Oh my gosh, I can't believe I forgot to post this video! This is from December 2nd 2021, and it's Tiny enjoying his very first solid food ever. Look how tiny he was! His name was way more appropriate back then. Now, at seven months old, he's a chunky monkey. The chicken did him good! LOL!
Hedgehog Mayhem - Video 4 of 4
Hey everyone! It's been a while since we updated anything, so it's probably about time. The good news is that we now have fibre internet so uploading is taking seconds instead of hours. Yay!
So, we ended up keeping... um... most of the foster kittens. We just fell in love, and since I'm child-free, my brothers don't have kids, and Mum is just BRIMMING with grandmotherly energy, we decided that we had the space in our homes and in our hearts to indulge ourselves. Plus, we lost two members of our clowder in the last year (one due to old age, one due to genetic illness) and we'll probably be losing a third soon as well, so it's time for the next generation to settle in. All are now spayed, vaccinated, and very happy little fat babies, just the way they should be!
Now, on to today's video(s)! We're animal lovers in general, and one of the other critters we have a fondness for is hedgehogs. So, when one of our neighbours found a little hedgehog that got drowned out of his nest today, it's inevitable that he ended up on our doorstep. We're never one to turn away a baby in need, so... here's our little hedgehog!
Before anyone worries, the kittens are very used to hedgehogs by now. We had another baby earlier in the season and they know better than to try and hurt it. They're just super excited because they had their first thunderstorm today, AND the hedgehog is in the house this time! Last time, the hedgehog was outside! They didn't know hedgehogs could be INside as well! :O
These videos take place during the first few minutes after his arrival, when we're still getting the cage set up and him settled in. Once things are finished, we'll cover it so he can relax without the vultures looming over him.
Hedgehog Mayhem - Video 3 of 4
Hey everyone! It's been a while since we updated anything, so it's probably about time. The good news is that we now have fibre internet so uploading is taking seconds instead of hours. Yay!
So, we ended up keeping... um... most of the foster kittens. We just fell in love, and since I'm child-free, my brothers don't have kids, and Mum is just BRIMMING with grandmotherly energy, we decided that we had the space in our homes and in our hearts to indulge ourselves. Plus, we lost two members of our clowder in the last year (one due to old age, one due to genetic illness) and we'll probably be losing a third soon as well, so it's time for the next generation to settle in. All are now spayed, vaccinated, and very happy little fat babies, just the way they should be!
Now, on to today's video(s)! We're animal lovers in general, and one of the other critters we have a fondness for is hedgehogs. So, when one of our neighbours found a little hedgehog that got drowned out of his nest today, it's inevitable that he ended up on our doorstep. We're never one to turn away a baby in need, so... here's our little hedgehog!
Before anyone worries, the kittens are very used to hedgehogs by now. We had another baby earlier in the season and they know better than to try and hurt it. They're just super excited because they had their first thunderstorm today, AND the hedgehog is in the house this time! Last time, the hedgehog was outside! They didn't know hedgehogs could be INside as well! :O
These videos take place during the first few minutes after his arrival, when we're still getting the cage set up and him settled in. Once things are finished, we'll cover it so he can relax without the vultures looming over him.
Hedgehog Mayhem - Video 2 of 4
Hey everyone! It's been a while since we updated anything, so it's probably about time. The good news is that we now have fibre internet so uploading is taking seconds instead of hours. Yay!
So, we ended up keeping... um... most of the foster kittens. We just fell in love, and since I'm child-free, my brothers don't have kids, and Mum is just BRIMMING with grandmotherly energy, we decided that we had the space in our homes and in our hearts to indulge ourselves. Plus, we lost two members of our clowder in the last year (one due to old age, one due to genetic illness) and we'll probably be losing a third soon as well, so it's time for the next generation to settle in. All are now spayed, vaccinated, and very happy little fat babies, just the way they should be!
Now, on to today's video(s)! We're animal lovers in general, and one of the other critters we have a fondness for is hedgehogs. So, when one of our neighbours found a little hedgehog that got drowned out of his nest today, it's inevitable that he ended up on our doorstep. We're never one to turn away a baby in need, so... here's our little hedgehog!
Before anyone worries, the kittens are very used to hedgehogs by now. We had another baby earlier in the season and they know better than to try and hurt it. They're just super excited because they had their first thunderstorm today, AND the hedgehog is in the house this time! Last time, the hedgehog was outside! They didn't know hedgehogs could be INside as well! :O
These videos take place during the first few minutes after his arrival, when we're still getting the cage set up and him settled in. Once things are finished, we'll cover it so he can relax without the vultures looming over him.
Hedgehog Mayhem - Video 1 of 4
Hey everyone! It's been a while since we updated anything, so it's probably about time. The good news is that we now have fibre internet so uploading is taking seconds instead of hours. Yay!
So, we ended up keeping... um... most of the foster kittens. We just fell in love, and since I'm child-free, my brothers don't have kids, and Mum is just BRIMMING with grandmotherly energy, we decided that we had the space in our homes and in our hearts to indulge ourselves. Plus, we lost two members of our clowder in the last year (one due to old age, one due to genetic illness) and we'll probably be losing a third soon as well, so it's time for the next generation to settle in. All are now spayed, vaccinated, and very happy little fat babies, just the way they should be!
Now, on to today's video(s)! We're animal lovers in general, and one of the other critters we have a fondness for is hedgehogs. So, when one of our neighbours found a little hedgehog that got drowned out of his nest today, it's inevitable that he ended up on our doorstep. We're never one to turn away a baby in need, so... here's our little hedgehog!
Before anyone worries, the kittens are very used to hedgehogs by now. We had another baby earlier in the season and they know better than to try and hurt it. They're just super excited because they had their first thunderstorm today, AND the hedgehog is in the house this time! Last time, the hedgehog was outside! They didn't know hedgehogs could be INside as well! :O
These videos take place during the first few minutes after his arrival, when we're still getting the cage set up and him settled in. Once things are finished, we'll cover it so he can relax without the vultures looming over him.