Check out this super cute new arrival 😍🦄.
Peader is here to be pre-started, he only arrived 2 days ago and has settled in very well! He hasn’t had a lot of handling so this was pretty special ❤️.
I let him know a good distance away that I was there so I didn’t give him a fright. I could feel he was a little weary of me approaching so I really took my time and let him know that I was not a threat.
I was not expecting to be able to sit next to him yet alone lay across his shoulder to give him a hug! He let me know that he couldn’t handle any more than that so I told him he was amazing and quietly sat next to him.
He eventually stood up and came back over to me for more cuddles before following me around the paddock like a puppy! It really is a privilege to have these experiences 🥰. I’m really looking forward to spending more time with him ✨
I stopped cheating with backing Holly while she was sleeping 🤭.
In two 10 minute sessions she learnt how to present to be mounted and then be mounted!
She didn’t quite get the question of walking forward but fully understood the question of moving off individual legs laterally. We even upped the challenge by unintentionally moving across the mounting block which was not a problem! The groundwork certainly paid off there 👏🏻.
With her only being a 2 year old I don’t ask anymore than this, but this small exposure will certainly help when it is time for her to be started 😍🦄
I had the privilege of teaching the lovely yearling Whinnie, how to load onto a float last week 🐴.
Naturally she started out very apprehensive about it and stood like a “elephant on a drum” at the base of the ramp 🥹.
Little by little I encouraged her to put one leg in front of the other, allowing her all the time she needed to get her head wrapped around the question being asked. It always helps to have a quiet and confident companion on the float for the babies to show them how it’s done as well!
Freedom getting backed
It has taken Freedom a bit of time to get to this point.
What was originally interpreted as bravery actually turned out to be a form of anxiety, where she would withdraw mentally and “push through” to get the job done. The signs were subtle but they were there.
She was doing everything mechanically correct but mentally absent, so I took it right back again and spent the time going back over everything to regain the connection and teach her how to manage herself so she didn’t have to default to anxiety.
It all came out when I moved her to the next level in her groundwork, enabling me to help her. That’s when the break through happened! The next day I could then lean across her without holding tension. Then I could put my leg on her back and eventually slide on 😮💨.
The first time I lay my leg onto her she freaked out even after being ok with me laying across her.
Yes I could have pushed through but all that would’ve done is created more issues. The goal is trust and connection and no tension. Which was achieved 👏🏻😇.
Thanks again to Karolina for your help! Having her on the ground as support for Freedom and I is what makes this all possible ❤️.
Apologies for the bad camera angle! It was a last minute decision to take a quick video!
Nana nap!
I have just come out from having lunch to find every single horse having a nana nap 😴 💤.
I guess I’m having a longer lunch 🤷🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️.
Southcote Double Dash
Dash is coming along nicely, taking ridden life like a fish in water 😍👏🏻. I’m really looking forward to producing this one!
Freedom presenting to be mounted and long reining
One size definitely does not fit all!!
Even though Freedom appears super brave in many situations, she still holds anxiety, it may not be obvious in the video but it is there!
I am taking it at her pace and allowing her the time she needs to be ok with it all. Every day there is a small improvement, which is great🦄!
I long reined her amongst the 🐮 today while they were having a rest, it certainly sparked her curiosity, which I fully encouraged 😍
I tried not to disturb the cows but long reining with one hand and the curiosity of Freedom led to failure 🤭😂.
I have been slowly bringing the cows closer to where I work the horses and it has been working a treat! The cows couldn’t care less about me and the horses making it a great training ground 👏🏻.
Dash let me come and sit next to him while having a snooze yesterday. He even let me sprawl across him 🦄!
Dash has only been here a month, he came to me un-started, so the fact that he has let me do this is pretty special!
It’s one thing for Holly to let me do this - I bred Holly and I have been there since day 1, but for Dash to do this too, well I have no words 💗.
Full trust and connection 🥰!
Dash under saddle
Dash had his first ride with a saddle on yesterday that involved more than just scratches 😆! He handled it like a pro, no drama, no issue, it was just the next logical step 💪🏻💚🏆.
Thank you to Mel Cleland for taking your lunch break to come and give me pony rides 🤪, and still in your scrubs. This video is proudly sponsored by Vetlife. (Haha just kidding! With Mel still in work clothes it had to be said 🤣).
The paddocks appear somewhat empty after Levi went home on Friday. His personality and comedic nature made the mucking out process rather entertaining.
He left here with an overwhelming sense of confidence and pride in his ability to be a riding horse. On his final day, he continually strived to achieve more, taking considerable pride in each of his accomplishments and seeking to repeat them!
Although it may be easy to overindulge his schooling, I elected to praise and reward his efforts, ensuring that resuming his training in a few months, once he finished his growth spurt, will be an absolute pleasure.
This video captures the first occasion of riding him in the big paddock, he made notable progress between then and leaving.
Southcote Double Dash
Southcote Double Dash from Southcote Performance Horses is coming along nicely as he learns how to be a ridden horse.
It’s been a busy week for Dash but he is taking it all in his stride. He is such a cool horse to have around 🦄.
Kids playing in drums - sure no problem 🦸🏼!
Kids joining in on the mounted (just me sitting on him) scratch session - sweet deal, pick me 🙋🏼♀️!
Saddle on for the first time, no issue 👌🏻!
Learning how to jump down the free jump lane at Karolina’s - easy peasy, top of the class👨🏼🎓!
All the horses had their groundwork taken to the next level last week. (Yes it has taken me a week to try cram 2 hours of video into 7 minutes!)
All the horses are exposed to a variety of domestic conditions and are well used to my antics, kids, loud noises and lots of traffic 🚛🚌🚜🚑🚒✈️ (we are on a main road and there is a lot of noisey vehicles screaming pass!).
I place a strong emphasis on teaching horses how to cope/manage themselves in our world, not necessarily desensitise them. Often when people desensitise horses they think that when they stop running away from the scary thing that they are no longer scared of it, which isn’t often the case and can lead to horses mentally and emotionally withdrawing and holding tension. This is a survival strategy and can lead to them essentially becoming a ticking time bomb 💣.
You can see in the video how much easier they cope with each toy once they learn how to manage themselves and find relaxation in a scary situation. That is the ultimate goal 💪🏻.
You can also see the different personalities coming through as well, Levi is naturally a lot more curious than Dash and Sweet As, however Levi has also had a bit more exposure than the other two. Holly was in the background getting trained organically and providing support when needed 🥰. The mare and foal weren’t keen on having anything to do with it but they are not anywhere near this stage yet!