Milka and Petunia's Animal Sanctuary

Milka and Petunia's Animal Sanctuary A little farm in Peru with big hearts Sometimes things just grow unexpectedly and this is exactly how Milka and Petunia's Animal Sanctuary came about.

Seven years ago Cinzia came to live in the Sacred Valley of Peru. The Sacred Valley is a magical place that was very sacred to the Incas and is still sacred today to the local population. The Sacred Valley has ancient Incan and pre Incan ruins scattered seemingly everywhere and it was a dream for CInzia to leave the hustle and bustle of Miami and to move to the Sacred Valley to live a more connect

ed life. Soon after being in Peru a short time Cinzia witnessed much suffering that local animals often went through. Though the Sacred Valley is a very beautiful place there is still much poverty among the local population and the animals are effected by the lack of resources. Without much thought, Cinzia adopted one animal in need and then another. A kitten without a home here and a dog starving on the street there. Each animal she adopted she nursed back to health with proper nutrition and natural remedies. As time went on Cinzia adopted two cows, Milka and Petunia. These were her first two large animals and Petunia is still the largest. These cows became Cinzia's good friends and she would spend hours with them just hanging out and enjoying their company. They would enjoy her company as well, especially Petunia who likes to come up and lick Cinzi on the head and face. Since Cinzia acquired the first two cows, her first cow Milka has had two calves (Milka got loose when she was in heat and found herself a bull) . One of the calves has grown up into a bull and the other is still a calf but will soon grow into a full size cow. In addition Cinzia has acquired two baby lambs that she lovingly bottle feeds three times a day. Both lambs lost their moms and were being sold at the market but Cinzia could not bare the thought of such wonderful plucky little lambs ending up on somebodies' dinner table so Cinzia bought the baby lambs and they both reside on Milka and Petunia's animal sanctuary. Today the little lambs run around with the dogs, head butt each other and get into all sorts of antics. Though an outsider might think that baby lambs eating all of the household plants is frustrating, to an animal lover like Cinzia it is actually very endearing though a firm reminder that the gate needs to be kept shut. In addition to the lambs, now Cinzia also has ten ducks. Four male and six female. The ducks love walking around such a large plot of land. They especially like swimming around in the small duck pond and getting sprayed with the hose. Each duck faces the hose and shakes itself in pure joy while being sprayed with water. One day Cinzia wants to create a little duck water park for her water loving ducks. Seemingly through just natural instinct and pure happenstance Cinzia has created a wonderful sanctuary for animals. Beyond just her nature of giving Cinzia describes how much we can learn from animals and what she has learned. How animals have friends and how each has their own energy. They all can feel sad and happy depending on the circumstance. To learn more about ourselves, animals can be a source of inspiration. In addition Cinzia's farm has become a source of inspiration for the people who know her. Finally, after much prodding from friends, CInzia has decided to share her animal sanctuary with the public in the hopes of inspiring others. No matter what is going on in the world, a person can always make an impact on a other living creatures' life and this is what Cinzia does every day with animals. If you would like to donate and support these wonderful animals our PayPal is [email protected]

Another day at Milka and Petunia's Animal Sanctuary   We plowed the field this day with two bulls but unfortunately did ...

Another day at Milka and Petunia's Animal Sanctuary We plowed the field this day with two bulls but unfortunately did not get any pictures of the process in action. Next time!

Life on the Milka and Petunia's Animal Sanctuary .  There are a lot of cats and some amazing beauty when one slows down ...

Life on the Milka and Petunia's Animal Sanctuary . There are a lot of cats and some amazing beauty when one slows down to enjoy it!

Milka and Petunia's Animal Sanctuary  has some visitors who love feeding the cows!

Milka and Petunia's Animal Sanctuary has some visitors who love feeding the cows!


Life on Milka and Petunia's Animal Sanctuary

I’m pretty terrible about consistently posting! However, I will try my best! 😉 Our GoFundMe is still going to support Mi...

I’m pretty terrible about consistently posting! However, I will try my best! 😉 Our GoFundMe is still going to support Milka and Petunia's Animal Sanctuary ! We are just shy of reaching our Goal of $5000. We have raised $1389 with your help and support!
Recently, we have been dealing with a respiratory infection that has gone through nearly all our resident cats but they are on the mend. 3 will be getting their vaccinations plus spaying/neutering so we can adopt them out to happy homes! Lots of vet visits the past 3 weeks!
If you feel the call to help! Please donate and share! We and the 4 legged critters appreciate it!

Hello! My name is Cinzia, I run an animal sanctuary of now 26 animals in the Sacred… Arg Rabble needs your support for Animal Sanctuary needs community help!

Three new kittens hanging out on the steps.  These kittens are up for adoption.  They each have unique personalities and...

Three new kittens hanging out on the steps. These kittens are up for adoption. They each have unique personalities and are judged to be "pretty cool for cats" by Luke Jensen.


Cinzia surveying the corn harvest.


Luke loading up corn stocks into big Peruvian truck.


The crew enjoys some peaches after a good work day.


Lambs loved the corn harvesting outing.


The lambs running after Cinzia in the corn field.


Another day of work at the animal sanctuary. Earlier this week we cut stocks of corn and yesterday we went and collected them and loaded them in the truck to take back on the farm.

Cinzia explains!

Here at the Milka and Petunia's Animal Sanctuary  there are many cats.  I often forget the number but there are a lot.  ...

Here at the Milka and Petunia's Animal Sanctuary there are many cats. I often forget the number but there are a lot. Unfortantly, many of these cats get sick, I think it is a Peru thing. Cinzia takes care of each at a very high level and they each love Cinzia very much for it. Except when Cinzia puts them in a cat box and has me carry them to the vet. They don't like that much. Three of the cats here we found out have a type of cold. They have been given some cat medication and are expected to get better soon.

Thank you everybody for donating to the Go Fund Me.  With some of the money raised we were able to build a little leanto...

Thank you everybody for donating to the Go Fund Me. With some of the money raised we were able to build a little leanto shelter for the lambs. They both really love it and like hanging out there. They especially love it when it is rainy or when the hot Andean sun starts beating down in the middle of the day. Before we just hard a tarp hanging up so this nice shelter has been a big upgrade.

Thanks again for everybody who has donated, all the help we have recieved has really touched our hearts.


Part 1 of last Friday’s work! Luke Jensen Rene Amau Huaman and I cutting corn stalks in Media Luna, this is just a part of what is left to cut for the cows. With your donations we purchased a 1000m2 of corn stalks, that will hopefully (🤞🏾) get us through a couple months or ideally 3 months of the dry season. We will also be purchasing the neighbors harvest & potentially another field. It is very important to take advantage of the rainy season now while prices are low, they triple once the rain stops. In addition, the civil unrest here in Peru that has been going on since the start of December, has pushed us to make the farm as self sufficient as possible. We need your help to purchase solar panels, plant our own food garden as supply chains have been affected & continue to stock pile food for the animals. Cows, lambs, ducks, dogs and cats! Milka and Petunia's Animal Sanctuary Check out our GoFundMe link our bio! Every little bit makes a big difference! ♥️

Sol Brun and Anita in there new home.  Luke sneaks up on them late at night to take a picture of the lamb home happening...

Sol Brun and Anita in there new home. Luke sneaks up on them late at night to take a picture of the lamb home happenings.


Friday morning hijinks! Update coming soon as we continue to prepare for dry season and work on making the farm self sustainable! The current civil unrest in Peru, with gasoline & propane gas being affected, has brought the importance of this to the forefront. We continue our fundraising efforts, every little bit helps & is very much appreciate! See our GoFundMe link in our bio!


There is much going on in Peru right now. Protests and strikes are still continuing and there are shortages. Most importantly propane gas for cooking has not arrived in Urubamba in a number of weeks. Getting gasoline for the motorcycle has also been a challenge though it seems to be getting better. Still, the future is still very uncertain because we do not know how long things will last. So far congress has not responded to a large selection of the population's demands for new elections and it seems that shortages will continue for a while.

Here Cinzia explains the situation on the farm!

Also if you wish to donate please click the link below, thank you everybody who has contributed!!!

Luke Jensen doing some deep calculations on Anita and Sol Brun's age in human years.  "1-year-old sheep is 18 in human y...

Luke Jensen doing some deep calculations on Anita and Sol Brun's age in human years. "1-year-old sheep is 18 in human years. 3-year-old sheep is 26 in human years. 7-year-old sheep is 42 in human years. 10-year-old sheep is 54 in human years."

So our sheep are nine years old in human years, already acting like teenagers. hmmm

Back when Sol Brün was a toy lamb. 🥲

Back when Sol Brün was a toy lamb. 🥲

The field is sprouting!! By about April (& the start of dry season) we will be able to begin harvesting this for the cow...

The field is sprouting!! By about April (& the start of dry season) we will be able to begin harvesting this for the cows, ducks & lambs!! With your donations we planted 3000m2 of alfalfa, barley and Timothy grass! Our link is in our bio! Thank you!!


Your donations & support at work here on the farm! Anita and Sol Brün dont miss an opportunity to help out either! 😆 GoFundMe Workaway

With donations we have received we started a new fencing project.  We just planted our field with alfalfa, barley, and t...

With donations we have received we started a new fencing project. We just planted our field with alfalfa, barley, and timothy grass. We extended the fence on east side of the property so that the two lambs and the ducks would not eat our new sprouting field. Once everything is big enough they will again be roaming the whole property of about five thousand meters.

Our new volunteer has been a great help and was part of the fence building project. Thanks again for all the donations, we have been able to put them to good use and we are very excited for future projects at Milka and Petunia's Animal Sanctuary .

Thank you to all the donated we reached our goal of $600.  We were ecouraged by friends and family to continue our fund ...

Thank you to all the donated we reached our goal of $600. We were ecouraged by friends and family to continue our fund raising efforts. We have raised enough money to plant food for dry season. Now we are looking to build an A frame shelter for the dogs and lambs, solar pannels because Peru electiric power turns off regulary, and tools for homestead maintnace.

The image is our working model of the dog and lamb interspecies container of love. We expect super high vibrations to extend far and wide from building an A frame shelter due to the energy enhacing effects of the pyramidal structure. All donors will likely have their entire lives changed with increased synchronicities.


Sol Brun, Queen of the corn pile that we just bought through donations. Thanks again everyone!

Saturday Evening in Peru at the Milka and Petunia's Animal Sanctuary

Saturday Evening in Peru at the Milka and Petunia's Animal Sanctuary


Another day at the animal Milka and Petunia's Animal Sanctuary

We have also started harvesting a corn field down the road with the donations that we have received. Thank you everybody that contributed!!




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