The differences in ±100 years...
Buff Cochins or Shanghae 1854* and 1947 Cochins.
Buff Shanghae and other colours became Cochins.
The rest of the Shanghae: the darks, lights and greys** became Brahmas.
There was a transition period where Cochins sometimes had a pea comb and Brahmas had a single comb. The division was based on feather colours. Probably most of the Chinese chickens had single combs and the silver ones just pea combs.
*) Illustration: Doyle of black tailed buffs.
**) Heterozygous Columbian Silver Pencilleds - my interpretation.
The story of the Shanghae and the split between Cochin and Brahma I wrote down (illustrated with historical materials) and all in 2010 and you can find it in:
Brahma Bible soft cover € 85 excl. postage, I send books all over the world.