Dogs By Design

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Dogs By Design We are incredibly passionate about edcuation! A dog is what he is happiest being. We must honor that and make sure we understand how to meet their canine needs!

We our passionate about education 👩‍🏫 Helping owners understand their dogs better 😍
⭐Free daily training tips and a weekly live Q&A on our FB page!
⭐ Behaviour Workshops & Consults, Pack Socialisation & Training, Board & Trains. The more owners understand their dogs and how to communicate with them, the happier & heapier relationships they will have

🐶🐾 Friday Friends 🐾🐶Say "Hi" 👋 to Tex! We've been hanging out with Tex every week for a few years now, he comes along to...

🐶🐾 Friday Friends 🐾🐶

Say "Hi" 👋 to Tex! We've been hanging out with Tex every week for a few years now, he comes along to our Pack Socialization & Training service!

He is an energetic boy and he loves coming to hang out with us! It's been amazing to see him mature and learn how to control his energy levels with us - he's always such a sweetie and tries his best to please and do the right thing 😍

Tune in next Friday to meet more of our canine friends!

🔥🐾 Tuesday Training Tip 🐾🔥 Muzzles are not something that should be viewed as negative; a dog wearing one is not a bad d...

🔥🐾 Tuesday Training Tip 🐾🔥

Muzzles are not something that should be viewed as negative; a dog wearing one is not a bad dog!! 😇

A dog happily wearing a muzzle is the sign of a responsible dog owner, one that cares about the safety of others and their own dog ❤

ALL dogs should be properly conditioned to wear a muzzle. You may never need to use it, but if the a situation ever arises where you do, you will not put more stress on your dog by putting something on them they are not familiar with!
⭐ Best example for this is the vet clinic, when your dog might be in pain, feel unwell, be stressed and forced to accept handling that might make them uncomfortable and more likely to use their mouths as a way to communicate.

We are big advocates of muzzles for owners struggling with various behaviours towards dog & people. Why? Because it creates confidence in the owner, which in turn means the dog is less likely to do something in the 1st place. For most owners the thought of their dog hurting another animal or human creates anxiety. A muzzle can alleviate that anxiety, meaning they can give their dog more exposure and fulfillment ❤

I generally say a muzzled dog with an owner who is in control of that dog and putting in effort to be a responsible owner is far safer than a "friendly" dog who is running around like a lunatic and their owner has zero control! 🤔

Pic of my muzzled dog Tui, she gets nervous when rude people & dogs invade her space. So in busy public places where I might make a mistake or miss a warning sign we muzzle up ❤


🔥🐾 Social Sunday 🐾🔥

Key notes for this weeks Social Sunday - specifics of situations matter:
⭐ Koha is 10 years old, she is naturally very self-confident and not phased by much. She is an established member of my pack.
⭐ Crash is 9 months old, he is a teenager and likes to test boundareis. He is an established member of the pack and been with us since 14 weeks old.

🔥 This video is an interaction between the two of them. It is not play and is Koha teaching Crash some manners when he decided it was time to be a pest and see what he could get away with. Koha has taken the patient response to Crash's behaviour.

⭐Note: Sometimes this sort of behaviour can be mistake as play, which it is not, though it it how dogs naturally communicate and sort things out. I would not allow this with a random dog we came across at the park. I have only allowed this now as I know Koha can handle herself and is happy to do it. If it was different say it was not Koha or she started to get fed up or Crash didn't get the message I would step in and advocate.

Whether dogs know each other or not and how well, can drastically impact how interactions play out, what communication is actually happening and whether you should allow it! 😊

🐶🐾 Friday Friends 🐾🐶Say "hi" 👋 to Pablo! He's been one of our clients since we moved to Southland and his owners a very ...

🐶🐾 Friday Friends 🐾🐶

Say "hi" 👋 to Pablo! He's been one of our clients since we moved to Southland and his owners a very committed to doing everything they can to bring out the best of him!

This cool dude has such an personality and always makes us laugh! He's got great social skills with other dogs and loves to play 😍🐾 We've known him since he was a teenager and he hangs out with us weekly in our Pack Socialisation & Training service!

Tune in next Friday to meet some more of our Canine Friends!


🔥🐾 Tuesday Training Tip 🐾🔥

Let's be realisitc... you and your dog won't be perfect, your dogs behaviour will be s**t sometimes and you know what, that's 100% OK!

Guess what, my own dogs are not perfect either! 😁

This is not a video is not here to give you permission to tell yourself it's OK that your dog pulls you over when they see another dog, or that it's OK your dog growls at you when want to get them off the couch, or that their insesant barking at every noise they hear is acceptable...

This video is here to say that it's OK your dog is not perfectly behaved in every situation, that you are not alone and that you should be kind to yourself and keep working on the important stuff 😍🐾🐶


🔥🐾 Social Sunday 🐾🔥

Key notes for this weeks Social Sunday - specifics of situations matter:
🐾Gus is 18 months old and brand new to the pack.
🐾Tui is 6 years old, she is naturally insecure. She is an established member of my pack.
🐾 Koha is 10 years old, she is naturally very self-confident and not phased by much. She is an established member of my pack.
🐾 Jasper is 9 years old, he is very no-nonsense. He is an establish member of my pack.

🔥 This video is Gus meeting the different members of my pack for the first time and I'm getting an idea of his social skills, I know my pack well and can control them should I need to. Gus reads their body language well and reacts appropriately. His behaviour around Jasper is a bit more unsure as Jasper's energy is more intense than the other two.

You can see in this video I move my own body to ensure the dogs are able to display behaviours they need to without the leash interfering or becoming tight. When introducing new dogs, on-leash is always best, so you can get control if you need.
⭐Note: I would never do this sort of greeting while walking down the street and coming across a strange dog.

Whether dogs know each other or not and how well, can drastically impact how interactions play out, what communication is actually happening and whether you should allow it! 😊

🐶🐾 Friday Friends 🐾🐶Say "Hi" 👋 to Pip the spaniel! We've known this little cutie since she was young pup, she comes and ...

🐶🐾 Friday Friends 🐾🐶

Say "Hi" 👋 to Pip the spaniel! We've known this little cutie since she was young pup, she comes and hangs out with us each week on our Wednesday Pack Days 😍

She enjoys sleeping, getting pats and engaging with humans and playing with her very specific selection friends, when she's in the mood! 😜

We'll be back each Friday to introduce more of our wonderful client dogs 😍

🐾🔥 Tuesday Training Tip 🔥🐾There is no reason not to use a long line! 🥳 Yes, Link is wearing it wrong... they get clipped...

🐾🔥 Tuesday Training Tip 🔥🐾

There is no reason not to use a long line! 🥳 Yes, Link is wearing it wrong... they get clipped to the collar 😜

⭐️A long line does not prevent your dog from running around and having a good time.
⭐️A long line does not restrict your dog's freedom.
⭐️A long line does not mean you have a bad dog.
⭐️A long line is not a hindrance.
⭐️A long line is not only for dogs who run away.

⭐️A long line is essential on puppies, young and old, no puppy has reliable recall as they are still learning!
⭐️A long line is essential on an adult dog if it doesn’t have reliable recall**
⭐️A long line is essential if your dog chases other animals and you can’t stop it.
⭐️A long line is essential if you can’t stop your dog approaching other dogs and people or environmental factors.
⭐️A long line is essential if your dog has poor social skills.
⭐️A long line is essential if your dog spooks easily and runs away.

There are many dogs out there that are not on long lines, and they should be! Do your part and be a responsible dog owner 😃

**Reliable recall means that you can recall your dog off ANYTHING, including chasing a bird or rabbit, running up to another dog or person or while interacting with another dog.


🔥🐾 Social Sunday 🐾🔥

Key notes for this weeks Social Sunday:
🐾Crash is a 4 year old German Sheperd, he loves to control and test boundaries, he has been part of the pack since he was 14 weeks old.
🐾Remus is a 6 year old Bloodhound and at the time of this video was the newest dog in our the pack. He is naturally aloof and self confident.
🔥 This video is Crash testing what he can and can't do with Remus and them subtly sorting out heriachy in the pack.

Whether dogs know each other or not and how well, can drastically impact how interactions play out, what communication is actually happeneing and whether you should allow it! 😊


🔥🐾 Tuesday Training Tip 🐾🔥

Did you know you don't actually need to teach a stay on top of commands like "sit", "down" and "place". The trick is teaching a "release" command, which means they are allowed to break the command now. 🐾

So, "sit", "down" and "place" should be taught to be inclusive of "stay". To your dog it should mean to do the command and stay in it, no matter the distraction, until you give you your "release" command. 🙏

Little things like this can reduce the amounts of words you you and create a much calmer and simpler communication! 😍


🔥🐾 Social Sunday 🐾🔥

Something we are passionate about is educating owners, particularly around how dogs naturally communicated - so here is our first social Sunday where we share and give commentary on canine communication videos!

Key notes for this one: Link and Jasper are part of an established pack that have been living together. Bonazai is just homestaying so is not part of the established pack.

Whether dogs know each other or not and how well, can drastically impact how interactions play out, what communication is actually happeneing and whether you should allow it! 😊


🔥🐾 Tuesday Training Tip 🐾🔥

Doing nothing is an essential skill for all dogs (and people) to have, particularly ones that have busy minds and seem like they constantly need to be busy or involved with whatever is going on!

Our tip today is to practice stillness on a daily basis: asking your dog to hold a command like "down" or "place" and just chill, relax and be patient even though they might rather be doing something else or something else more exciting is going on!

Do not under estimate how important it is to teach this skill! 🐾🐶

🔥 Two spots left for our information packed, up-coming training workshop 🔥This workshop can help with so many common beh...

🔥 Two spots left for our information packed, up-coming training workshop 🔥

This workshop can help with so many common behaviours you might be struggling with, from leash pulling and reactivity, inability to settle, no listening, anxiety and nervousness, to name a few. We are passionate about owner education and teaching owners how to communicated clearly with their dogs and have happy healthy relationships with them 😍 Check out the details below:

Join us for our enlightening 2 x 2-hour Dog Psychology and Behavior Workshop, designed for all dog enthusiasts eager to unlock the potential in their canine companions. This workshop is your gateway to fostering a robust, trust-based relationship between you and your canine friend. Through understanding, you can conquer common behavioral challenges like disobedience, over-excitement, jumping, leash pulling, incessant barking, and reactivity, among others.

In this workshop, you'll master the art of providing clear, effective, and equitable leadership, nurturing your dog's trust and respect. Discover the essential daily practices that need to be integrated into your life with your dog, laying the foundation for a healthier bond and more composed and contented canine companion.

Upon completing the workshop, you'll possess a deeper understanding of your dog's behavior and psychology. You'll grasp why they exhibit certain behaviors and, more importantly, how you can guide them towards making better choices and achieving success.

At our workshop, you'll find a supportive community of like-minded individuals, all striving toward the same goal. This shared experience fosters confidence and reassures you that you're not alone in your journey to improve your dog's behavior.
Our upcoming workshop will take place at our facility in Riversdale, Southland on two consecutive Saturdays: MAY 25TH and JUNE 1ST, running from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on both days.

Here's a sneak peek at what you'll learn:
⭐️ How to establish effective and equitable leadership.
⭐️ Understanding the impact of your own energy and body language on your dog and leveraging it for clear communication.
⭐️ Essential and practical commands such as 'sit,' 'down,' 'come,' and 'place.'
⭐️ Leash etiquette for enjoyable walks.
⭐️ Establishing crucial rules, boundaries, and limitations and implementing them effectively.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of your dog's behavior and take significant steps towards a more harmonious relationship. Join us and embark on a transformative journey with your canine 🙋🐾🐶 Cost: $285


Did you know, dogs and owners who complete our Laying the Foundations Workshop gain access to our Pack Socialisation & Training service?! 🐾🥳

This service is great for giving your dogs the opportunity to come out with us weekly and get APPROPRIATE socialisation in a controlled environment to help with social skills and confidence around other dogs. It is also great for supporting owners who are doing training at home as we keep up with consistent rules and boundaries, teach manners and practice basic obedience like recall, commands like sit and down and stay and leash walking! 😍

Get in touch if you would like to learn more about our Foundations Workshop and are interested in signing your dog up for our Pack Socialisation and Training 😊🐾

Woo! 🥳 We have two more lots of dates set for our Canine Connection Blueprint: Laying the Foundations 🐾🐶⭐️Saturday 6th &...

Woo! 🥳 We have two more lots of dates set for our Canine Connection Blueprint: Laying the Foundations 🐾🐶
⭐️Saturday 6th & 13th April from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm both days.
⭐️Saturday 27th April and 4th May from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm both days.

This workshop can help with so many common behaviours you might be struggling with, from leash pulling and reactivity, inability to settle, no listening, anxiety and nervousness, to name a few. We are passionate about owner education and teaching owners how to communicated clearly with their dogs and have happy healthy relationships with them 😍 Check out the details below:

Join us for our enlightening 2 x 2-hour Dog Psychology and Behavior Workshop, designed for all dog enthusiasts eager to unlock the potential in their canine companions. This workshop is your gateway to fostering a robust, trust-based relationship between you and your canine friend. Through understanding, you can conquer common behavioral challenges like disobedience, over-excitement, jumping, leash pulling, incessant barking, and reactivity, among others.

In this workshop, you'll master the art of providing clear, effective, and equitable leadership, nurturing your dog's trust and respect. Discover the essential daily practices that need to be integrated into your life with your dog, laying the foundation for a healthier bond and more composed and contented canine companion.

Upon completing the workshop, you'll possess a deeper understanding of your dog's behavior and psychology. You'll grasp why they exhibit certain behaviors and, more importantly, how you can guide them towards making better choices and achieving success.

At our workshop, you'll find a supportive community of like-minded individuals, all striving toward the same goal. This shared experience fosters confidence and reassures you that you're not alone in your journey to improve your dog's behavior.
Our upcoming workshop will take place at our facility in Riversdale, Southland on two consecutive Saturdays: MARCH 2ND MARCH 9TH, running from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on both days.

Here's a sneak peek at what you'll learn:
⭐️ How to establish effective and equitable leadership.
⭐️ Understanding the impact of your own energy and body language on your dog and leveraging it for clear communication.
⭐️ Essential and practical commands such as 'sit,' 'down,' 'come,' and 'place.'
⭐️ Leash etiquette for enjoyable walks.
⭐️ Establishing crucial rules, boundaries, and limitations and implementing them effectively.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of your dog's behavior and take significant steps towards a more harmonious relationship. Join us and embark on a transformative journey with your canine 🙋🐾🐶 Cost: $285

Come a long and learn how to lay good foundations to bring out the best in your dog and set them up for success! 🐾🐶 We s...

Come a long and learn how to lay good foundations to bring out the best in your dog and set them up for success! 🐾🐶 We still have a couple of spots left on the 2nd & 9th of March!

🐾 Canine Connection Blueprint: Laying the Foundations 🐾
Join us for our enlightening 2 x 2-hour Dog Psychology and Behavior Workshop, designed for all dog enthusiasts eager to unlock the potential in their canine companions. This workshop is your gateway to fostering a robust, trust-based relationship between you and your canine friend. Through understanding, you can conquer common behavioral challenges like disobedience, over-excitement, jumping, leash pulling, incessant barking, and reactivity, among others.
In this workshop, you'll master the art of providing clear, effective, and equitable leadership, nurturing your dog's trust and respect. Discover the essential daily practices that need to be integrated into your life with your dog, laying the foundation for a healthier bond and more composed and contented canine companion.

Upon completing the workshop, you'll possess a deeper understanding of your dog's behavior and psychology. You'll grasp why they exhibit certain behaviors and, more importantly, how you can guide them towards making better choices and achieving success.

At our workshop, you'll find a supportive community of like-minded individuals, all striving toward the same goal. This shared experience fosters confidence and reassures you that you're not alone in your journey to improve your dog's behavior.
Our upcoming workshop will take place at our facility in Riversdale, Southland on two consecutive Saturdays: MARCH 2ND MARCH 9TH, running from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on both days.

Here's a sneak peek at what you'll learn:
⭐️ How to establish effective and equitable leadership.
⭐️ Understanding the impact of your own energy and body language on your dog and leveraging it for clear communication.
⭐️ Essential and practical commands such as 'sit,' 'down,' 'come,' and 'place.'
⭐️ Leash etiquette for enjoyable walks.
⭐️ Establishing crucial rules, boundaries, and limitations and implementing them effectively.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of your dog's behavior and take significant steps towards a more harmonious relationship. Join us and embark on a transformative journey with your canine 🙋🐾🐶 Cost: $285

Join us for an amazing learning opportunity!🐾 Canine Connection Blueprint: Laying the Foundations 🐾Join us for our enlig...

Join us for an amazing learning opportunity!

🐾 Canine Connection Blueprint: Laying the Foundations 🐾

Join us for our enlightening 2 x 2-hour Dog Psychology and Behavior Workshop, designed for all dog enthusiasts eager to unlock the potential in their canine companions. This workshop is your gateway to fostering a robust, trust-based relationship between you and your canine friend. Through understanding, you can conquer common behavioral challenges like disobedience, over-excitement, jumping, leash pulling, incessant barking, and reactivity, among others.
In this workshop, you'll master the art of providing clear, effective, and equitable leadership, nurturing your dog's trust and respect. Discover the essential daily practices that need to be integrated into your life with your dog, laying the foundation for a healthier bond and more composed and contented canine companion.

Upon completing the workshop, you'll possess a deeper understanding of your dog's behavior and psychology. You'll grasp why they exhibit certain behaviors and, more importantly, how you can guide them towards making better choices and achieving success.

At our workshop, you'll find a supportive community of like-minded individuals, all striving toward the same goal. This shared experience fosters confidence and reassures you that you're not alone in your journey to improve your dog's behavior.
Our upcoming workshop will take place at our facility in Riversdale, Southland on two consecutive Saturdays: MARCH 2ND MARCH 9TH, running from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on both days.

Here's a sneak peek at what you'll learn:
⭐️ How to establish effective and equitable leadership.
⭐️ Understanding the impact of your own energy and body language on your dog and leveraging it for clear communication.
⭐️ Essential and practical commands such as 'sit,' 'down,' 'come,' and 'place.'
⭐️ Leash etiquette for enjoyable walks.
⭐️ Establishing crucial rules, boundaries, and limitations and implementing them effectively.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of your dog's behavior and take significant steps towards a more harmonious relationship. Join us and embark on a transformative journey with your canine 🙋🐾🐶 Cost: $285

Join us for an amazing learning opportunity before the year concludes - limited spots available for our final workshop o...

Join us for an amazing learning opportunity before the year concludes - limited spots available for our final workshop of 2023!

🐾 Canine Connection Blueprint: Mastering the Essentials 🐾

Join us for our enlightening 2 x 2-hour Dog Psychology and Behavior Workshop, designed for all dog enthusiasts eager to unlock the potential in their canine companions. This workshop is your gateway to fostering a robust, trust-based relationship between you and your canine friend. Through understanding, you can conquer common behavioral challenges like disobedience, over-excitement, jumping, leash pulling, incessant barking, and reactivity, among others.

In this workshop, you'll master the art of providing clear, effective, and equitable leadership, nurturing your dog's trust and respect. Discover the essential daily practices that need to be integrated into your life with your dog, laying the foundation for a healthier bond and more composed and contented canine companion.

Upon completing the workshop, you'll possess a deeper understanding of your dog's behavior and psychology. You'll grasp why they exhibit certain behaviors and, more importantly, how you can guide them towards making better choices and achieving success.

At our workshop, you'll find a supportive community of like-minded individuals, all striving toward the same goal. This shared experience fosters confidence and reassures you that you're not alone in your journey to improve your dog's behavior.
Our upcoming workshop will take place at our facility in Riversdale, Southland on two consecutive Saturdays: December 9th and December 16th, running from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on both days.

Here's a sneak peek at what you'll learn:
⭐️ How to establish effective and equitable leadership.
⭐️ Understanding the impact of your own energy and body language on your dog and leveraging it for clear communication.
⭐️ Essential and practical commands such as 'sit,' 'down,' 'come,' and 'place.'
⭐️ Leash etiquette for enjoyable walks.
⭐️ Establishing crucial rules, boundaries, and limitations and implementing them effectively.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of your dog's behavior and take significant steps towards a more harmonious relationship. Join us for our last workshop of 2023 and embark on a transformative journey with your canine friend 🙋🐾🐶 Cost: $285

Exciting news! We've added two new sets of dates for our Canine Connection Blueprint: Learn the Essentials workshop! 🥳 I...

Exciting news! We've added two new sets of dates for our Canine Connection Blueprint: Learn the Essentials workshop! 🥳 If you missed the opportunity to join the first one, this is your second chance to be part of it. We'd love to have you join us!

This enlightening 2 x 2-hour Dog Psychology and Behavior Workshop, designed for all dog enthusiasts eager to unlock the potential in their canine companions. This workshop is your gateway to fostering a robust, trust-based relationship between you and your canine friend. Through understanding, you can conquer common behavioral challenges like disobedience, overexcitement, jumping, leash pulling, incessant barking, separation anxiety and reactivity, among others.

In this workshop, you'll master the art of providing clear, effective, and equitable leadership, nurturing your dog's trust and respect. Discover the essential daily practices that seamlessly integrate into your life with your dog, laying the foundation for a healthier bond and more composed and contented canine companion.

Upon completing the workshop, you'll possess a deeper comprehension of your dog's behavior and psychology. You'll grasp why they exhibit certain behaviors and, more importantly, how you can guide them towards making better choices and achieving success.

At our workshop, you'll find a supportive community of like-minded individuals, all striving toward the same goal. This shared experience fosters confidence and reassures you that you're not alone in your journey to improve your dog's behavior.

Our upcoming workshop will take place at our facility in Riversdale, Southland. We have two sets of dates. Each workshop will take place on two consecutive Saturdays:
🐾November 18th and November 25th, running from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm on both days.
🐶December 9th and December 16th, running from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on both days

Here's a sneak peek at what you'll learn:
⭐How to establish effective and equitable leadership.
⭐Understanding the impact of your own energy and body language on your dog and leveraging it for clear communication.
⭐Essential and practical commands such as 'sit,' 'down,' 'come,' and 'place.'
⭐Leash etiquette for enjoyable walks.
⭐Establishing crucial rules, boundaries, and limitations and implementing them effectively.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of your dog's behavior and take significant steps towards a more harmonious relationship. Join us for our next workshop and embark on a transformative journey with your canine friend. Cost: $285

🐾 Canine Connection Blueprint: Mastering the Essentials 🐾Join us for our enlightening 2 x 2-hour Dog Psychology and Beha...

🐾 Canine Connection Blueprint: Mastering the Essentials 🐾

Join us for our enlightening 2 x 2-hour Dog Psychology and Behavior Workshop, designed for all dog enthusiasts eager to unlock the potential in their canine companions. This workshop is your gateway to fostering a robust, trust-based relationship between you and your canine friend. Through understanding, you can conquer common behavioral challenges like disobedience, overexcitement, jumping, leash pulling, incessant barking, and reactivity, among others.

In this workshop, you'll master the art of providing clear, effective, and equitable leadership, nurturing your dog's trust and respect. Discover the essential daily practices that need to be integrated into your life with your dog, laying the foundation for a healthier bond and more composed and contented canine companion.

Upon completing the workshop, you'll possess a deeper understanding of your dog's behavior and psychology. You'll grasp why they exhibit certain behaviors and, more importantly, how you can guide them towards making better choices and achieving success.

At our workshop, you'll find a supportive community of like-minded individuals, all striving toward the same goal. This shared experience fosters confidence and reassures you that you're not alone in your journey to improve your dog's behavior.

Our upcoming workshop will take place at our facility in Riversdale, Southland on two consecutive Saturdays: November 4th and November 11th, running from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on both days.

Here's a sneak peek at what you'll learn:
⭐️ How to establish effective and equitable leadership.
⭐️ Understanding the impact of your own energy and body language on your dog and leveraging it for clear communication.
⭐️ Essential and practical commands such as 'sit,' 'down,' 'come,' and 'place.'
⭐️ Leash etiquette for enjoyable walks.
⭐️ Establishing crucial rules, boundaries, and limitations and implementing them effectively.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of your dog's behavior and take significant steps towards a more harmonious relationship. Join us for our next workshop and embark on a transformative journey with your canine friend. Reserve your spot today! 🙋🐾🐶


We are back offering our Pack Socialisation & Training service! The videos we get for our clients on these days don't just show what their dogs get up to, they are also educational and often we are chatting about what social interactions are going on, or showing how we address certain things 😊🐾

I thought our followers would like to watch one of one of these videos! ❤ This is a threshold exercise. REMEMBER, you all should be implementing this exercises every day 👊

I'm hoping you all might be able to help!! 😍🐾  One of my Board & Trains is looking for a new home!Meet Tober 👋 He’s look...

I'm hoping you all might be able to help!! 😍🐾 One of my Board & Trains is looking for a new home!

Meet Tober 👋 He’s looking for a new home that will be able to bring out the best in him. He is a neutered, 11 month old, papered German Shorthair Pointer, from strong working lines.

Sadly and not without decent effort, Tober’s owners have come to the conclusion that they are not the right fit for him and it would be better for Tober to find a more compatible home.

We are on the search for an active home, with owners that are calm and confident, and are willing to implement structure and firm rules, boundaries and discipline. Tober is incredibly smart and driven to work and engage, but will push boundaries and develop unwanted behaviour if his owner's leadership and training is not believable. Ideally we are after someone experienced with dogs and capable of bringing out the best in them, however the right personality person, with the right lifestyle, who is willing to learn could also be suitable.

Tober’s has already under-gone a full Board & Train programme with me, and is fully e-collar trained and reliable and controllable in many situations. To name just a few, he knows how to walk well on a leash, come when called, stay on his bed for hours until told he can get off, he also knows ‘sit’ and ‘down’ and all of these behaviours have been tested under various levels of distractions. A big focus of the B&T was Tober’s prey drive; it is manageable if handled correctly and confidently.

Tober has great potential and I will be happy to do a training session with the new owners to ensure they are set up for success and would be happy to do more if the new owner wanted.

I will emphasize again that his new owners are active (hiking, mountain biking, hunting, running etc), calm and confident and are willing to show strong leadership, give lots of structure, implement firm rules, boundaries and discipline and maintain the training he has already had to help him mature into his potential. If he does not get this sort of environment you will see behaviours such as leash reactivity, poor social behaviour with other dogs, uncontrolled predatory drive and general bad manners, disobedience and listening skills. If you are just looking for a companion to cuddle on the couch with, take a nice slow stroll at the dog park with, and give minimal structure, rules and boundaries, Tober is NOT the right dog for you.

I’m happy to have a more in depth conversation with anyone who thinks they might be able to offer him a suitable home, I have plenty of videos of what he is capable of. Please feel free to reach out via DM, email ([email protected]) or text (022 134 0522).



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Our Philosophy

Our name explained – A dog is a Dog By Design, it is not a cat, bird, fish or human. A ‘Dog’ is what he is most happy being.

Our main goal is help owners prevent behavioural issues arising by educating them on the needs and behaviour of their dog.

If you have a better understanding of how your dog naturally works it makes communicating with them a lot clearer.

Don’t under estimate the power of socialisation. It is about preparing your dog to cope with change, distraction & the unknown and learn that it isn’t something to react to. When done properly it builds a dog’s confidence so that when human error inevitably occurs your dog is better equipped to make better choices.