We mentioned recently that we buy in green coffee beans. Coffee really is one of the great pleasures in life. This is a quick video showing the process and showcasing the different degrees of roasting. Enjoy
A quick video for our fresh water fish enthusiasts. Its of one of our large display aquariums featuring a large colony of mixed species of Frontosa`s and Copadichromis chrysonotus. Enjoy a minute of chill.
A quick introduction of Good Gut Homestead. Our focus is improving every aspect of our human experience by ensuring we have a healthy gut biome. You are not what you eat, you are what your healthy gut biome makes bio-available for you. Getting your internal bio flora starts with re-balancing, healthy toxin free food and ends with a better mood.
Trademe Listing #4965135007 $2500
Our super-tank is for sale. Fiber glassed plywood tank measuring 240.90.60cm high made by Mark Friend. This tank is perfect for the person wanting habitat enrichment for there fish or wanting to keep large predatory fish. 200liter filter filled with Poret Filter foam. Trevoli 7000liter hour return pump. Very tall steel stand with pristine white aluminum backings and sidings for reflecting led light to grow plants. We can deliver and install the tank at cost to owner. This tank is literally plug and play and is the pinnacle of our years of learning in the development of display tanks. If you wanted the filter could be housed underneath the tank by removing the wet and dry components Since becoming a homesteader I have made some tough decisions as to where my time is a priority and I don't have spare time to enjoy my tanks.
This video showcases our very large display aquariums that are up for sale. Solid plywood tanks 2400.900.600high. They are fully enclosed lit with leds. Currently the smelly air is sucked out of them and vented outside into a hothouse. Filtration is 2 x 32mm bulkheads falling into 200liter drum with 3 wet dry drip trays loaded with poret filter foam. Trevoli return pump with float switch providing 7000liter hour return. The stands are beautifully crafted raw steel with clear coatings and native timber trims. Stand measure 2400.1200high allowing for plenty of activities below the tank. We grow plants under LED growlights. Currently has a large colony of African cichlids but tank would be perfect for large predatory fish like datnoides or arrowana.
This weeks short video showcases our house cow who gets milked once a day.The Dexter breed of cows or dual purpose meaning they are good for milking. Its been a real pleasure building the trust with Molly to get her to the point of placing her nose into the halter. Her daughter Chilli is now looking for her forever home.
I mentioned the soil food web in the previous video. The short explanation is that much like our stomachs villi, the roots and bodies of plants are covered in microscopic organisms in massive numbers. They protect the plants from invading pathogens, they act as middlemen between the plant and the nutrients found within the soil. In fact I would think they are the plants biggest fiscal market purchasing the sugars produced in photosynthesis and rewarding the plant with the micronutrients that it so richly deserves.
Since shutting down the tropical fish hatchery we have been really focused on being self sufficient off of our land.It has been one of the most challenging things that I have endeavored to do. It has also made me the most content I have ever been. Watching the land transform, the animals grow and the mountains of poo turn into rich soil is inspiring. The physical work has made us strong , boredom is an imaginary foe and sleep is deep.
I believe that in a few years we will be wholly self sufficient except for the 3 c`s.
Coffee, cocoa and coconut. We look forward to sharing our fails, flails and flourishes with you.