There are 207 Pet Stores & Pet Services listed in Wellington on this website. Your Sponsored Listing guarantees that your business appears at the top of the page.
This means potential customers are far more likely to click on your business listing over your competitors – meaning greater chances of securing new sales and valuable leads.
This product is so powerful that we limit availability to just two companies in Wellington, so make sure you sign up today to ensure you don't miss out.
Current remaining number of featured placement slots in Wellington: 2
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Start typing the name of your business or select from the list below and click "Continue".
4 Paws Acupuncture
Agile Equine NZ
All Ears Dog Training
Anderson's Streptocarpus on FB
Animal Harmony
Animal Medical Centre Wellington
Aro-ha Urban Fungus Farm
Awanui Paws
Awarua Eggs
Barking Mad Barbers
Barts Bounty
Beloved Pet Furniture
Best Friends Pet Care
Big Brown Dog
Billie & Co - Dog Walking
Black Hawk Pet Care New Zealand
Brendon Greig Farrier
Buddy Bag
Budimus Business
Budlicious NZ
Buy or sell anything Wellington
Callaghan Equestrian Centre
Canine Capital
Capital Cavoodles
CareVets Johnsonville
CareVets Kilbirnie
CareVets Wainuiomata
Cat Purr-Fection Cattery
Catherines Dog Biscuits
Cats Protection Wellington
Central Allbreeds Dog Training School
Central Vet Hospital
Chance 4 Change
Cheryl Trust Practitioner NZ
Chester & Lucy
Club K9
Collars by Chris
Confident Canines Active Outlet
Confident Canines NZ
Cosy Critters Pet Care & Training
Cowboy Challenge & Agility at Featherston Horse & Human Confidence Course
Creature Comforts NZ
Crofton Downs Veterinary Clinic
Dandy Dogs Ltd
Dawn's Doggos
Dazzle Dog-sitting/house-sitting.
Digital Navigators Ltd
Dog Dream Grove
Dog Walking Lower Hutt/Upper Hutt Region
Dog Walking by Michaela
Doggie in the Window
Doggy Delights
Doggy Nose Best
Dr Rubix Pretzel
E M C NZKC chihuahuas
ESNZ Show Hunter
Eezapet - relieves the itch
Ellanvannin & Doublestar British Shorthairs
Ellie's Canine Rescue & Rehome
Equestrian Sports NZ
Eyton Sport Horses
Felix n Fido - Pet Store
Flemish rabbit for sale
Flexi Feeder for Pets
Fluffy Muts
Found-a-Feline Cat Rescues
Four Paws Adventures
Freya The Labradoodle
GROOM to GO by Dan
GoldenBritish Makpak‘s
Goodwood Private Dog Park, Wellington
Greta Clip
H.R.H Equestrian
HUHA Op Shops - Petone/Carterton/Otaki
Hair of the Dog Productions
Halaina Lazarides Equestrian
Happy Horse Rug Repairs
Happy Pets - Mobile Pet Sitters
Happy Pets At Home
Happy Tails Daycare
Here comes the Pooch
Homestay FLEUR De LIS
Hound Lounge Wellington
House of Jake
Husky for adoption all over the world
Husky/Golden Retriever for adoption in New Zealand
Ian Galloway Park Dog Exercise Area
Interstellar Rattery
Island Bay Vet Clinic
Just fur awhile - Pet Minding
K9 Cookies
Kaicycle Urban Farm and Composting
Kelburn Critter Care
Kelburn Vets
Leanne's Equine Therapy
Leash Legends
Leroy, Betty & Co
LickiMat NZ
Littleriver Equestrian
Live Environments Wellington
Lola the Aro Park Cat
Loose Leash Dog Walking Service Newlands Johnsonville Wellington
Lush Puppies
Lyall Bay Dog Sitting
MH Metalsmiths
Mackenzie Pet Care
Makara Cattery
Mana Dog Grooming Ltd.
Mantrailing NZ
Manuka Life Ltd.
Maria’s Mittens
Markus's staffy puppies NZ
Mend Veterinary Rehabilitation
Mendota Pet NZ
Mighty Mix Wellington
Mini Mutts Daycare
Misjudged Mutts - Dog Walking Services
Molly & Max Animal Apothecary
Mr Bumpy
Muttley Crüe
Nightmare On Pointer Street
Nose2tail Doggy Daycare
Otis & Louie Ltd New Zealand
POW - Pet on Wheels.NZ
Panda Farm
Park and Bark
Paul’s Pawtraits
Paw Palace NZ
Paws Paws Glorious Paws
Peak Equine Health NZ
Pet A Lickcious
Pet Angels
Pet Doctors
Pet Pooch Program
Pet Pro Trainer
Pet Sit Global NZ
Peticare Animal Homeopathy
Pigeon Paramedic Wellington
Platter Pooch
PugLand Daycare
Puppies For Sale and Adoption in NZ
Puppies Ready For Rehoming In New Zealand
Puptials NZ
Purrheys Ragdolls
Purrville Cat Hotel
Rachel's KittyCat Rescue NZ
Real Good
Regal Pets Academy
Roundway Down
Run Spot Run
Ryan Jennings Horseshoeing
Shih tzu puppies for rehome
Silverpeaks Kennels - Border Collies
Sit Stay Explore
Smart Puppy NZ
Soft Paws Cat Sitter
Soggy Doggy
Spice's World. Plants, Pets, Craft, Fabrics
Spitz n Shine Pet Grooming Specialists
Sunday Shopy
Take The Lead
The Barking Lot
The Choice Canine
The Dead Dog Co.
The Dog Bach Boarding Kennels
The Dog Squad
The Hound Way
The Ivy Bank Farm
The Microgreen Team
Tiff's Pet & House Sitting
Top Dog Direct
Top Flat
Trickle Creek
Tying Twines
Vellentina's Dairy & Cafe Limited
Village Vets
Wadestown Veterinary Clinic and Cattery
Welli Dogs
Wellington After Hours Emergency Vet Clinic
Wellington After Hours Vet Clinic
Wellington Canine Coaching
Wellington Canine Obedience Club Inc
Wellington Dog Groomers Limited
Wellington Dog Walker
Wellington Rabbit Rescue
Wellington Zoo Te Nukuao
Wellington pet courier
WellyWags Dog Adventures, Wellington NZ
We’re Wolf Walking Wellington
Whitby dog walkers
Wicked Wednesday Walks
Wings of Love 'n Care
Wolf Pack NZ
Your Whole Dog
teacup Chihuahua puppies