Well the end of 2024 has taken a turn for me
As some people may know, on Friday I had a horse related accident.
I was leading one of my horses and he got a fright and as far as we can work out, the horse took me out with his head.
I’ve come away the multiple fractures in my face and I’ve had my lips stitched up as well as missing multiple teeth.
It’s going to be a long road of recovery with surgery on the cards to fix my fractures. I hope to be back doing what I love with the horses once I’m able.
This will mean I won’t be taking on any horses in the near future.
I do still have to lovely horses looking for their new home, Kennedy and Benny. Connor will be keeping these 2 in work for me.
Couldn’t get through it without my amazing husband Connor Dunmill and my Mum and other close family and friends.