M.D. Veterinary Services - Madapdap Branch

M.D. Veterinary Services - Madapdap Branch To provide quality veterinary services and to offer an approachable atmosphere to pet parents and to

"Almost a month treatment."Kuroe's eye improvement every week.Corneal Ulcer in CatsA corneal ulcer is a wound/crater tha...

"Almost a month treatment."
Kuroe's eye improvement every week.

Corneal Ulcer in Cats

A corneal ulcer is a wound/crater that develops when something rubs or damages the surface of the eye. Ulcers in cats are most commonly caused by catfight injuries, eye infections and cat flu. Ulcers can be difficult to see with the naked eye, which is why vets use a special green stain to diagnose and monitor them.

Most ulcers heal well if they are treated quickly, but left without treatment, they can be very painful, cause permanent damage and in severe cases lead to loss of an eye.

Symptoms of a corneal ulcer include:

🔴 A red, inflamed eye
🔴 A weepy eye
🔴 A painful eye (closed/squinting)
🔴 A cloudy eye
🔴 An obvious crater or dip on the surface of the eye

Contact your trusted veterinarian.


9:00AM to 6:00PM
Mondays to Sundays
Stall 1, Blk. 155 Lot 19, MDRC P3, Madapdap, Mabalacat, Pampanga besides MLhuillier Kwarta Padala

For queries:
📞 0917 136 6238/ 0925 399 5138
📱FB Page: M.D. Veterinary Services - Madapdap Branch

Services offered:
📋 Consultation
🩺 Wellness Check
💉 Vaccination and Deworming
🏥Surgery and diagnostic tests
💈Grooming and pet supplies

Client's Love 💞Thank you po Ma'am Timmy and Justine Lugue and to furbaby Taki 💕🐶

Client's Love 💞

Thank you po Ma'am Timmy and Justine Lugue and to furbaby Taki 💕🐶

CLINIC ADVISORY!Dear clients/ fur parents, please be guided of our clinic schedule. Thank you!MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY ...


Dear clients/ fur parents, please be guided of our clinic schedule. Thank you!


Clinic Advisory!

Clinic Advisory!




Our pets, different species and breeds deserve proper veterinary care!

Visit us!
9:00AM to 6:00PM
Mondays to Sundays
Stall 1, Blk. 155 Lot 19, MDRC P3, Madapdap, Mabalacat, Pampanga besides MLhuillier Kwarta Padala

For queries:

📞 0917 136 6238/ 0925 399 5138
📱FB Page: M.D. Veterinary Services - Madapdap Branch

Services offered:
📋 Consultation
🩺 Wellness Check
💉 Vaccination and Deworming
🏥Surgery and diagnostic tests
💈Grooming and pet supplies

Feline Urinary Tract Disease - FLUTDFLUTD, Feline lower urinary tract disease is actually an umbrella term that refers t...

Feline Urinary Tract Disease - FLUTD

FLUTD, Feline lower urinary tract disease is actually an umbrella term that refers to numerous clinical symptoms. FLUTD can cause issues in your cat’s urethra and bladder, often leading the urethra to become obstructed, or preventing your cat's bladder from emptying properly. These conditions can be serious or even life-threatening if left untreated.

Urinating can be difficult, painful or impossible for cats suffering from FLUTD. They may also urinate more frequently, or in inappropriate areas outside their litter box.

Causes of Feline Urinary Tract Disease

FLUTD is a complex condition to diagnose and treat since there are multiple causes and contributing factors to this disease. Crystals, stones or debris can gradually build up in your cat's urethra - the tube connecting the bladder to the outside of your cat’s body - or bladder.

Some other common causes of lower urinary tract issues in cats include:

🔴 Incontinence due to excessive water consumption or weak bladder
🔴 Urethral plug caused by the accumulation of debris from urine
🔴 Bladder infection, inflammation, urinary tract infection (UTI)

Urinary tract disease in cats is most often diagnosed in overweight, middle-aged cats who have little to no access to outdoors, eat a dry food diet or do not get enough physical activity, although cats of any age can get the condition.

Male cats are also more prone to urinary diseases since their narrower urethras are more likely to become blocked.

Symptoms of Feline Urinary Tract Disease in Cats

If your cat has FLUTD or a cat urinary tract infection you may notice one or more of the following symptoms:

🔴 Inability to urinate
🔴 Loss of bladder control
🔴 Urinating small amounts
🔴 Urinating more than usual or in inappropriate settings
🔴 Avoidance or fear of litter box
🔴 Strong ammonia odor in urine
🔴 Hard or distended abdomen
🔴 Cloudy or bloody urine
🔴 Drinking more water than usual
🔴 Excessive licking of ge***al area
🔴 Lethargy
🔴 Vomiting

If your cat showing any signs of urinary tract infection, contact your trusted veterinarian.

For more info:

9:00AM to 6:00PM
Mondays to Sundays
Stall 1, Blk. 155 Lot 19, MDRC P3, Madapdap, Mabalacat, Pampanga besides MLhuillier Kwarta Padala

For queries:

📞 0917 136 6238/ 0925 399 5138
📱FB Page: M.D. Veterinary Services - Madapdap Branch

Services offered:
📋 Consultation
🩺 Wellness Check
💉 Vaccination and Deworming
🏥Surgery and diagnostic tests
💈Grooming and pet supplies

Always ask your trusted veterinarian.

Importance of DEWORMINGAs a fur parent, you would only want good health and condition of your dog. Deworming is an impor...

Importance of DEWORMING

As a fur parent, you would only want good health and condition of your dog. Deworming is an important step in the direction of keeping your dogs healthy.
It is totally normal and natural a thing for worms to develop in intestine. However, they cannot be allowed to remain and multiply in there. When worm infestation exceeds the normal limits, it can cause fatal health conditions in animals. Heavy worm infestation may even lead to death.
Moreover, this would not just be harmful for animals, but also for human beings. As a pet owner, you might often play with your pet or dog. You need to take care in this context that interacting with a severely infected dog can be pretty fatal for human beings. Thus deworming dogs on schedule is quite important.

For more info:

9:00AM to 6:00PM
Mondays to Sundays
Stall 1, Blk. 155 Lot 19, MDRC P3, Madapdap, Mabalacat, Pampanga besides MLhuillier Kwarta Padala

For queries:

📞 0917 136 6238/ 0925 399 5138
📱FB Page: M.D. Veterinary Services - Madapdap Branch

Services offered:
📋 Consultation
🩺 Wellness Check
💉 Vaccination and Deworming
🏥Surgery and diagnostic tests
💈Grooming and pet supplies

Always consult your trusted veterinarian.
Prevention is better than cure.

What are vaccines, and why do they matter?Vaccines are products designed to trigger protective immune responses and prep...

What are vaccines, and why do they matter?

Vaccines are products designed to trigger protective immune responses and prepare the immune system to fight future infections from disease-causing agents. Vaccines stimulate the immune system's production of antibodies that identify and destroy disease-causing organisms that enter the body.

Vaccines provide immunity against one or several diseases that can lessen the severity or prevent certain diseases altogether.

Experts agree that widespread use of vaccinations within the last century has prevented death and disease in millions of animals. Vaccinations protect your pet from highly contagious and deadly diseases and improve your pet's overall quality of life.

5 reasons to vaccinate your pet.
🔴 Vaccinations prevent many pet illnesses.
🔴 Vaccinations can help avoid costly treatments for diseases that can be prevented.
🔴 Vaccinations prevent diseases that can be passed between animals and also from animals to people.
🔴 Diseases prevalent in wildlife, such as rabies and distemper, can infect unvaccinated pets.
🔴 In many areas, local or state ordinances require certain vaccinations of household pets.

There are different kinds of vaccines available for your pets. Always ask your trusted veterinarian.

For more info:
https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/pet-owners/petcare/vaccinations #:~:text=Vaccinations%20prevent%20diseases%20that%20can,certain%20vaccinations%20of%20household%20pets.

9:00AM to 6:00PM
Mondays to Sundays
Stall 1, Blk. 155 Lot 19, MDRC P3, Madapdap, Mabalacat, Pampanga besides MLhuillier Kwarta Padala

For queries:

📞 0917 136 6238/ 0925 399 5138
📱FB Page: M.D. Veterinary Services - Madapdap Branch

Services offered:
📋 Consultation
🩺 Wellness Check
💉 Vaccination and Deworming
🏥Surgery and diagnostic tests
💈Grooming and pet supplies

Prevention is better than cure.

Creeping migration of hookworm larva in HUMAN skin.Take note ….. HUMAN.How is this transmitted? “This is most commonly t...

Creeping migration of hookworm larva in HUMAN skin.
Take note ….. HUMAN.

How is this transmitted?

“This is most commonly transmitted by infected animal (dog/cat) f***s depositing HOOKWORM eggs in the soil, with larvae entering humans through direct contact with skin.”

This is the reason why we need our pets to have preventive DEWORMING regularly every 3 months.
Safe pet, safe furparents!

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK507706/

9:00AM to 6:00PM
Mondays to Sundays
Stall 1, Blk. 155 Lot 19, MDRC P3, Madapdap, Mabalacat, Pampanga besides MLhuillier Kwarta Padala

For queries:

📞 0917 136 6238/ 0925 399 5138
📱FB Page: M.D. Veterinary Services - Madapdap Branch

Services offered:
📋 Consultation
🩺 Wellness Check
💉 Vaccination and Deworming
🏥Surgery and diagnostic tests
💈Grooming and pet supplies

Blood parasites are organisms that live in the blood of their animal hosts. These parasites can range from single-celled...

Blood parasites are organisms that live in the blood of their animal hosts. These parasites can range from single-celled protozoa to more complex bacteria and rickettsiae. The method of transmission varies, depending on the parasite, but often they are transmitted through the bites of ticks or flies.

For more info:

Choco Drake was brought to the clinic and presented with a owner's complaint are the following:
⚪ Dyspnea
⚪ Intermittent low appetite
⚪ Respiratory signs

Upon physical examination and conducted complete blood count, Choco drake's result showed SEVERE THROMBOCYTOPENIA (0 PLATELETS). To correlate to the patient's history a year a go of Babesiosis and Anaplasmosis infection, the recurrence of infection caused this condition.

Thankfully, Choco drake was brought and treated immediately to address his alarming condition.

Here is Choco drake now who had his 1st groom at M.D. Veterinary Services, all cheerful and bright with his best friend, Conor.

In the Philippines, there are 3 species of blood parasites that can cause disease in our dogs: Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, and Babesia, which are transmitted through bites of infected ticks.

During the summer and also during tick season, the number of dogs that can acquire this kind of blood parasitism always increases. As a vet clinic, we advised all the fur parents to always have a preventive against ticks and fleas for their furbabies. There are different kinds of prevention that are always available for your fur babies, such as chewables and spot-ons. Always ask your trusted veterinarian.

9:00AM to 6:00PM
Mondays to Sundays
Stall 1, Blk. 155 Lot 19, MDRC P3, Madapdap, Mabalacat, Pampanga besides MLhuillier Kwarta Padala

For queries:

📞 0917 136 6238/ 0925 399 5138
📱FB Page: M.D. Veterinary Services - Madapdap Branch

Services offered:
📋 Consultation
🩺 Wellness Check
💉 Vaccination and Deworming
🏥Surgery and diagnostic tests
💈Grooming and pet supplies

"Cut, trim, and style by the clock."🏥MD VETERINARY SERVICES9:00AM to 6:00PMMondays to SundaysStall 1, Blk. 155 Lot 19, M...

"Cut, trim, and style by the clock."

9:00AM to 6:00PM
Mondays to Sundays
Stall 1, Blk. 155 Lot 19, MDRC P3, Madapdap, Mabalacat, Pampanga besides MLhuillier Kwarta Padala

For queries:

📞 0917 136 6238/ 0925 399 5138
📱FB Page: M.D. Veterinary Services - Madapdap Branch

Services offered:
📋 Consultation
🩺 Wellness Check
💉 Vaccination and Deworming
🏥Surgery and diagnostic tests
💈Grooming and pet supplies



"Don't give up on your pups against PARVOVIRUS."Bone is a 2-month-old labrador/aspin male dog that was brought to the cl...

"Don't give up on your pups against PARVOVIRUS."

Bone is a 2-month-old labrador/aspin male dog that was brought to the clinic as soon as the owner noticed signs of inappetence, vomiting, and diarrhea with blood. He was newly rehomed without a dewormer or vaccine.

As for a thorough check on him, he was diagnosed with parvovirus and hookworm.

He was confined at the clinic for 5 days and finally discharged on May 8 as he was active, appetent, and showed no signs of vomiting or diarrhea.

Today, he finally started on his deworming and soon on his vaccination program.

What is canine parvovirus?
Canine parvovirus is a highly contagious virus that can affect all dogs, but unvaccinated dogs and puppies younger than four months old are most at risk. The virus affects dogs' gastrointestinal tracts and is spread by direct dog-to-dog contact and contact with contaminated f***s (stool), environments, or people. The virus can also contaminate kennel surfaces, food and water bowls, collars and leashes, and the hands and clothing of people who handle infected dogs. The virus is readily transmitted from place to place on the hair or feet of dogs or via contaminated cages, shoes, or other objects.

Loss of appetite
Abdominal pain and bloating
Fever or low body temperature (hypothermia)
Persistent vomiting and diarrhea can cause rapid dehydration, and damage to the intestines and immune system can cause septic shock.

"If your puppy or dog shows any of these signs, you should contact your veterinarian immediately."

Based on clinical signs, history, physical examination, and laboratory tests

Treatment and Prevention
No specific drug is available that will kill the virus in infected dogs, and treatment is intended to support the dog's body systems until the dog's immune system can fight off the viral infection. Treatment should be started immediately and consist primarily of intensive care efforts to combat dehydration by replacing electrolytes, protein, and fluid losses, controlling vomiting and diarrhea, and preventing secondary infections.

Vaccination and good hygiene are critical components of prevention.


9:00AM to 6:00PM
Mondays to Sundays
Stall 1, Blk. 155 Lot 19, MDRC P3, Madapdap, Mabalacat, Pampanga besides MLhuillier Kwarta Padala

For queries:

📞 0917 136 6238/ 0925 399 5138
📱FB Page: M.D. Veterinary Services - Madapdap Branch

Services offered:
📋 Consultation
🩺 Wellness Check
💉 Vaccination and Deworming
🏥Surgery and diagnostic tests
💈Grooming and pet supplies

RESPONSIBLE PET OWNERS and VETERINARIANS work together to care for their pets/patients.
Always consult your trusted veterinarian.

4 pics 1 word"Happy dogs need happy haircuts". 😍🐶🏥MD VETERINARY SERVICES9:00AM to 6:00PMMondays to SundaysStall 1, Blk. ...

4 pics 1 word

"Happy dogs need happy haircuts". 😍🐶

9:00AM to 6:00PM
Mondays to Sundays
Stall 1, Blk. 155 Lot 19, MDRC P3, Madapdap, Mabalacat, Pampanga besides MLhuillier Kwarta Padala

For queries:

📞 0917 136 6238/ 0925 399 5138
📱FB Page: M.D. Veterinary Services - Madapdap Branch

Services offered:
📋 Consultation
🩺 Wellness Check
💉 Vaccination and Deworming
🏥Surgery and diagnostic tests
💈Grooming and pet supplies

"From scruff to fluff."Thank you for visiting M.D. Veterinary Services - Madapdap Branch, Hyper and Cutie. 🐶🏥MD VETERINA...

"From scruff to fluff."

Thank you for visiting M.D. Veterinary Services - Madapdap Branch, Hyper and Cutie. 🐶

9:00AM to 6:00PM
Mondays to Sundays
Stall 1, Blk. 155 Lot 19, MDRC P3, Madapdap, Mabalacat, Pampanga besides MLhuillier Kwarta Padala

For queries:

📞 0917 136 6238/ 0925 399 5138
📱FB Page: M.D. Veterinary Services - Madapdap Branch

Services offered:
📋 Consultation
🩺 Wellness Check
💉 Vaccination and Deworming
🏥Surgery and diagnostic tests
💈Grooming and pet supplies

Dear Valued Clients,In observance of Holy Week 2023, M.D. VETERINARY SERVICES will be closed on the following dates;⭕ Ap...

Dear Valued Clients,

In observance of Holy Week 2023, M.D. VETERINARY SERVICES will be closed on the following dates;

⭕ April 6 (Maundy Thursday)
⭕ April 7 (Good Friday)

Regular clinic operations will resume on April 8 (Black Saturday) onwards from 9am to 6pm.

Thank you!

What are Ear Mites?The ear mite, Otodectes cynotis, is a surface mite that lives on cats, dogs, rabbits, and ferrets. It...

What are Ear Mites?

The ear mite, Otodectes cynotis, is a surface mite that lives on cats, dogs, rabbits, and ferrets. It is usually found in the ear canal but it can also live on the skin surface. Ear mites are highly contagious, and animals become infested by direct contact with another infested animal. The mite is barely visible to the naked eye and may be seen as a white speck moving against a dark background.

What are the clinical signs of ear mites?

Ear mites are a common cause of ear disease and infection, although other ear conditions may cause similar clinical signs.

Infestations are a very common problem in puppies and kittens, although pets of any age can be affected. Clinical signs of infestation vary in severity from one pet to another, and may include combinations of:

1. Ear irritation, leading to scratching at the ears or head shaking.
2. A dark waxy or crusty discharge from the ear.
3. Areas of hair loss resulting from self-trauma caused by the dog’s scratching or excessive grooming.
4. A crusted rash around or in the ear.
5. An aural hematoma (a large blood blister on the ear, caused by rupture of small blood vessels between the skin and cartilage); this occurs due to the dog scratching at their ears.

Skin lesions most frequently affect the ear and surrounding skin but occasionally other areas of the body may be affected.

How are ear mite infestations diagnosed?

Typical clinical signs with a history of contact with other cats or dogs would suggest the involvement of ear mites. Although ear mites frequently cause ear disease, other conditions can result in very similar clinical signs and must be ruled-out before treatment is begun.

A diagnosis is made by observing the mite. This is usually straightforward and may be done either by examination of the pet's ears with an otoscope or by microscopic examination of discharge from the ear.

How are ear mites treated?

A variety of different treatment options are available to your veterinarian. Some are daily topical medications, while others may be injections. Your veterinarian will determine what the most appropriate treatment may be given the situation and your preferences.

Reference: https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/ear-mites-otodectes-in-cats-and-dogs

9:00AM to 6:00PM
Mondays to Sundays
Stall 1, Blk. 155 Lot 19, MDRC P3, Madapdap, Mabalacat, Pampanga besides MLhuillier Kwarta Padala

For queries:

📞 0925 399 5138 / 0917 136 6238
📱FB Page: M.D. Veterinary Services - Madapdap Branch

Services offered:
📋 Consultation
🩺 Wellness Check
💉 Vaccination and Deworming
🏥Surgery and diagnostic tests
💈Grooming and pet supplies

"Quality care with style."Thank you for visiting M.D. Veterinary Services - Madapdap Branch, Cutie, Hyper and Zebby!🏥MD ...

"Quality care with style."

Thank you for visiting M.D. Veterinary Services - Madapdap Branch, Cutie, Hyper and Zebby!

9:00AM to 6:00PM
Mondays to Sundays
Stall 1, Blk. 155 Lot 19, MDRC P3, Madapdap, Mabalacat, Pampanga besides MLhuillier Kwarta Padala

For queries:

📞 0917 136 6238/ 0925 399 5138
📱FB Page: M.D. Veterinary Services - Madapdap Branch

Services offered:
📋 Consultation
🩺 Wellness Check
💉 Vaccination and Deworming
🏥Surgery and diagnostic tests
💈Grooming and pet supplies



HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM MILO! 🎇2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣3️⃣🎆

HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM MILO! 🎇2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣3️⃣🎆



CLINIC ADVISORY!Please be guided for our schedule this HOLIDAY!Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


Please be guided for our schedule this HOLIDAY!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

To all our valued furparents/clients, please be guided for our schedule tomorrow and on Saturday. Thank you

To all our valued furparents/clients, please be guided for our schedule tomorrow and on Saturday. Thank you

"Pamper your pooch with a spa day."🏥MD VETERINARY SERVICES9:00AM to 6:00PMMondays to SundaysStall 1, Blk. 155 Lot 19, MD...

"Pamper your pooch with a spa day."

9:00AM to 6:00PM
Mondays to Sundays
Stall 1, Blk. 155 Lot 19, MDRC P3, Madapdap, Mabalacat, Pampanga besides MLhuillier Kwarta Padala

For queries:

📞 0917 136 6238/ 0925 399 5138
📱FB Page: MD Veterinary Services Madapdap Branch

Other Services offered:
📋 Consultation
🩺 Wellness Check
💉 Vaccination and Deworming
🏥Surgery and diagnostic tests
💈Grooming and pet supplies

Blood parasites are organisms that live in the blood of their animal hosts. These parasites can range from single-celled...

Blood parasites are organisms that live in the blood of their animal hosts. These parasites can range from single-celled protozoa to more complex bacteria and rickettsiae. The method of transmission varies, depending on the parasite, but often they are transmitted through the bites of ticks or flies.

Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, and Babesia spp. are canine pathogens transmitted by the Rhipicephalus sanguineus tick which can cause varied clinical signs.

Clinical signs include:
⭕ Fever
⭕ Weight loss
⭕ Anorexia
⭕ Lethargy
⭕ Nosebleeds
⭕ Blood in the urine
⭕ Bloody diarrhea
⭕ Vomiting
⭕ Eye conditions
⭕ Neurological disorders
⭕ Anemia
⭕ Cough
⭕ Breathing difficulties
⭕ Edema
⭕ Dehydration
⭕ Jaundice
⭕ Pale mucous membranes
⭕ Nasal and ocular discharge
⭕ Lameness

How to Diagnose?
✅ Diagnostic kits
✅ Blood Test such as Complete Blood Count and Blood Chemistry
✅ Complete Physical Exam

Specific drugs will be given which are used against the blood parasite which infests the dog. Antibiotics for secondary infections and medications to treat the concurrent symptoms of the blood parasitosis will also be required. Severe cases will likely require hospitalization where fluid therapy and intravenous medication may be required. Treatments can be extensive and, unfortunately, it has a relative high rate of mortality.

There are numerous options to deworm dogs such as spot- on, sprays, chewables and collars that act against mosquitoes, fleas or ticks. The veterinarian will indicate the most suitable product for your dogs.


Visit your trusted veterinarian if your pet experiences the same condition and clinical signs for proper diagnosis and treatment.

9:00AM to 6:00PM
Mondays to Sundays
Stall 1, Blk. 155 Lot 19, MDRC P3, Madapdap, Mabalacat, Pampanga besides MLhuillier Kwarta Padala

For queries:

📞 0917 136 6238/ 0925 399 5138
📱FB Page: MD Veterinary Services Madapdap Branch

Services offered:
📋 Consultation
🩺 Wellness Check
💉 Vaccination and Deworming
🏥Surgery and diagnostic tests
💈Grooming and pet supplies




Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 6pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 6pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 6pm
Thursday 8:30am - 6pm
Friday 8:30am - 6pm
Saturday 8:30am - 6pm
Sunday 8:30am - 6pm





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