National Endangered Species Day - 17 May 2024.
Today is National Endangered Species Day and although the NZ Falcon (Kārearea) is not on the endangered list, they are still a threatened species and worthy of highlighting their conservation status:
• Southern Falcons are Threatened–Nationally Endangered
• Eastern Falcons are Threatened–Nationally Vulnerable
• Bush Falcons are Threatened–Nationally Increasing
Population: Uncertain but likely between 5,000–8,000
Whats happened to the five Eastern NZ Falcons we have had in our care:
1. Jenny and Stella (not able to be released) have gone to join the captive breeding programme at Kārearea Falcon Trust in Blenheim
2. Amber and Hunter are back in the wild.
3. Kenzo is preparing to go back into the wild soon.
So each of our birds are still helping the population to grow.
What can you do to help, if you find an injured Falcon get in touch with us immediately or if you see a well NZ Falcon (Kārearea), then please log your findings on Wingspans website , this way we can establish how many Falcons are out there in the wild. There is a really cool map showing sightings all around NZ. https://www.wingspan.co.nz/report_new_zealand_falcon_sighting.html
https://www.doc.govt.nz/nature/native-animals/birds/birds-a-z/nz-falcon-karearea/ #2