Bocas Sandy Paws Animal Sanctuary

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Bocas Sandy Paws Animal Sanctuary Bocas Sandy Paws is a non-profit organization in process. We will build a sanctuary to offer homes to

And here, our island Vet clinic is the only official Vet clinic in Bocas, and many people still remember how it was not ...

And here, our island Vet clinic is the only official Vet clinic in Bocas, and many people still remember how it was not to have a Vet clinician on this island. Please check it out and say hello to Dr. Gloria and her Team. There is always a fresh breeze in her waiting room, lots of happy little plants and water for your fury.

We are still here and alive and hopefully, in some years, we have the money to buy a property and finally open the Bocas...

We are still here and alive and hopefully, in some years, we have the money to buy a property and finally open the Bocas Pet Sanctuary.
Sometimes dreams take a long time to become reality, but I will make it happen.
Thanks for supporting me and my big Bocas Pet Shelter dream.

Happy Fourth of July! May you have a fun and cheerful celebration with your loved ones or new friends tomorrow.These are...

Happy Fourth of July! May you have a fun and cheerful celebration with your loved ones or new friends tomorrow.

These are just some tips and they might work or not, but it is always worth a try. It's far too late to really get your dog's New Year's Eve anxiety under control. Fear of noise, such as the fear of fireworks, bangers, or thunderstorms, are treacherous since they are usually never there from the beginning, but there is usually a moment when they start. Often this is just an insignificant but sudden bang that comes unexpectedly and cannot be assigned. This is the main problem with fear of noise: the noise source cannot be assigned and the dog has no way of allowing its brain to assign the stimulus correctly. Because BUMMMM, the next bang is usually coming. I like to compare it to people's fear when they fly: you get a fright, your brain wants to orient itself and recover, and then it jolts again and again... And at some point, all that's left is the fear of fear.

Fears protect us from many things, but in some cases, they can be very limiting and dysfunctional. The problem: they are programmed in the cerebral cortex and cannot simply be erased, but can be positively superimposed with patient training
It is best to close curtains and blinds early. Relaxing music that is played at the highest possible but still comfortable volume dampens popping noises well. If possible, go down to the basement with the dog early enough. dr Incidentally, Deborah Wells from Queens University in Belfast used various animals to research that it has been proven that classical music is relaxing. For example, shelter dogs were exposed to light classical music such as Mozart or ballads, which was shown to calm the dogs, whereas pop music or exposure to the taped human conversation had no effect on the dogs' mood. Wagner, hard rock, or heavy metal music, on the other hand, caused significantly more stress.

Behavioral veterinarians recently reported that the banal idea of putting some cotton in your dog's ears and fixing them around the head with a scarf and self-adhesive bandage has made a significant contribution to relaxation. Alternatively, special earmuffs for dogs would also be conceivable. Crawling is allowed everywhere on New Year's Eve (even if the area may otherwise be prohibited). Set up early enough and correctly, your own foldable transport box can also be a well-suited den for the dog, not only on New Year's Eve. If your dog suddenly crawls onto the sofa or bed, please allow it. Take it as a big compliment to your human-dog relationship - after all, the dog is looking for your closeness and security to relax.
If your dog wants to snuggle up to you, please allow that. The advice not to pet the dog in a fearful situation, so as not to increase the fear, is now outdated. Although it is important not to make the situation even more special for the dog by paying too much attention to it. Radiating calm and serenity will help your dog to find nothing out of the ordinary about the situation. Incidentally, a gentle massage has been shown to release the bonding hormone oxytocin, which is an antagonist of the stress hormone cortisol.

However, a gentle crawl only makes sense if your dog enjoys it and is not forced to do so. Some dogs just appreciate being held or relax a little more if you lay a hand on them to show closeness.

a tight body that is intended to give the dog security and calmness through the rather tight compression on the body, as was previously intended with the tight swaddling of babies. To be honest, we have had some noteworthy experiences with it, Here, too, it should be emphasized that your dog should of course be used to wearing coats or bodies of this kind or at least have to accept it without any problems. Otherwise the application would be more than counterproductive.
Before New Year's Eve, the dog should be used as much as possible. The best way to do this is to get out of the city during the day to escape the noise and smell of firecrackers as best as possible. If your four-legged friend is mentally and physically well exhausted, he will be happy to have peace and quiet at home and will rather deal less with his fear. For example, use creative foraging games, complex retrieval tasks and a bit of physical training to make your dog really tired. Attention: To be on the safe side, the training and the walks should already take place on the tow line.

two weeks ago Bocas Sandy Paws saved the dog laying between Kunja and the Pirate Restaurant. It was not easy as this dog...

two weeks ago Bocas Sandy Paws saved the dog laying between Kunja and the Pirate Restaurant. It was not easy as this dog lost all his trust in human beings and just bites, but there is still a bit of trust as he growls before biting.
Not to forget Mrs Laura Milani put a post about this dog on Facebook.
We took him home the first week in isolation as someone wrote he has TVT, but this proved to not be the case. In the first week, we just let him relax, get to know and observed him. He was not malnourished as both Restaurants fed him. After a week of checking on parasites, etc. we moved him to be with the cats and dogs. He does not care about them and sniffs occasionally but has no aggression at all. Dr. Gloria came to see him today. He does have cataracts, is partly blind, hip dysplasia, he most probably had tick fever and might have some brain damage by being beaten on his head. All this is a lot for an old dog, who got so badly mistreated.
We do not have the money to send him to Panama and find out what is really wrong and if it is treatable, but his mistrust towards humans, makes us wonder if this will be the right thing to do to an older dog. Right now he gets medication and with this, his pain is reduced and he can relax. He got accustomed to us and depending on his daily mood for two days we can touch his back while passing him without him growling. We take it day by day a b it is more trust.
We will not be able to keep him, but he cannot survive in the streets. He needs a home and just to be let out three times a day, he does not manage to walk more. He is housebroken so we think once in his life he might have had an owner. Is there anyone out there who would like to give this old soul trust back in humans? This is why Bocas Sandy Pws Sanctuary is so important, so animals like this have a forever place.


Do not worry I do not ask for donations.
Bocas Sandy Paws is still active and doing fine, we help animals in need and get more and more connections to people who think likewise. I do not have time to post so much, working and studying. I work a lot to save money to buy the property Sandy Paws needs to open the Sanctuary. Once the property is bought, we will organize fundraisers to get the Sanctuary going. But as this is not my strong point, I will be happy when people take over who love doing this.
Bocas Sandy Paws has been my dream since ever, and I know it will happen.

No te preocupes estoy pidiendo donaciones.
Bocas Sandy Paws sigue activo y le va bien, ayudamos a los animales que lo necesitan y obtenemos cada vez más conexiones con personas que piensan lo mismo. No tengo tiempo para publicar tanto, estoy trabajando y estudiando. Trabajo mucho para ahorrar dinero para comprar la propiedad que Sandy Paws necesita para abrir el Santuario. Una vez que se compre la propiedad, organizaremos eventos para recaudar fondos para que el Santuario funcione. Pero como este no es mi punto fuerte, seré feliz cuando las personas que aman hacer esto se hagan cargo.
Bocas Sandy Paws ha sido mi sueño desde siempre y sé que se cumplirá.


this is just heartwarming.

look at this beauty, looking for a lovely forever family.

look at this beauty, looking for a lovely forever family.

La demencia es una enfermedad específica de la edad y también se conoce en medicina veterinaria como disfunción cognitiv...

La demencia es una enfermedad específica de la edad y también se conoce en medicina veterinaria como disfunción cognitiva. Las capacidades cognitivas de los animales disminuyen y su comportamiento cambia. “Cambios similares a los de los pacientes de Alzheimer juegan un papel en el curso de la enfermedad con depósitos de placa en el cerebro.
La demencia en los animales, al igual que en los humanos, no se puede curar, pero se puede tratar con medicamentos hasta cierto punto. Este tratamiento debe ser discutido en detalle con el veterinario. Pero primero, por supuesto, el propietario debe notar que algo anda mal con su amado animal.
proceso rastrero: los síntomas son variados
Especialmente con los gatos, que son naturalmente más reservados que los perros, el cambio a menudo no se nota inmediatamente. La demencia suele comenzar de forma insidiosa. Los propietarios deben monitorear a sus animales de cerca y tomar en serio los pequeños cambios en el comportamiento.

Estos síntomas podrían indicar demencia:

Confusión o comportamiento desorientado, a menudo inmediatamente después de despertarse
Cambio de comportamiento, problemas repentinos (con miembros de la familia) o nuevos miedos
impureza repentina
pérdida de apetito
ritmo de sueño alterado
Comportamientos compulsivos como la urgencia de caminar. Durante la deambulación de urgencia, el animal se mueve constantemente hasta que se agota.
En los gatos, no llorar sin motivo por la noche, a veces durante el día, así como la percepción errónea del espacio, la falta frecuente de objetivos al saltar también puede ser una señal. Puede encontrar más síntomas aquí: Animal Health Lexicon

Es importante que primero se haga un diagnóstico confiable. El veterinario puede evaluar el estado general del animal y descartar otras enfermedades.

¿Cómo se puede facilitar la vida de los animales dementes?
Independientemente de la atención veterinaria y la medicación, puede facilitarle la vida a su perro o gato con demencia. Evite el estrés y los cambios importantes en su rutina diaria tanto como sea posible. Dale a tu amada la sensación de seguridad y protección y enfréntate a sus supuestas peculiaridades con mucha comprensión y empatía. Puede proporcionarle a su perro o gato cuencos adicionales para comida y agua en la casa o en un apartamento más grande. Esto aumenta la probabilidad de que el animal siempre encuentre algo. Los gatos que se han ensuciado debido a la demencia aceptan de buen grado más cajas de arena. Hay pañales especiales para perros.
Hacer ejercicio y jugar es divertido incluso con demencia
Un gato o perro demente aún puede ser desafiado a pesar de la enfermedad. ¿Has hecho entrenamiento con clicker con tu gato antes? Luego continúe con ejercicios ligeros. Lleva a tu perro a nuevos paseos y fomenta nuevos juegos. A las mascotas con demencia también les gusta jugar con su gente. Pruebe lo que le gusta a su animal. Jugar juntos no solo mantiene la cabeza en forma, sino que también fortalece el vínculo con el propietario.

Dementia is an age-specific disease and is also referred to in veterinary medicine as cognitive dysfunction. The cognitive abilities of the animals decrease and their behavior changes. Changes similar to those in Alzheimer's patients play a role in the course of the disease with plaque deposits in the brain.
Dementia in animals, just like in humans, cannot be cured, but can be treated with medication to a certain extent. This treatment should be discussed in detail with the veterinarian. But first, of course, the owner has to notice that something is wrong with his beloved animal.
creeping process: the symptoms are varied
Especially with cats, which are naturally more reserved than dogs, a change is often not immediately noticeable. Dementia usually begins insidiously. Owners should monitor their animals closely and make small changes in behavior seriously.

These symptoms could indicate dementia:

Confusion or disoriented behavior, often immediately after waking up
Changed behavior, sudden problems (with family members) or new fears
sudden uncleanliness
loss of appetite
altered sleep rhythm
compulsive behaviors such as urge walking. During urge wandering, the animal is constantly moving until it is exhausted.
In cats, no-crying for no reason at night, sometimes during the day, as well as misperception of space, and frequent missing of targets when jumping can also be a sign.

It is important that a reliable diagnosis is made first. The vet can assess the overall condition of the animal and rule out other diseases.

How can the life of demented animals be made easier?
Regardless of veterinary care and medication, you can make life easier for your dog or cat with dementia. Avoid any stress and major changes in your daily routine as much as possible. Give your darling the feeling of safety and security and meet his supposed quirks with a lot of understanding and empathy. You can provide your dog or cat with extra food and water bowls around the house or in a larger apartment. This increases the likelihood that the animal will always find something. Cats that have become unclean due to dementia willingly accept more litter boxes. Special diapers are available for dogs.
How can the life of demented animals be made easier?
Exercising and playing is fun even with dementia
A demented cat or dog can still be challenged despite the illness. Have you done clicker training with your cat before? Then continue with light exercises. Take your dog on new walks and encourage new games. Pets with dementia also like to play with their people. Try out what your animal enjoys. Playing together not only keeps your head fit, but also strengthens the bond with the owner.

You might be wondering what is up with Bocas Sandy Paws.The last months i visited more shelters to learn and understand....

You might be wondering what is up with Bocas Sandy Paws.
The last months i visited more shelters to learn and understand. I learned as well a lot about how to work with animals of special needs like mistreated ,scared pets and how to work on getting their trust back. All this is important when the shelter will open, but when this will be I do not know. This year I will focus on getting donation so we can start building the Sanctuary. If you’d like to talk with me please don’t hesitate .
Do not forget Bocas Sandy Pas is an official panamenian non profit and your donations are tax reductable.


thanks for sharing gracias por compartir.


Congratulation Shana on your birthday. Keep on making the Sanctuary a reality, but for today just enjoy your special day.

Hello everybody,All of you know we need a Pet Sanctuary and Bocas Sandy Paws just wants to open a Safe Place for pets in...

Hello everybody,
All of you know we need a Pet Sanctuary and Bocas Sandy Paws just wants to open a Safe Place for pets in need. I realize that I miss public relations to motivate people to support my goal. I am just not good at talking to people, and I do not go out in my free time, besides college, studying, and working with Dr. Gloria, I don't have too much free time.
Do not forget that Bocas Sandy Paws is an official registered non-profit organization.
I am looking for a Volunteer who would like to be part of Bocas Sandy Paws and help Bocas get a Sanctuary. Please p.m. me if you think you want to be part of Bocas Sandy Paws Sanctuary.

Hola a todos,
Ya ustedes saben que necesitamos un refugio de mascotas y Bocas Sandy Paws solo quiere abrir un lugar seguro para las mascotas en necesidad. Yo se que m faltan las relaciones públicas para motivar a las personas a apoyar mi objetivo. No soy buena para hablar con la gente, y no salgo en mi tiempo libre, además tengo la universidad, estudiar y trabajar con la Dra. Gloria. No me da mucho tiempo libre.
No olviden que Bocas Sandy Paws es una organización oficial de sin fines de lucro.
Estoy buscando un voluntario que le gustaría ser parte de Bocas Sandy Paws para ayudar a Bocas para obtener un refugio. Por favor dime si crees que quieres ser parte del refugio de Bocas Sandy Paws.


Informacion muy importante .

Did you know a nose print of a cat or a dog are as unique as a fingerprint.   Sabías que la huella de la nariz de un gat...

Did you know a nose print of a cat or a dog are as unique as a fingerprint. Sabías que la huella de la nariz de un gato o un perro es tan única como una huella dactilar
Feliz fin de Semana happy weekend

Si se preguntaron lo que hice la semana pasada.... Hice una charla sobre El Bocas Sandy Paws. Los niños son nuestro futu...

Si se preguntaron lo que hice la semana pasada.... Hice una charla sobre El Bocas Sandy Paws. Los niños son nuestro futuro/

Si llegó demasiado tarde a la última clínica de esterilización, no se preocupe, envianos un whatsapp  69222251 y lo regi...

Si llegó demasiado tarde a la última clínica de esterilización, no se preocupe, envianos un whatsapp 69222251 y lo registraremos para la próxima clínica de esterilización. La próxima clínica llevará un poco de tiempo, pero luego vale la pena esperar cosas buenas.
Tenga en cuenta que su donación a Bocas Sandy Paws la puede deducir ahora de su impuesto sobre la renta.
If you were too late for the last spay clinic do not worry, send a what's app. 69222251 and we will register you for the next spay clinic. The next clinic will take a bit of time but then it is worthwhile to wait for good things. Keep in mind your donation to Bocas Sandy Paws you can deduct now from your income tax.

For me and all the supporters and friends and future friends of Bocas Sandy Paws Sanctuary, it is a big day. We are an o...

For me and all the supporters and friends and future friends of Bocas Sandy Paws Sanctuary, it is a big day. We are an official non-profit organization in Panama.
If I’m correct the first official animal non-profit in Bocas del toro.
This is such a big step and now we will work even harder to get a Sanctuary. What did we do in the meantime? We co-organized two spay clinics. And are very happy to get the Bocas kids involved.
Be part of Bocas Sandy Paws Sanctuary, help us get a Bocas refuge as the end goal, and in the meantime, we try to help find foster families and Pet co-parents.
There are so many people to thank and as you know all of you will have your name written on the future Sanctuary wall.
Besides from now on with every donation, we can give you an official invoice for your yearly taxes.

Para mí y todos los seguidores, amigos y futuros amigos de Bocas Sandy Paws Sanctuary, es un gran día. Somos una organización oficial sin fines de lucro en Panamá.
Si no me equivoco, la primera ONG oficial de animales en Bocas del toro.
Este es un gran paso y ahora trabajaremos aún más duro para conseguir un Santuario. ¿Qué hicimos por mientras? Coorganizamos dos clínicas de esterilización. Y estamos muy contentos de involucrar a los jovenes de Bocas.
Sea parte del Santuario Sandy Paws de Bocas, ayúdenos a conseguir un refugio en Bocas como objetivo final y, mientras tanto, tratamos de ayudar a encontrar familias y co-padres de mascotas.
Hay tantas personas a las que agradecer y, como saben, todos tendrán su nombre escrito en el futuro muro del Santuario.
Además de ahora en adelante con cada donación, podemos darte una factura oficial de tus impuestos anuales.


Nuestro último rescate tiene un plan de tratamiento largo y es un pequeño bebé muy asustado. La vida no era fácil hasta ...

Nuestro último rescate tiene un plan de tratamiento largo y es un pequeño bebé muy asustado. La vida no era fácil hasta ahora y por eso estamos felices de compartir con ustedes las primeras fotos realmente felices.Our latest rescue has a long treatment plan and is a very scared little baby. Life was not easy until now and therefore we are happy to share with you the first real happy pictures.

the latest rescue was just brought last night to our house. After a good anti-flea bath a fluffy warm towel some good ba...

the latest rescue was just brought last night to our house. After a good anti-flea bath a fluffy warm towel some good baby kitten food, the world already looks better. Time to check out my brother from another mother.el último rescate fue traído anoche a nuestra casa. Después de un buen baño antipulgas, una toalla calentita y esponjosa, una buena comida para gatitos, el mundo ya se ve mejor. Es hora de ver a mi hermano de otra madre.

we like to share our Kitty happy corner. Bocas Sandy Paws is doing its best to give the abundant baby kittens a warm fuz...

we like to share our Kitty happy corner. Bocas Sandy Paws is doing its best to give the abundant baby kittens a warm fuzzy start to a kitty life. Please let us know if you are wanting to adopt a little kitten.If you like to support us with donations let us knownos gusta compartir nuestro rincón feliz Kitty.
Nos gustaría compartir nuestro rincón feliz de gatitos. Bocas Sandy Paws está haciendo todo lo posible para darle a los gatitos bebés un comienzo cálido y cómodo para una vida asombrosa. Háganos saber si desea adoptar un pequeño gatito.
Si gustas apoyarnos con donaciones déjanos saber

we are doing our best to get street pets spayed , and help baby kittens to grow up . Please consider supporting us a don...

we are doing our best to get street pets spayed , and help baby kittens to grow up . Please consider supporting us a donation would assist us to help more animals.
estamos haciendo todo lo posible para esterilizar a las mascotas de la calle y ayudar a los gatitos a crecer. Considere apoyarnos, una donación nos ayudaría a ayudar a más animales.

I am small still bottle fed but love life and will be an explorer once I am a tiny bit bigger.Soy pequeño y todavía me a...

I am small still bottle fed but love life and will be an explorer once I am a tiny bit bigger.
Soy pequeño y todavía me alimentan con biberón, pero amo la vida y seré un explorador una vez que sea un poco más grande.🥰

Our three  Musketeers are fighting so hard to get big and are most comfy together just as the motto, “All for one and on...

Our three Musketeers are fighting so hard to get big and are most comfy together just as the motto, “All for one and one for all.” Right now, we call them Aramis, Porthos, and Athos, but they are too small to listen to anything. Please if you know someone who would like a little baby kitten once they are old enough contact us. For right now we do our best to give them lots of baby warmth, milk, and the fairytale of the three musketeers. They just open their eyes, too cute.🥰

It is baby time at Sandy Paws baby nursery. These little fellows do not have a mommy but we do our best to give them all...

It is baby time at Sandy Paws baby nursery. These little fellows do not have a mommy but we do our best to give them all the kitty love needed. There are three of them, one total black, one black with little white socks, and one tiger color all three are about 9 days old. If you feel like adopting one of these once they are older just let us know. Right now they are just sleeping, bottle feeding, crying, and sleeping. We hope to share some fun pictures in a couple of weeks.

sí, sé que lo dije antes, pero me gustaría decirlo una vez más. Haga buenas fotografías de alta resolución de sus mascot...

sí, sé que lo dije antes, pero me gustaría decirlo una vez más. Haga buenas fotografías de alta resolución de sus mascotas. En caso de que se pierdan, tienes fotos que son útiles y están actualizadas.
Cuando toma fotografías de mascotas, ponerse a su nivel puede marcar una gran diferencia.
Intenta que te miren con golosinas, silbidos o un tono agudo, y la toma realmente brillará.

yes I know I said it before but just like to say it once more. Please make good high-resolution pictures of your Pets. In case they get lost you have pictures that are useful and up to date.
When you’re taking pictures of pets, getting down on their level can make a huge difference.
Try and get them to look at you are using treats, whistling, or a high-pitched tone, and the shot will really shine.

Just a short update, we are very busy together with SNIP to organize the spay clinic next Sunday 05 of june. Right now, ...

Just a short update, we are very busy together with SNIP to organize the spay clinic next Sunday 05 of june. Right now, we are accepting pre-booking and it is amazing how many people contact us. We are so overwhelmed by all the participants and are as well happy to be able to talk with every person before they bring their pet, just thank you for your trust.
Solo una breve actualización, estamos muy ocupados junto con SNIP para organizar la clínica de esterilización el próximo domingo. En este momento, estamos aceptando reservas anticipadas 05 de junio y es increíble la cantidad de personas que se comunican con nosotros. Estamos tan abrumados por todos los participantes y también felices de poder hablar con cada persona antes de que traigan a su mascota, solo gracias por su confianza.

Necesitamos su apoyo para hacer realidad Bocas Sandy Paws. Nuestra isla en el hermoso Caribe necesita un refugio. Las ma...

Necesitamos su apoyo para hacer realidad Bocas Sandy Paws. Nuestra isla en el hermoso Caribe necesita un refugio. Las mascotas de la calle tienen una vida muy dura y lamentablemente son mascotas maltratadas. Podemos hacer que suceda, y los perros volverán a cantar sus cuentos de felicidad, y los gatos ronronearán de alegría. Estamos organizando una extensa jornada de esterilización para combatir la sobrepoblación el 05 de junio.
Necesitamos su apoyo para ayudar a las mascotas en Bocas. Gracias

We need your support to make Bocas Sandy Paws a reality. Our island in the beautiful Caribbean needs one. Street pets have a very harsh life and are sadly mistreated pets.
We can make it happen, and dogs will wiggle their tales again in happiness, and the cats will purr in joy.
We are organizing an extensive spay clinic to fight overpopulation on the 05 of June.
We need your support to help the Pets in Bocas. Thank you


I felt honored today that Mayor Emiliano Torres and Jair Torres took the time to talk with me about our Project for Boca...

I felt honored today that Mayor Emiliano Torres and Jair Torres
took the time to talk with me about our Project for Bocas the Bocas Sandy Paw Sanctuary. A place where street pets will be safe until we find a new home for them. It is great to have a mayor who cares about the people and the animals, and fantastic that he supports the young generation.
Me sentí honrada hoy de que el alcalde Emiliano Torres y Jair Torres
tomaron el tiempo para hablar conmigo sobre nuestro Proyecto para Bocas, el Santuario Bocas Sandy Paws. Un lugar donde las mascotas de la calle estarán a salvo hasta que les encontremos un nuevo hogar. Es genial tener un alcalde que se preocupa por la gente y los animales, y es fantástico que apoye a la generación joven.


We were happy to help Alexander Zinchenko in Carenero with his spaying of the kittens and the dog. We published it and were very thankful to Allisa Mc Nair and as always Mr. Gary Osborne to help these kittens and the dog. One kitten was still too tiny. We took care of the 4 kittens the days after the operation, and they do very fine. One kitten was still a bit too young and will be spayed later. Happy Bocas Sandy Paws could help.
Estamos felices de ayudar a Alexander Zinchenko en Carenero con la esterilización de los gatitos y el perro. Lo publicamos y agradecimos mucho a Allisa Mc Nair y, como siempre, al Sr. Gary Osborne por ayudar a estos gatitos y al perro. Un gatito todavía era demasiado pequeño. Cuidamos de los 4 gatitos los días posteriores a la operación, y están muy bien. Un gatito todavía era demasiado joven y será esterilizado más tarde. Happy Bocas Sandy Paws podría ayudar.



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