Hi all, I have organised an Ashley river trail ride on the 13th November and due to some busy lives there are now 4 spots open to attend!
The cost would be $10 per person for a 10km , 1 1/2 hour ride. There will be secure float parking on private property (with plenty of room to park). Horses do not need to be shod but would be better if they were as there’s a wee bit of shingle. To attend this ride you must supply your own horse!
Majority of the hack would be in walk but there are opportunities to trot and maybe a wee canter if everyone feels safe. Group of 10 only as some of the tracks need to be single file or only 2 horses side by side. These rides will also be lead by a very bombproof pony who knows the trails like the back of his hoof so great for building your horses confidence.
Please pm me if you or a friend is keen to come and I will send you a quick form with more details on it and your in to come!
I am also hosting one on the 27th November which currently has 2 slots available but 2 riders are a maybe so potentially 4 spots!