Know thy dog 👇
🥰 Conflict tolerance between dogs - the varying degrees 🤯
🤓 Conflict tolerance is the ability to navigate situations without escalating to aggression. It is a normal part of who a dog is. Some dogs are just naturally tolerant due to purposeful selective breeding & others are not.
🤬 Low tolerance - Certain breed types are prone to being the "no bs type". All being bred to have a certain level of holding ground, forward drive/fight drive in potentially confronting situations. Some don't enjoy the disorder, while some thrive on the chaos. Knowing this means you have a greater deal of responsibility to these dogs.
🤔 The Inbetweens - Dogs that will take so much before they've had enough. These dogs will happily get along until things feel a bit tense, then they lose it.
Recognizing the signs of "yep i'm done with this" are really important to know when to move your dog out.
😎 High tolerance - Dogs that will use every strategy to avoid an issue. They will grovel, use space to move away, lip lick, look away to something unrelated to shift tension, use play as a strategy to shift the tension. They have a greater degree of problem solving sooner rather than later. These are the type of pet dog every owner wants. They are easy to have in social situations & easier to communicate with.
🤓 There are varying degrees within breeds but there is generally a base line of traits a breed will posess. This can get tricky with mixed breeding throwing all sorts of variations. It is important to get an accurate assessment of what your dog is more likely to throw towards, so you can help navigate situations, as well as know what is more important to focus working on.
🙌 "It is less about what you want & more about what the dog needs for who it is". Not being ignorant of this fact will help you a long way.