Can you be too kind?
If you’re like me, you care deeply about your horse’s well-being, your connection with them, and ensuring they’re happy and healthy. We often assume that building a strong bond means always being gentle.
But what if being too gentle actually prevents you from building the relationship you’re hoping for?
Let me explain. When horses meet for the first time, the first thing they do is establish their roles in the relationship. Sometimes this is clear straight away, while other times it can take a bit longer. Observing horses makes it clear that setting boundaries is the foundation for any bond they share. Even when they’re already close, they’ll still remind each other of these boundaries from time to time, depending on their individual personalities.
When people are overly gentle, it can actually confuse or frustrate the horse. On one hand, you’re signalling to them that you’re subordinate and need their leadership and protection. On the other, you might ask them to do something they don’t see a reason for or aren’t willing to do.
See what I mean? I’m not saying you should use fear or cause physical pain—that’s not the point! What I’m suggesting is that by showing your horse confidence and leadership, you’re actually helping them trust you and feel secure in your presence.
But how do you show your horse leadership and confidence when you don't feel it? This is an issue that many horsewomen (and men) are facing. As someone who is generally a chicken, I can totally relate to this. I spent years building my confidence around horses, and then more years learning to build the horse's confidence, too. I developed a way of teaching this to students, so they don't have to struggle as much as I did.
I believe anyone can learn this with time and practice. I now offer online consultations to cover this. Let me know if you want any information about them.
Remember, being a leader is not the same as "showing him who's the boss." A leader is someone you'd want to follow. How would you describe the difference in your words?