KiaOra Everyone!
Time for a public update 💓
As many already know, I made the tough decision, to leave full time grooming, and try my hand in a new career , as a tutor / Kaiako at Noaia .
(Link attached)
This is a brand new challenge, and path for me . To help others, and learn myself along the way.
I’m two weeks in, and I’m lost for words how amazing this new direction is going!
While yes- I have stopped grooming in Selwyn. I do have occasional Saturday appointments at my good friends place in Bromley , chch.
I indeed understand this is quite a hike- so lovely Loretta at luxe is on board to continue looking after all your beautiful poochez!
Of course, if you do want to visit me on a Saturday, just flick me a message 💓
Love to you all and again as always, thank each and everyone of you for always being so supportive!