank as we pulled it off going over a judder bar)
Separate shower room but shower not hooked up. We had a portaloo in there and used it as a wardrobe.
Lights run off battery with solar panel on roof

Tows well tare weight 1800
We have towed with a ssangyong rhino with no worries at all

Rego on hold needs a new wof and a paint job hence low price of $15000
Located Southland

Sad new postcode requiredMi Rockstar (Roxy)16.2hh 8 year old tb mareSire: NadeemDam: Our Shiraz:Roxy has jumped competit...

Sad new postcode required
Mi Rockstar (Roxy)
16.2hh 8 year old tb mare
Sire: Nadeem
Dam: Our Shiraz

:Roxy has jumped competitively to 1.20m very easily with scope to go much higher. With placings in Junior amateur and 120cms in just her second season of show jumping
:She trucks and angle floats usually well has not been on a straight load yet but don’t think it would be an issue
:she can be in a herd with other horses.
:no buck, bolt or rear
:prefers to be mounted on the right hand side but getting better on the left
:always been jumped barefoot
:schools nicely on the flat but could do with more work (not been current riders main focus)
:feeds of the confidence of her rider and will stop if she feels the rider is not fully committed
:very honest mate who looks after her rider
:snaffle mouth can get strong but not dirty or bolty
:selling her for two reasons.
1 we believe she needs a more confident experienced rider to realise her full potential
2 rider is going away for study and she is just to good to be sitting in the paddock
:will be very particular about home.
1️⃣8️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ if she was a warm blood she would be at least double the price

Canterbury Xmas Cracker Not every weekend goes to plan and this was definitely one of those.MI ROCKSTAR We went through ...

Canterbury Xmas Cracker
Not every weekend goes to plan and this was definitely one of those.

We went through to Mcleans Island straight from Waimate and a training fall on Wednesday saw Blake and Roxy both with some pretty bad grazes from the arena.
Roxy out for the weekend.

After being recommended Hippo Health Show Calm we have started using this on Donks.
Her behavior has improved amazing with very little nappiness and being much more settled in her work. Very happy with her 90cm and 1m rounds on Friday no placings but the win was there in her showing the massive potential this pony has.
Saturday saw her having a stop at the first jump and sending Blake into the jump. The subsequent rails and stand falling saw Donkey get caught in the stand resulting in a couple of small superficial cuts. The steward thought she looked slightly lame so she was withdrawn from her 1m round. After rain over night Blake elected to not have Donkey assessed on Sunday and withdrew her from her one planned round.

Was a wee superstar no placings but jumped her wee heart out stepping up to 110cm. A couple of brain farts from Blake saw a couple of rails that didn't need to be but he will learn from it.

Then the trip home from horrific winds coming through from Fairlie onwards to Crickett going down in the truck and getting caught up in one of the dividers. In the Kawarua gorge with no cell phone coverage and a trapped horse. Luckily she was in the back position and Roxy and Donkey were so good standing quietly.
Managed to flag down a car who drove into cell service to get the fire brigade to come thinking we were going to need to cut her out. Crickett managed to get up and free herself just before they arrived. There was no way she would go back on the truck so one of the firemen organized a friend to bring a float which we finally managed to get her in. Currently holed up at Cromwell race track waiting on Jase to bring the float through to get her home.
Crickett very sore this morning with a few cuts but she should hopefully be fine after a big rest and recuperation. It looked and could have been so much worse than it was.
We are still all in a bit of shock and Blake is devastated that his horses have all been injured in three freak accidents.
Looking forward to getting home later today.


Blake has decided that donkey is a horrible show name for his pony. Mum thinks it is a great name 🤣🤣
So with Donkey to be registered soon Blake has been told he needs to come up with an awesome name before he can change it.
Any and all suggestions needed for this chunky bay pony mare would be gratefully accepted

BJM Equestrian
Blake - Trainer and Rider


SCNO Showjumping what a weekend. Fun in the sun with some very well behaved horses.

Star of the show has to be DONKEY
For those who know Donkey she is an opinionated sassy mare who does what she wants when she wants and will sulk if she doesn't get her own way.
This was her first show since she disgraced herself with appalling behavior at Wanaka in early March
Well a few squirts of Hippo Health Show Calm, a year older and a much calmer rider she had very few nappy moments at all.
Highlight for her being the 95cm going clear and to have just one rail in the jump off for a 5th place

The CRICKETT of old is back. After being very badly grass affected this time last year she has finally got back to her super cool fun self.
Very consistent all weekend with just a few rider rails and stepping up to 105cm.
Coming home with a 3rd and a 4th

ROXY and Blake aren't quite seeing things together at the moment but that is ok. Blake needs to learn to trust Roxy and not give her mixed messages. Roxy also pulled up lame in her 120cm speed class. A wee work in progress but they both have so much talent that they will have a week of recovery and regrouping.

We are so very blessed to have the support this season from Horsempire who not only allow Blake and his horses look so good but have the supplements to aid the horses to perform to their best. Remember you too can benefit by using the code BLAKE10 to get 10% off all your purchases

Added Energy Ltd "The Local Experts" are making this season a great one with their continued support to help Blake get to his shows and training sessions.

We are truly grateful to Gaia, Gary and Naomi for believing in and partnering Blake in his quest to become the best possible rider and person he can be.

Video is of Donkeys 95cm round.

Why be boring when you can stand out in the crowd. Blake and Crickett absolutely rocking in lime green Equestro saddle p...

Why be boring when you can stand out in the crowd. Blake and Crickett absolutely rocking in lime green Equestro saddle pad from Horsempire.
Remember to use the code BLAKE10 to get 10% off all purchases



Lots of achievements this weekend

1st Big trip in our new truck Bluey
1st Time jumping at Ashburton
1st Time falling off Roxy in public
1st Place on Crickett in the 90cm 2 phase out of 50 competitors
1st 105cm round on Crickett
1st 120cm on Roxy on grass
1st Start in a TIES series

Roman behaving so well in the warm up area and not being freaked out

Crickett having her first show since March

Roxy jumping out of her skin in her 120cm and 115cm

Blake remembering all courses even though he only got to walk 3 lol

Great weekend away with some very lovely people

Our trips away to shows certainly would not be as easy as they are without the continued support from Blakes wonderful sponsors Gaia Horsempire and Gary & Naomi Added Energy Ltd "The Local Experts"

Huge thanks also must go to the most wonderful man in our lives Jase for holding down the fort at home and working extra days at work to help Blake on his journey.

Video is of Blake and Roxy in their first class of the weekend the 120cm 2phase class. An unfortunate wee stumble saw the last fence of the first phase come down. Still a bloody fantastic effort considering this time last year they had only just started competing at 60 and 70cm.

A busy but quiet week all in one.Tuesday and Wednesday saw Blake and Tui head to lessons with Bill Noble. Working on mov...

A busy but quiet week all in one.

Tuesday and Wednesday saw Blake and Tui head to lessons with Bill Noble. Working on moving off the leg and relaxing into her work. Huge progress in just a couple of lessons. Blake then made the decision not to jump her at the Northern Southland Pony Club Show as Tui and poles at the moment equate to an explosion. Flatwork flatwork and more flatwork required with this stunning wee mare.

Blake looked rather professional kitted out in his Equestro jods, sweatshirt and neck warmer. Really love the logo it is so elegant.

Roman had a trip to the vet and all seems ok, bloods fine, he has started on a course of paste to counteract ulcers and we think he may have had a bit of a virus that has since cleared up. He will come back into work this week.

Even though Blake wasn't riding at the NSPC Show he was there in spirit. Having attended pony club at Mossburn Castlerock last year it was his turn ti give a little back and BJM Equestrian sponsored the open pony round the ring won by Jessica Mann and her lovely pony FC Fine Lace.

So thankful to be sponsored this season by Horsempire who help Blake and his horses look stunning. Don't forget to use the code BLAKE10 to get 10% off all your purchases.
And without the support of Added Energy Ltd "The Local Experts" it would certainly make getting to lessons and shows a lot harder.


Another weekend another show. This time Southland Showjumping at Gore in freezing wet cold conditions Saturday and slightly warmer by Sunday afternoon.
Rockatui had her first outing of the season with two 90cm and one 1m rounds. Lots of rails due to being a tad energetic and trying to dictate to Blake how fast she was going to go. Outside the ring she behaved beautifully.
Mi Rockstar was exactly that. Miss predictable is back with her usual one rail a round. Sunday morning saw a step up to the 120cm class over a pretty big track had just the one rail to finish 3rd followed up with a 4th in the Junior Amateur.
Horses and Blake were looking rather dapper dressed in Equestro boots, saddle blanket, ears and super comfy jodphurs and show shirt. With the extremely elegant Suomy helmet topping off Blakes stylish look.
As always super thankful to have Horsempire and Added Energy on board as sponsors this season.
Video is of Blake and Roxys first 120cm at an ESNZ show.


Otago Showjumping this weekend saw Mi Rockstar back to herself.
A stop at the first jump in the first class saw Blake saying enough is enough and pushed Roxy into a more forward ride. For just some rider rails in his next three classes

Toomey Plumbing 110cm AM5 5th place
E T Beattie and Sons 110cm Table C 3rd place
Global Amateur 115cm A5 3rd place
Video is of Blakes 115cm round. A great way to finish the weekend.

Roman Rockateer wasn't himself at all and this week will see some tests and bodywork to see if there is any underlying issues going on. With Blake electing to retire him this morning and scratch his last class.

We are so fortunate to have the support of Horsempire and Added Energy Ltd "The Local Experts" this season.

D**g forget to have a look at and use the code BLAKE10 to get 10% discount of any purchases you make.

Well they say horses are a great leveler. South Canterbury A&P Show jumping didn't quite go to plan.Lots of learning and...

Well they say horses are a great leveler. South Canterbury A&P Show jumping didn't quite go to plan.

Lots of learning and lessons learnt.
In saying that the goal for the weekend was for Blake to stay relaxed so that Roman and Roxy stayed relaxed.

Huge win in that regard with Roman behaving perfectly all weekend and staying on four feet.
Saturday showed up Blake and Roman's inexperience with a few rider errors resulting in a couple of eliminations.
Sunday Blake elected to do just the one class in the 110cm speed class and rode a very calm steady round for a lovely clear just out of the placings.
All in all very happy with this wee horse and some lovely comments about him from some very knowledgeable people.

Saturday and Sunday morning saw Roxy being a wee tart. She locked onto one jump and flatly refused to jump it. Even though she has jumped it in the past. Resulting in two eliminations.
She did redeem herself in the 1m class Saturday afternoon in Ring 2 with a double clear round again just out of the placings.

Blake made the decision to save Roxy for another day and finish Roman on a high note withdrawing from their last classes.

Bonus on arriving home was receiving Blakes latest Equestro order from Horsempire. Blake is going to look so smart next weekend in his new attire.

We are super thankful for the ongoing support of Blakes super sponsors Horsempire and Added Energy.

Blake and the horses are very impatiently waiting on the mud to dry up so he can try out this cool jump.Blake has made t...

Blake and the horses are very impatiently waiting on the mud to dry up so he can try out this cool jump.

Blake has made this jump using the new pvc jump filler which is the brain child of Nat from It’s a Stitch up.

Oh and did we tell you it is Nat's birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 today as well. HAPPY BIRTHDAY from all the team at BJM Equestrian.

If you go to you too could have your own jump filler and if you talk nicely Nat can even Custom make to your colour's.


Wanting to buy 3/4 horse truck

Must haves
Minimum 3 hacks
Outside Tack locker
Storage for feed hay etc
Ramp not too steep
If has a crawl through must be certified
Sleeper cab
Fridge or room for one
Running water inside living
Mechanically sound
No rust
In South Island

Would be nice
Crawl through
Luton that you can sit up in
Full oven
4/5 horses
Larger living
Outside hose

And for the probably impossible under $40k


Tinkertown Road



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