Green horse
Green broke 3yo gelding around 14.3 hh…. Quite nature easy to handle willing young horse he’s shod atm and needs more riding he’s had 3 weeks off . only had about 5 rides hell need a quick refresher but be easy to bring back into work will have a good walk once freed up abit
Young horses
Few yearlings looking for homes couple there will amble
Few ponies couple in there amble all yearlings
Big foot
Ole big foot coming up 4yo this summer … been in for bitta work since the new year
He’ll do his first season with our mares this year . Hoping to improve our horses add bit more size and strength
Few unbrokens for sale
Bay 2yo , liver chest 3yo , chest 5yo
8yo roan gelding needing a new jockey
Foals weaned , drenched light handling on the weekend few there up for new homes come have a geez .
Brumby an tiki
Brumby n tiki our 2 colts from tikitiki on the east coast pumping along nicely
Colts are out !!
Few foals on the ground !! Loving the colour n movement. Happy to see brumbys crème gene pulling strong ✊ . Borrow waihua this year him n brumby have the mares . Still a few more foals to come . Couple new additions purebred Clydesdale colt n mare will be breed with our ngatis in the future
Mohaka ngatis
Few horses n cowboys out this year docking , Had my main man kimbo out with me mustering . Wont be long you be bring your own horse , Had the privilege few weeks back to be able see a new style of breaking horses at Ōkare stn thanks to John Beckett appreciate your time bro , learnt a few tricks bro chuur . Couple fresh ngatis on the go atm
, the ol pig hunting hoiho still looking for home
Chestnut gelding approx 15 yo approx 15.2 h solid trekking hoiho , strong fast walk , hack , pig hunting horse , big motor go anywhere and all day ride bare back double up on him carry the beers 😂 quite as no sh*t but not a beginners horse !!
!! Coloured gelding rising 4yo approx 14.2h had a week under saddle currently doing light farm work an going well .
Chestnut filly rising 4yo approx 14.2h just bought back into work still green but quite, currently doing light farm work
Mohaka ngatis decided to get Pa gelded he’s not for sale will keep him around for the kids ,we have 2 other colts we will breed from for now, this post was for anyone wanting to use him before being gelded , too much for all the meke comments and messages