I'm honored to have been asked if I'd like to attend a clinic with this Maestro 🤗
With my personal situation I spent a few days um and arh, discussing it with friends and confidants' whether I should or not?! 🤔
This is the only second opportunity I've been offered to train under such a teacher since moving to the South Island, so these don't come up too often!
When I lived in Auckland the logistical availability and my then lifestyle allowed me to readily school under such trainers. Though moving south, unfortunately it all stopped!
It's been over a decade since I have invested in myself, my learning, my passion.
So I've said yes to attending the Christchurch clinic with my Lusitano stallion Zefiro.
Since the su***de of my spouse 3.5 years ago I've really struggled getting all of me back, my mojo!
As this is the first opportunity of this caliber to be presented to me, I take it as a sign that I must grab it!
I've put so much of me on hold because of what was done and still is being done by those that have no care ... well I'm taking all of me back, and this upcoming clinic is just the kick start that I've needed! ❤️