Flystrike is rising it ugly (and I mean soooo ugly) head. I refer to this time as the second cycle of flystrike. First being before Christmas no thanks to the typical blow fly then the second cycle being no thanks to the Australian Green fly.
The Australian green fly will attack across the shoulders, needs a very small amount of wool (even less than an inch. I’ve seen it) and doesn’t need a dirty bum for encouragement.
TO MY WONDERFUL CLIENTS! I’ve seen so many of you for a long time now and I have you well trained thanks to our chats as I shear away (haha don’t we have great chats lol).
You know what I’m talking about with this Australian fly.
My problem is not you, it’s others that take on sheep having no clue what they are getting themselves into. PLEASE, share your knowledge with the newbies. Myself and their new sheep will be forever thankful.
See you all soon for the second cycle of shearing in the beginnings of 2025.
**REMEMBER, if a sheep gets fly strike, it’s highly likely it will again. Google “what is Suint in sheep” and/or “ links to suint and flystrike” studies have been done linking the two and it’s genetic link with the two. If you don’t want the same issue year after year…Pop it respectfully in the freezer.