Precious wee Maisy (the horse with no name) she’s really going through it!
The tunnel is long for this girl. Getting her teeth done tomorrow so that may help her pick up some weight
Absolutely yuck day at the farm!
My big boy Tuatahi RS presented with a nice cut on his leg, not lame but would hate for it to get infected.. that has brought me oodles of stress.
We purchased a lovely Roc De Cambes mare who has rain rot and lice.. that brought me oodles of stress.
Now I have oodles of things to contend with as well as cleaning the float that has had 3 horses in it and hasn’t been cleaned yet!!
So with oodles to do I need a one for all product.
Oodles of Uses is a holistic equine product created from a combination of pine extracts and citronella, aside from having anti fungal property’s, disinfecting properties and insect protection properties it has endless uses!
How I used it today:
To soak a horses foot who had an abscess ✅
To treat a horse with lice ✅
To treat a horse with rain rot ✅
To wash and disinfect my girths ✅
To wash and disinfect saddles pads (also leaving a repelling scent on them). ✅
This product is incredible and much needed when rehoming thoroughbreds who often have a lot going on!