A blending of a blue face hatch, white hackle and clarets. They could be straight comb or peacomb, more on the medium or low station and light yellow red in color. 70% are yellow legged and 30% have white legs, comes out with lemon hackle. They are known to be an accurate cutter with good timing, it is regarded as an intelligent bird with weaving ability. It can be fought in as is in their current genetic make up and also blends well with Kelso and particularly the hatch strain of gamefowl. A straight comb lemon is 1/2 sandy hatch, 1/4 claret and 1/4 Kearney white hackle. A pea comb is 1/2 McLean hatch and 1/2 clarets.
The most well-known lemon bloodline in the Philippines is the Lemon 84 which was Originated by the legend Paeng Araneta, Lemon 84 has become the base bloodline used by most Bacolod breeders. Until presently, this line is still winning. Basically from the Hatch-Butcher-Claret blends of the late Duke Hulsey, Paeng has been able to create subfamilies from the original stocks.
SBR x Butcher
Duke Hulsey Lemon
Patience is a virtue
Stay healthy
Bloodline History
One of the most popular of the Hatch family for its proven winning ways. The YLH is 100% yellow legged, it is 70% straight combed and 30% pea combed, with light red feathers and is black breasted.
The Yellow Leg Hatch is a cross between the already proven line of Blueface Hatch of renown breeder Sandy Hatch, Whitehackle and Boston Roundhead for one truly murderous gamefowl.
Fighting Style
These gamecocks are deadly cutters, have deep game and possess very powerful legs and has good endurance for drag fights. Side steping or weaving is one of the defensive tactics of smart gamefowl. It provides the gamefowl a way to avoid a deathblow while setting up one of its own counter attacks for the win. A side step disorients an attacking opponent for just that split second, the weaving rooster always aware of where the attacker is, while the rooster that commits to the attack loses its target and has to attack again, but is open to attack itself if it cannot reorient itself in time. Some cockers prefer this kind of rooster smarts when breeding fighters.
Gilmore Pen
The Gilmore Hatch Gamefowl History. By BluffCreek: Lun Gilmore was a cocker and a good friend of Ben Ford, they fought birds with and against each other for over 60 years. Lun Gilmore acquired his birds direct from Sanford Hatch and Mike Kearny.
Reliable Battle Cross Sweaters & Gilmores
Kelsos are very smart fighters. Unlike other gamefowl, Kelsos don't jump into the opponents knives in the air, but shuffle and weave, or side-step before launching their own air attack. If a Kelso is first in the air, chances are, the stupid opponent will be jumping into his knives if sasabay siya sa talon.