Wainui Whiskers - For The Love Of Animals

Wainui Whiskers - For The Love Of Animals Wainui Whiskers Charitable Trust
Rescue & Support For Animals in Need 🐾🐾 Please text me so I can contact you as soon as I am able to.

As I work full-time I may not be able to answer your call immediately. Thank you.

🥰Thank You So MuchWow! It got hot out there today, but luckily with starting early & having some wonderful hands on deck...

🥰Thank You So Much
Wow! It got hot out there today, but luckily with starting early & having some wonderful hands on deck to help, the project was completed in a matter of hours🤗

All the posts are now set in concrete & ready for backfilling so another step closer to having the water tanks connected - woohoo.

Big hugs to
Menz, Gerald, Peter & Fellows family for your help today. And thanks to my landlord, Jane, for the yummy home made banana cake & scones 🥮

We will get the next stage ready for metal, backfilling, sand & retaining walls to go up before the tanks can be placed.

Sachin & Q7 thort it was super wonderful to have all the hugs & attention too🐈🐈

Huge huge thank you so much ############x

🐈Vinnie & I need help🐈Vinnie has developed a huge lump on the left side of his head. 🐾🐾UPDATE - its an abscess so its be...

🐈Vinnie & I need help🐈
Vinnie has developed a huge lump on the left side of his head.
🐾🐾UPDATE - its an abscess so its been opened & drained & hes now on antibiotics. It will need to be cleaned daily to ensure it stays open & heals from inside to out. Thank you to those who donated his visit was $127.50🐾🐾

Hes 3.5 months old & has been a well & healthy kitten since birth with absolutely no ailments. So, hes either got a claw from playing too rough with his brothers or something cranial is goin on?

But, we need to get this seen so we have a booking with PetVet Lower Hutt today at 12.20 to see whats goin on.

He is still eating & his eyes are clear. He may need xrays, or surgery if its fluid/bleed ?? But I will keep you posted.

I have $120 in the kitties account so Im reaching out for help for Vinnie.

If your able to assist please donate to kitties account
Or Petvet LH.

Thank you all so much Im really hopeful its an absess not something more serious😔

🚧 ITEMS IN NEED 🚧Hi everyone🙋🏼‍♀️Each week brings its own set of challenges but the main focus remains the same being th...

Hi everyone🙋🏼‍♀️
Each week brings its own set of challenges but the main focus remains the same being the need for food, litter & vet bills.

This week food & litter is on special at Woolworths👍

Is there anyone who would like to help the kitties with sponsoring 1 or more items a week & have them delivered to my work?

Items most needed are:-
Chef Loaf Adult
Chef Loaf Kitten
Whiskas Jelly Adult
Whiskas Jelly Kitten
Whiskas Gravy Kitten
ANY kitten food/bikkies
Recycled paper litter

Thats the main list of essentials that could be donated & delivered to
9 Parkway
Lower Hutt 5014
from 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday.

Also, catio is nearing completion - does anyone have some chicken wire/netting in their backyard???

I know its available at Bunnings etc but being a charity I dont have funds & rely on the goodness of donations. So just wondering if anyone has any🤗

Thanking you all so much.

PS: Sashin is still improving each day but only eats when prompted or I engage with him. He also does crash a little when not eating enough so im goin to see about another vet appointment for him as he may be diabetic??

Luv to all - & if youd like to donate, heres kitties account

👷‍♂️👷‍♀️🚧Any help available Satdy?The tank platform is almost finished, the retaining wall holes have been dug ready for...

👷‍♂️👷‍♀️🚧Any help available Satdy?

The tank platform is almost finished, the retaining wall holes have been dug ready for posts & on Saturday Peter is fabricating a shute so the concrete can be mixed & poured


So excited to be so close to getting these water tanks in finally🤗

Can anyone lend a hand on Saturday???? Just a couple of hours needed from 8am to help maneuver & pour the concrete to secure the posts in place. Let me know via text 0274905395.

Thank you thank you thank you ######

This little one was born yesterday from a mum whos lucky to be 8 months old.Pregnant at 4 to 5 months old as a baby hers...

This little one was born yesterday from a mum whos lucky to be 8 months old.

Pregnant at 4 to 5 months old as a baby herself.

Shes scared but likes my stroking her head, she dosnt know how to care for her own babies so Im keeping a very close watch on the 2 of them.

1 has more energy & is actively seeking the breast milk so it has been gaining small amounts of weight but this little one is more dosile & gives up easily.

So its hourly feeding from a small surringe just little by little & well, I can only hope it has the will to makit🖤

🐾🐾Updated 11:40pm as he has just passed away with my hand stroking his side & his mum washing his little body one last time, he took his last breaths & has left this world with love.

These premature kittens were born too early.

The other kitten is doing much better. Mumma Letti has really calmed & settled right in. Shes just beautiful & is a caring doting mum now🖤

🐾Sachin Update🐾Well hes just hanging out taking everything in his stride. Been carrying on with the honey every couple o...

🐾Sachin Update🐾
Well hes just hanging out taking everything in his stride.

Been carrying on with the honey every couple of hours along with broth. Hes trying to eat on his own so thats a great sign, but i can see hes not liking the textures in his mouth & after chomping into it he spits it back out🤔

Il keep trying different foods, mousse, gravy, broth etc until he finds one he likes. But for now looks like we are on the mend.

🖤Memphis Update🖤
We had another checkin on Friday with the lovely team at PetVet Lower Hutt. More bloods etc & although hes steady with his weight & his bloods are improving hes still not clear of the infection.

So bit more medication & another chekin next Friday these are approx $160 each.

Hopefully by then we will be passed it & he will be on the road to a full recovery🖤

Hes such a lovely boy.

Thanks to those who have donated towards the care for these 2 boys🥰🤗

🐾Sachin & I are back at emergency vet tonight.🖤UPDATE: temperature still up n down, hourly glucose & surringe feeding. H...

🐾Sachin & I are back at emergency vet tonight.
🖤UPDATE: temperature still up n down, hourly glucose & surringe feeding. Hes trucking on - thanks so much for all the support.

Vet costs lastnight $355.

Sachin was found lifeless on a concrete floor & I thort he was already gone but when I picked him up he cried so I rushed him to the emergency vet & he survived.

Hes been gaining weight, playing, eating well since then. Ive checked in on him several times during the day to find him bright & active. But at 11pm he was flat out in his crate lifeless again.

So, ive wrapped him in a hottie, put honey on his gums as they were a bit pale & got him warmed up to a point where he looked good again & was licking the fluid from the surringe.

He then tucked down, breathing returned to normal & he slept. So I kept an eye on him & fed him just a little every hour up until 3am when he again started to crash.

So we are now back at Emergency Vet in Ngauranga where his temp is 33.4 & hes very quiet. Hes getting warm fluids & were trying to get his temperature up.

Please help if you can il stay here until hes better or if he dosnt improve I will need to consider letting him go😔but I hope he rallies himself & pulls through this little guy hard a hard start but he fawt so much to start with that he deserves another go.

Kitties account is
Signatory:Sonya Chambers

Thank you so very much

🐈The Exotic Desex Day🐈Well even though I was told these troops were desexed, they had no chips to identify them with any...

🐈The Exotic Desex Day🐈
Well even though I was told these troops were desexed, they had no chips to identify them with any vets. They have not shown signs of being in heat, so no bum dances or wiggles, but they are super smoochers anyway so it can be difficult to tell sometimes.

I was looking to have them shaved to check for scars but again that may not show to well if flank speys rather than midline speys🤔

So, the only real way to really confirm was to have them booked in for desexing.

And - none of them were😯
So they all were still entire & able to get pregnant - not any more.

Today theyre all snipped, chipped & vaccinated - no babys for these babys👌

This group has really caused a bit of a stir, theyre all pure bred with papers but not kept in very good conditions & are just the most beautiful smoochy kitties that love company.

Mumma Mel is approx 12 years old & she has had a life of being bred from. She looks it too, utterly exhausted & semi shut-down shes finally starting to come out of her shell.

Clown is approx 8 years old who has a fun loving personality but is also a bit grumpy when things dont go her way.

Georgie (Cloud) is approx 8 & more the quiet type who just looks for a nice spot to relax out in.

Happy (Hope) approx 8 is inquisitive & cheeky. But also cuddly.

These girls & Fred (the only male) are such a pleasure to have here & Im so happy theyre now able to have the best rest of their lives

😔Everythings on Hold (Im still open - just no new enquiries for intake)Ive taken this week off from my normal day job to...

😔Everythings on Hold (Im still open - just no new enquiries for intake)
Ive taken this week off from my normal day job to catchup with paperwork & find some missing boxes from when the rescue moved over to the new property. They have the books for the kitties with the desex & chip details🙄

So I have been doing my budget forecast with the group of "laundry kittens" who are now well but getting bigger & bigger which means they eat more & more & - well - thers just no more money.

Theres only just enough donations coming in each week to cover food & litter but JUST! And if theres an emergency I dont have anything spare.

So I AM CLOSED TO NEW ARRIVALS. But open for adoptions etc.

I need to get some steady funding so theres at least a wee buffer in the account rather than getting down to my last $50 each week

I need some more volunteers to help feed during the week on a regular basis.

I am closed to new intakes and can not take in any more kitties if theyre young, old, sick or not - please DO NOT tag me in any posts as this breaks my heart when I see animals in need but cant help.

Please do not refer me to anyone or any animal in need.

Rescue takes its toll emotionally, physically, mentally & financially & theres just no more of any of it right now.

Last year I had to overcome some major challenges & setbacks & I fought hard to keep goin but the golden rule of rescue is to look after yourself so you can manage & look after the animals. So thats what I have to do right now.

I will be continuing to do adoption days but Im not taking any new leads or enquiries or referrals as I am still working on the 4 colonys I already have to secure the all the adult cats, mums, toms & kittens to STOP THE CYCLE.

💜Im really sorry💜

Unless theres a miracle sponsor or 2 out there that can donate $1000 per week then this is my reality because I pay for everything else out of my own money & the donations only go to vets, flea/worm treatments & feeding the kitties.

I have some amazing help & support & the people who donate already are just the best ever 🤗thank you so much🧡 But sadly I have to stop for while & focus on getting my rescue setup properly, find some funding, get the water tanks in, get the existing kitties into homes of their own & then reset & restart.

If your able to donate - thank you, heres the kitties account
Signatory:Sonya Chambers

Please keep sharing my posts & spread the word - Desexing is so so important🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈
Lets all stop the cycle👍
(And yes - I have all the mums of these kittens in the pictures along with some of the dads/tom cats too)

🔨Catio Has StartedOooooo so bloomin excited🥰😁Cant wait to have kitties outside safe n rolling round in the dirt & bathin...

🔨Catio Has Started
Oooooo so bloomin excited🥰😁

Cant wait to have kitties outside safe n rolling round in the dirt & bathing in the sun.

Fellows family you are my heroes ######

🖤Memphis Update🖤Today we had a return visit to the fabulous team at PetVet Lower Hutt to redo bloods, weigh in & checkup...

🖤Memphis Update🖤
Today we had a return visit to the fabulous team at PetVet Lower Hutt to redo bloods, weigh in & checkup on our old boy to make sure he is improving.

And he is🤗

Hes putting on weight & his blood markers are all improving. Ive noticed hes gaining more strength too and can again jump up on a chair where before he had no energy.

So things are improving & hes getting better each day which is 1 day closer to being able to have a family all of his own🥰🐈

Todays visit was $75 if youd like to help support this beautiful old boy heres the account
Signatory: Sonya Chambers

Thank you all so much for your support ###

🐈🐈Sachin & Corporate Thanks so much to everyone who donated for these 2 kittens to have expert care from the Ngauranga A...

🐈🐈Sachin & Corporate
Thanks so much to everyone who donated for these 2 kittens to have expert care from the Ngauranga After Hours Vet team & special thanks to Sachin Ram of Corporate Cleaning who sponsored them both you are their angel🥰.

They are both doing really well. Theyre on antibiotics for the next few days & I bottle fed tiny Sachin every 3 hours thru the night until he finally got the taste for wet food. Hes been hapily helping himself since then👍

Hes put on good weight & his eyes are clearing up well now with the eye drops & bathing several times a day.

Corporate is more shy & hides a lot so Il help her with her confidence this weekend & buddy her up with a confident kitty.

The after hours vet care came to $375.00 because Sachin did not have to stay in on critical care💜& I was able to manage his care myself.

The remainder of funds has been spent on antibiotics, eye ointment, flumax paste & some probiotics to boost their immune, some Royal Canin Recovery & Kitten Food, flea & worm treatments.

So in total just under $720 for saving these 2 little black beauties🖤🖤 thank you so much.

Was heading to Emergency Vet hoping that a small miracle would happen & that those who support what I do would see my po...

Was heading to Emergency Vet hoping that a small miracle would happen & that those who support what I do would see my post in time.

And you did💝I cant thank you enough huge hugs to Corporate Cleaning for sponsoring these 2 kittens $800🥰

Introducing Sachin, a wee boy whose possibly 4 to 5 weeks old. Who decided he wanted to live. He has a good heart rate, clear chest, temperature had come back to normal & was alert & responsive for the vet. He received subcutaneous fluids with glucose, an antibiotic injection that will last 24 hours to get started on his head cold & conjunctivitis & hes looking good💝👍

Introducing Corporate. A little girl who was hissy spitty now calm, warm & happy. Possibly 4 to 5 months old. Clear chest, clear eyes, good heart beat but snotty nose. So she also had the antibiotic injection for her head cold.

These 2 will be booked in with PetVet Lower Hutt as a follow up so I can get more antibiotics & then we should be all sorted.

💝Thank you so much💝
Good night everyone ###

😔Help again pleaseI have tonight collected 2 more kittens from the "Laundry" here in Wainui where a large group of mums ...

😔Help again please
I have tonight collected 2 more kittens from the "Laundry" here in Wainui where a large group of mums have been giving birth in the safe space that the home owner has setup.

Kittens after kittens after kittens have been removed from this residence for over a year now (by others not me) with no one taking the adults.

And by adults Im talking about the mums but also the kittens that ran away under the fence so they wernt caught & are now 6 or 8 months old AND THEY ARE NOW HAVING KITTENS.

This wont stop if we dont manage the adult breeders. The mums are getting skinnier & skinnier, sicker & sicker with no goodness left in their tiny bodies to raise these kittens that they are giving birth too. These kittens are all SICK. I dont make them sick - they are already knocking on deaths door before I rescue them thats why i dont walk away.

But I dont have $600 or $800 to run these 2 kittens out to after hours to try & save them. No I have $300 in my account which wont even cover food this week.

So yes Im asking & pleading, please can you help?

If I can raise $800 in 1 hour I will take these two out to Ngauranga Emergency Vet but if not I will do all I can myself.

When I arrived 1 of these kittens was flat & lifeless on the concrete floor. Eyes were bulging with puss & i thort it was already dead - I picked it up - it was so very cold & it screamed. I had taken a hottie with me & some warm blankets so immediately wrapped it up & placed it in the carrier. Then had to lift the fridge out to extract the second kitten tucked up in the motor. This one also has a snotty nose but its eyes are clear & it looks a bit older than the lifeless one.

If you can help at all - heres the account
Signatory:Sonya Chambers

Im so greatful for all of you who help me to save these poor souls. None of them should have even been born.

🥰Bernices Babys Are Ready🥰These beautiful Exotic floofies are finally ready to find new families. Special conditions wil...

🥰Bernices Babys Are Ready🥰
These beautiful Exotic floofies are finally ready to find new families.

Special conditions will apply & you MUST be able to afford to care for this breed.

They will need dentals $650+
They will need good food$$
They will require pri/pro biotics, immune support & ongoing care for their sensitive coats & sunken snouts which makes eating & breathing difficult.

These 5 have come such a long way & this is their truth - they came from a home where the entire floor was their toilet.

They all had conjunctivitis, sniffles, colds, diarrhea, matted clumps of poo around their bums. They were as a group the worst condition Id ever seen & explains why 2 passed away in the first few days of me taking them in with kidney disease at 6 & 8 years old😔

It has taken a lot of work to get their gut health in order to firm up the p**p for a start but also to litter train them as adult cats so they realised where they should be going toilet not just anywhere & everywhere.

But, now its time. They need new homes & most importantly they need homes who will love them & care for them properly 💜

If youd like to meet them, please TEXT 0274905395 with
Your Name
Your Address
& I will call you back after work to confirm a meeting.

Thank you all so much for the support you have shown for these beautiful furbabies.


Naaw some luv for you all ###

🐈Update on Today🐈Memphis results are in.Bloods, thyroid, kidney, liver all ok👍 so seems its an infection & hes now on me...

🐈Update on Today🐈
Memphis results are in.

Bloods, thyroid, kidney, liver all ok👍 so seems its an infection & hes now on meds but with close supervision & return visits each week to ensure hes improving. So not out of the woods yet.

Vet cost for Memphis

Katsu has had his tail amputated at the break and stitched back together so will end up with a tiny stump. But Ive told him it really suits him & he looks gorgeous with it.🤗

He too was very feral so didnt have the best time with handling today. But back here with me hes all cuddles & luv.

He will have a few more vet visits in the next week to change his Fentanyl pain relief patch & check his tail is healing properly.

Todays operation costs
Huge thank you to the SPCA for helping him so quickly so he could be comfortable & pain free.

Takomas desexing went well even though he wouldnt let the team handle him being very scared & grumpy. But back here hes already having pats n cuddles so he is doin well & will be ready for adoption soon.

Thank you so much for the donations to help with todays vet care.
Funds raised:
$345 for Memphis
$180 for Katsu

You all are just so wonderful

🐾Urgent Surgery🐾Katsu the tabby tom who was found scavenging through the Woolworths bins bleeding with a degloved tail i...

🐾Urgent Surgery🐾
Katsu the tabby tom who was found scavenging through the Woolworths bins bleeding with a degloved tail is having his tail operation today🐈

I asked if there was any possibility of swapping out some of my routine desex surgeries with SPCA today if there might be a chance they could help Katsu & they agred to do that. Im so very thankful💝

So I dropped him off this morning & his degloved tail will be fixed today, yay🤗

The estimated cost is $800.
If you would like to help Katsu please donate to
Signatory: Sonya Chambers
Reference: KATSU

Usually I have 5 desex bookings so I swapped out the girls to give Katsu their spot but there was room for 1 more boy so TACOMA is in today to be desexed, chipped & vaccinated.

I also have MEMPHIS goin into PETVET LH today. He came in matted and sickly but started to recover well. He then went off the expensive good food & wouldn't eat🙄so after trials of different foods hes back eating the Whiskas Jelly but now hes eating like theres no tomorow & loosing too much weight. I already had done a blood work up for thyroid, kidney etc when he first came in but today we are doin those tests again as something has changed for this old man & he needs help.

Todays test could again go up to $300 which I need to pay as I go so any help towards costs for MEMPHIS would be so wonderful🥰

Thank you so much for your help & support for these kitties ###x i will update later tonight💜💜





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