Arlo and Pepper, my beautiful bonded babies, are on the eve of a new adventure - the journey to their furrever home begins tomorrow! 🥰 .
You can guarantee I'm going to miss them and their antics - working from home has given me such an awesome insight into their world (and has had me in stitches more than once!), and I'm so happy knowing their new Dad will get to experience the same 😊
To Pepper (Pepe, Peppins), don't stop being your weird self - I'll miss you rolling around and rubbing over everything to get pats & attention. I hope you get belly rubs and toys to run after whenever you want 🥰
To Arlo (Dinlow, Dingbat) you absolute space cadet! I hope you find your other brain cell, and get treats and some bum scritches every night for the rest of your life 🥰
Please join me in wishing them their absolute best - and thank you to everyone who commented, liked and shared - you helped this happen!