Unsure if you have a boy or girl kitten on your hands❓ ♂️🤷♀️♀️
"Determining Gender of a Kitten"
It can be difficult to tell what gender a kitten is when it is small. As kittens grow this process gets easier. One Simple Method That Can Help You Determine the Gender of a Kitten is the most obvious first step to find out the gender of a new cat is to look under their tail. This is easier to do with short-haired kittens, so you may have to comb away any extra fur if you are examining a long-haired kitten.
✅Make sure the kitten is lying flat on a towel and lift the tail gently to avoid injuring the animal. Never lift a kitten up by the tail!
How To Tell the Gender of a Female Kitten ♀️❓
♀️ For a female kitten, you’ll find a small hole (the a**s) near the base of the tail with a small slash or line directly underneath it (the ge***al). The combination should look a bit like a lowercase “i.” There is little fur between the a**s and ge***al because they are so close together.
How To Tell the gender of a Male Kitten ♂️❓
♂️ For a male kitten, you’ll find a small hole (the a**s) near the base of the tail, but there will be a second rounded shape (the sc***um) a bit further down than with female kittens. Because the a**s and sc***um have a bit of space between them, there will be some fur between them. As a male kitten gets a bit older, their te**es will grow more visible and be easier to distinguish.
👉The Connection Between Kitten Coat Color and Gender ♀️♂️
✅Coat color may help you indicate the gender of the kitten. “Three-colored cats such as calicos and tortoiseshells are usually female.”
💡Fun fact: calico and tortoiseshell cats are almost always females because those color patterns are caused by sex-linked genes. Similarly, about 3 in 4 orange tabby cats are always male.
✅Visual cues will help you determine if a kitten is male or female.
If you're new to kittens, you can simplify this by remembering male = circle, female = line.