Meowmy said we were getting a little chonky so she made us work out. Am I doing this right? - B
I guess D likes potatoes? 😬
Meowmy got us automatic feeders, but joke’s on her, I’ve learned to hack them! FREE KIBBLES!!! 😹 - D
Let’s help give this sweet boy a home for Christmas (and for forever?) 😻
Male puspin up for adoption, he’s a little underweight and is waiting for you to open up your hearts and homes for him!
Message us for more details! 💕
Let’s help give this sweet boy a home for Christmas (and for forever?) 😻
Male puspin up for adoption, he’s a little underweight and is waiting for you to open up your hearts and homes for him!
Message us for more details! 💕
Midweek Mission Impawssible attempt by Brownie. Look at B’s amazed reaction! 🙀
Sneak peek: Because you asked for it, Aozi cat food pouches will be available this weekend in our Shopee store! 💕
Our bosses A, B, and D trying out the new Inaba Churubee! Looks like A loves it a lot! (sound on to hear him being possessive at the end)
Just for today, every order comes with a surprise!
Kit is one of the cats we’re currently fostering. He and his two sisters (KitKit and KitKitKit) (I kid you not that is their names) will be up for adoption soon! DM us for details 💙
Edit: mom just realized that this is KitKit, not Kit 😅🙈
Sooo.. how’s your Monday going? 😹 Grab some Ciao treats so Ming can get some exercise packing your orders 💪🏻
Orders might be a little delayed cos we have uhh... restocking problems 😹