These four Poodle puppy litter was called upon us for whelping assistance. The main concern of our client was they were gradually becoming thinner and weren't feeding well since the momma dog had suffered from mastitis. We picked up all the pups from our client's residence. We immediately started them off with formula bottlefeeding. Within just days, they have gained so much weight. After some time, they were able to reach their appropriate weight that corresponds to their age. And as for the final touch, they were all dewormed to protect them from any possible gastrointestinal parasites as well as ensuring good absorbtion of essential nutrients as they grow. These furry puppies are ready to go back home! Thank you for your trust on our services, Ma'am Jazznyl and family! 🙏🙏🙏
‼️🍼Pax Et Vonum Whelping Services🍼‼️
🔹️offering puppy nursing services to all breeds.
✔️Breastfeeding Puppies with the mother dog
✔️Bottlefeeding Puppies without mother dog
✔️Tubefeeding Puppies which don't suckle well and having medical issues
✔️Boarding Pregnant Mother Dog
✔️Boarding Puppies
✔️Delivery & Pick Up Service
📲Message us anytime
☎️For urgent whelping care, call us at 09172001975