Loose Lead Walking
It's really easy in theory, but can be one of the hardest things to get a hang of. For both humans and dogs!
All you need to teach your dog is that when the lead tightens, they need to release the tension to keep moving forward.
In this video you can see both Percy and Lachie walking with a loose leash. When Lachie gets tension in the line I just slow down ever so slightly and he slacks the line himself, and as a reward he gets to keep moving forward. It's really subtle communication through the line. No yanking or yelling needed!
Note 🐕 📝I had walked these two for 45 min off leash before I did this on lead track. Always exercise your dog before doing loose leash walking training!
Tip 👀 Use a longer leash, and go places where your dog can sniff and interact with the environment as you walk, or your dog is likely to pull you towards that thing in the distance they want to go to.
When I get to the end of a day and am exhausted, Percy without fail comes to me super excited because he wants some fun. Here is a little clip of what I often do if I just want to sink into the couch. I grab a handful of treats and get him to show me all his tricks 😊 He LOVES it 💕
Percy absolutely adores these two. He bounced around the whole walk because he was so excited they were with us. Now his social cup is full 🍵💚✅
Some days I feel so guilty! Of not spending enough quality time with Percy anymore, asking him to go lie down, putting him away, not having energy to play with him....
The day after a 'guilt day' I make sure to take even just 30 min to drive somewhere and do this with him. If I'm low in energy I don't go far, just do fun things 🐾💛
A reminder for all of you that have the dog mum guilt: your dog loves you, they would still rather live with you than anyone else, they get more from you than you think.. AND it doesn't take much just to squeeze in some quality time to make up for those days that they have to be patient angels 😇 🐶