Miyagi-Do Gamefarm

Miyagi-Do Gamefarm Miyagi-Do Gamefarm will provide quality and affordable chicks, breeding materials and battle crosses

Good Morning CT Family😊Masarap magbasa habang nagkakape☕☕☕Gamec**k StrainsAlbanyBy: E.T.Piper (August 1965)Every time we...

Good Morning CT Family😊
Masarap magbasa habang nagkakape☕☕☕

Gamec**k Strains
By: E.T.Piper (August 1965)

Every time we read in a game journal or hear someone arguing about how a famous strain was bred, it used to make us smile. Now, after a lot of developing into the history of present day families of fowl, it makes us laugh right out loud. If any man ever hit the nail on the head, it was Henry Ford when he said, much to the disgust of our scholarly element, “History is the bunk!” Much of the history taught in our schools is just that, or at its best inaccurate reporting of past events, and all game fowl history is absolutely bunk. Ninety-five percent of us gamefowl breeders don’t know how our own fowl are bred further than two or three generations back. A whole hell of a lot of us are not positive how last season’s chicks were bred, and them right on our own yard at that. Sounds silly, but it’s true.

Let’s take the Allen Roundheads as a well-known example. We know they were good. I can show you a man who claims to have letters from Allen in which he claims his strain was kept good by careful inbreeding. I can show you another who says he has letters to prove the best c***s Allen ever showed were crosses of Green’s J**s; and still another who contends the best Allen ever fought, and this over a period of years, were not bred by Allen at all, but sent him each year by a New England saloon keeper. And, all three of these men claim to have positive proof of their contentions. What’s the difference how they are or aren’t bred, or who bred them? If they are good today, that’s what you want and need. If they aren’t good, a silly pedigree of long, pure breeding isn’t going to improve them a particle. Recently, we talked to a well-known c**ker and a competent man. We asked him about some fowl he had tried out for three years. He said, “I had to get rid of every drop of the blood. All the damned things would do is stand there like fence posts and take whatever the other c**k handed them.” Now, we happen to know a considerable amount of those fowl and their owner. He can write out the pedigree of any chicken on his yard and trace it right back to 1865 or ’70; not another drop of outside blood in all those years. They are famous today among paper fighters. Yet, compared with today’s best c***s, they are positively jokes. Keeping pedigrees of animals and birds was begun simply because it furnished (for future reference) a record in writing of how outstanding individuals were bred, who their fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers, and the proper place for their pedigrees is in the trash can.

In two different issues of the Warrior some time last summer, we gave you the history of the Albany fowl; one of today’s winning strains of fowl. We had been much interested in these fowl for the past 9 or 10 years, or longer, ever since we saw some of them back in 1930 or ’31. Since then, at every opportunity, we have tried to get a line on how they were originated and bred, up to today. Finally, we thought we had it right and gave in to you. On a recent trip to Troy, we found out it was only approximately correct, so, here it is again. If you are tired of reading our stuff on these fowl, we don’t’ blame you a bit, and promise this is our last word on the Albanys. Back years ago or more, Mr. hatch of Long Island, N.Y., fought a main in Eastern New York. When we arrived home, he found someone had stolen three c***s from his shipping coops, the ones he had taken along for the main. Two of them were yellow legged and one a green leg.

While the men who have us our information said they would take their oaths they didn’t know who stole these c***s, they did know who eventually got them. The two yellow legs were bred and produced nothing worthwhile. “Army” Fox of Utica, N.Y. got the green leg. He was a large, straight comb, broad backed, dark red, with green legs. Army later talked with Mr. Hatch about having the c**k, and he told him what he was, that all of that family were straight combs, etc. Army said he would send and get him. His friend told him the c**k had died, and that he wasn’t his type of chicken anyway. However, he had raised two or three stags form him , and a hen that was in breeding, Pogmore Whitehackle and Henny, and offered to send Army one of the stags. When he arrived, he was a beautiful, long feathered, large stag, black and red in color. He was bred to the Slade Roundhead hens and a dozen or so stags were produced. About half of them looked like Hennies, and while game, better than the Hennies, and that’s about all that could be said of them.

About this time and for some years previous, Tom Foley of Troy, N.Y., had a strain of extras good ginger colored fowl, and Army Fox sent to him and asked for a good c**k to breed. Just about this time, and Albany crowd one of his Gingers, a spangle (and the only one out of 50 or so to come that color), to fight in the main. He was a big c**k and didn’t fall in (but in a hack after the main won a very classy battle), and was sent on to Army Fox for a brood c**k. Army bred him to the pullets, or perhaps hens by then, that were sisters to the Henny stags that were out of the Hatch Pogmore Henny c**k and Slade hens. This mating, for some unknown reason, produced all very small fowl, 4.0, 4.04, 4.06, etc., too small for practical purposes although they were exceptional fighters and very game. Practically all of them were given away. Shortly after this, Army met a friend of his in Albany, whom we must refer to as Mr. X. He had always had gamefowl, but a few years before had gotten into politics. At that time, he gave up the fowl. Army suggested he get back in the game again, that new blood was needed among the big shots, and especially new blood with a bankroll. He laughed and said perhaps he would, but where would he get good fowl? To make a long story short, he took the pullets or hens Army had that were bred from the Foley Ginger c**k and hens that were ½ Slade Roundhead, ½ hatch-Pogmore Henny. He got, form the Hardy Bros. Of Niagara Falls, one of their Mahogany c***s known as “The Sneak” (due to a habit he had of ducking under his opponent) and bred them together. This mating produced what were known as the strait Albanys; very uniform, awfully game c***s, but not good enough to compete with the topnotchers. From here on, our previous writings on these fowl are correct. A Pine Spangle was bred tot he Albany hens and produced c***s that were invincible for five or six years.

When he died, a Claret c**k bred to the same hens and other Clarets down to Mr. X’s “Caseys” of today were what he had. Offshoots of the family have proven awfully good. The Bradford fowl, Laws Clippers, Hard, Cox fowl, Keefer, and many more all contain the blood. In spite of the numerous and varied crosses that have been made, these fowl today are surprisingly uniform in looks and in action and winning qualities. We know of nothing better, not few as good.


By: E.T. Piper
Ed Pine was born and lived all his life at south Cairo, New York in the foothills of the catskill mountains. It was also home of Frank Stryker, another c**ker, don’t get Frank Stryker and Jack Stryker mixed up. Jack lived in New Jersey and had fowl of various kinds, including greys. they were not related and it `s doubtful if they were acquainted with one another. Frank Stryker eventually became a member of what some refereed to as the “Albany combine” that is Billy Lawman, John Hoy and others who controlled the Lawman white hackles and muffs : considered by men living today, who saw them in their prime, as the greasiest fowl ever to land on these shores. they came to Billy lawman at Schenectady, new York from his father in the north of England near the Scottish border, hence the name “north brittions” which, I believe, was first applied to them in this country, in the early 1900 `s, frank Stryker was fighting a family of Charley Brown Shawlnecks that were very good fowl.

This was in what c**kers have always referred to as “eastern ‘New York State and the vicinity, which included south Cairo. Stryker was very successful with his Shawlnecks and was considered quite a c**ker. along about this time, john hoy moved to Albany, N.Y. from Brooklyn/NJ, in short order, he became associated with Billy lawman with his muffs and white hackles. hoy was an outstanding c**ker and feeder, and he and lawman soon began going to town with their fowl, one of their early victims was frank Stryker and his shawls. friend `s of frank tried to console him by saying he got some tough breaks, but he was too smart a c**ker to swallow that. he said the c***s that beat him were the best he ever saw, that he would not only never try to beat them again, he was going to try to and get in with hoy and lawman and get some. that is exactly what he did, he crossed them over his charley brown shawls and began going to town with the cross. they where outstanding fowl in every way Lawman and Hoy fought some of them and did equally well with them. they { the cross} became known as Stryker whitehackles.

Shawlnecks and white hackles have always been almost identical in appearance and the cross made a family outstanding, typical whitehackles. in referring to these fowl , i say the cross made the stryker whitehackes,but i may be and probaly am, in error there for this reason,after stryker got in with Hoy and Lawman, he could get anything from them he wanted.exactly how he bred from then on no one would know for sure.all that is known for certain is that the stryker white hackle were a combination of blood of Lawman whitehackle and Charley Brown shawl. probaly, if the lawman blood was as outstanding as it was claimed, he leaned in that direction with his breeding and put in more lawman blood,cutting down on the shawl. the combine went to town to beating everyone as Billy lawman said, from new York City to buffalo, NY it has been said they beat Kearney and Duryea five times out of six and Dennis mahoney and many others old-timers. mahoney died in 1907, so many of these mains must have been between 1902 and 1907 when mahoney died. i believe John Hoy fed most of their mains. there were no tournaments or derbies in those days.

somewhere between 1902 and 1915 which is closer to the time Stryker died, Ed Pine, was a tall,gamgly young fellow and helped Stryker work his c***s and also walked them, Stryker had been a butcher and it was said his wife was an Indian, or part Indian, who knew nothing about and cared less about her husband `s chickens. so when Stryker died suddenly, Ed Pine fell heir to all of the Stryker fowl. from then on, they were known as Ed Pine `s strykers.lawman dided somewhere between 1911 and 1920, and Hoy went along with his lawman fowl and pine with his Stryker fowl. both did exceptionally well. hoy died in 1929 but had been inactive several years previous due to old age. Pine, between 1915 and 1935 when for practical purposes quit the game. probably fought more mains and won a larger majority than any c**ker who ever lived in this county.


Training of the Gamec**kBy Ray Alexander💣💥———————————————————————Training starts with lots of Hard WorkIt is no longer g...

Training of the Gamec**k

By Ray Alexander💣💥


Training starts with lots of Hard Work
It is no longer good enough to have good breeding and handling in battle c***s. Today’s sport requires weeks of weight preparation, physical training as well as, mental training in conjunction with genetics and handling. Once this work is completed, it takes an experienced eye to select those c***s with the most winning characteristics. No doubt, training starts with lots of hard work.

The first step is bringing your c***s within their correct weight. This will require approximately five weeks of rotating your c**k every other day, and a proper diet, which is described in detail further on. Foe example, shuffle them up like dominoes, moving them from one t-pee to another. Try to have him by a different c**k every time. After the first week, separate your c***s by placing your over weight c***s together, then the c***s that are the correct weight together, and finally the under-weight c***s together. This will allow you to gage their weight/diet training.

Feed straight laying pellets until the fat is removed from the over weight c***s. Feed the correct-weight c***s the following mixture.1.Part corn, 1part wheat, and 1part oats, 1partlaying pellets. Feed the under weight the following mixture: 2 parts corn, 2 parts wheat, 1 part oats, 1 part laying pellets. When the c***s are at their right weight, begin sparring them. Let them hit a few times at each other. Continue moving the c***s from one t-pee to another.

After three weeks, all c***s should be ready to make your selection. From the ones you did not select this time, continue doing the same as before and they should be ready by the time you make your selection for the next keep.

The Feed Keeps (Cool months)

1-cup corn

1-cup oats

1-cup wheat

1 cup laying pellets

Feed 1 ½ ounce in the morning and at night.

Night Feed

When preparing the feed keep mentioned above for night feed, a milk mixture should be added. Milk mixture consists of one can of evaporated milk, 3 cans of water. Pour 1 oz. Of milk mixture per c**k over night feed and serve it immediately.

Last four feeds should be cracked corn, soaked in water for five minutes, then drained. Keep water in front of c***s at all times, until 10 o clock the last day, then no more water. Select the c***s to fight the morning of fight day. Select the ones that have thrown their feet the best and the one that are the sharpest.

The Feed Keep (Hot Months)

1-cupwhole corns

1-cup pigeon corn

1-cup wheat

1/2 – cup racehorse oats

½ cup hulled oats

1-cup pigeon feed

Feed 1-1/2 ounce in the morning and at night.

Morning feed

6 parts grain mixture

14 parts laying pellets (15 to 16% protein)

Night feed (3 pm)

12 parts grain mixture

6 Parts laying pellets

Put 2 small tomatoes, 11/2 carrots chopped up in wedges and 2 cups buttermilk in a blender. Pour this mixture over your 12 scoops on grain feed.

On your night feed, put 3 raw eggs over your feed one day, the next day, put one sardines (soaked in water not oil) Rotate (eggs/Sardines) every other day until five days before fight day. Stop everything except the buttermilk over your grain at 3 pm. This will give it plenty of time to soak in the grain.

On the soaked feed, use ice cream scoop level to feed your c***s. Add 6 ice cream

scoops of laying pellets to soaked grain mixture just as you start to feed so it will not be gummy.

Five days before fight day, add a little more corn every day to your feed until you have straight corn the last 2 feeds. Feed one ice cream scoop level to each c**k for the night feed until last 2 feeds.

When you have straight corn, feed one ounce in morning and ¾ ounce the night before the fight. Give c***s only 2 sips of water.


Bring c***s to c**k house 12 to 14 days before fight day.

FIRST DAY: Put c***s in holding stalls around 12 oclock noon , leave in the stalls until 3 pm then bring c***s to work board, flying them 5 or 6 times to the board. Rub and play with him for approximately 3 minutes then weight him. Record his weight and take him to scratch pen. Continue with each c**k until you have seven c***s in scratch pens.

Note: 7 have been used as an example. The number of c***s will depend upon your derby. Throw a few grains of corn in litter to get the c**k to scratch. After 5 minutes, put him back in the holding stall. Continue until you have 7 more in the stall. Continue until you are finished by 4:45 pm. This will give you 15 minutes to prepare your feed mix and be able to feed at 5 pm.

Second Day: In the morning, put the c***s in the fly pens. Feed in cups and water by 7 am. Fly pens will consist of 10 pens with sand for litter and 10 pens with horse manure for litter (Or what is available). At 12 pm, switch c***s from sand to horse manure and vise versa. At 3 pm, start taking c***s to work board. Ten flys each and 3 minutes playing and rubbing. Put the c**k in the scratch pen and with shucks or straw. Continue until finished with all c***s. Put c***s back in holding stalls and feed at 5 pm.

Third Day: Same as second day except go to 30 flies.

Fourth Day: Same as second day except go up to 40 flies.

Fifth Day: Same as the second day except go up to 50 flies.

Sixth Day: Same as the second day except go up to 60 flies.

Seventh Day: spar c***s twice before making your selection of fight day candidates. C***s should be getting tired and should not spar well. After the first spar, wait 30 minutes and try to spar your c***s against a different kind of opponent. So he can learn every style of the opponent he might meet the day of the fight. Select the c***s that will hit when they have the advantage. Choose the ones that throw their feet out the farthest. Pick the c**k that tries not to get hit. Select the ones that rise when they hit. The perfect c**k to select is the one that rises and hits every time the opponent comes toward him. After sparring feed your c**k evaporated milk and bread to replenish his moisture.

Eight Day: same as second day except go down to 40 flies.

Ninth Day: same as second day except go down to 30 flies.

Tenth Day: Same as second day except go down to 20 flies.

Eleventh Day: Drop c***s out at 6 am to dump out. Put him back in the stall until 12 pm., and then throw him out in small pen to dump out for about 5 minutes. Put him back to the rest stall until 12 pm., and then throw him out in small pen to dump out for about 5 minutes. Put him back in the rest stall until 4 pm, and then drop him out to dump again. Feed at 5 pm. Start cutting the c***s feed a little every feed until last feed is one tablespoon.

It should be mentioned that the beginning to enter any derby must begin with c***s of excellent heritage. Good breeding is an art acquired after years of hard work, planning, in depth genetic study and result interpretation. It is also worth mentioning the good breeding is only succeeded by good health. It is imperative that you supply the preventive and curative medicines needed.

Although gameness is nature, skill in c**kfighting is certainly nurtured. Winning is more than luck, as shown through this regimen. As with the athlete, some vital characteristics are proper diet, proper body weight, physical training, psychological preparation, experienced guidance, and handling of career.

Pointing Fowl and Holding Them on Pointby COUNTYLINEThe “sharpness” that a c**k experiences when he comes on point is a ...

Pointing Fowl and Holding Them on Point


The “sharpness” that a c**k experiences when he comes on point is a natural process that occurs almost daily in c**k’s life. As the c**k becomes gut empty and his moisture level decreases, he will begin to come sharp. To try to force this to happen, using stimulants and drugs, will throw many fowl completely off. The secret to this is to know how to have the fowl come sharp when you want them to, then to hold them at or close to this level of sharpness for the duration of the derby. Sounds complicated but it really isn’t.
Depending on the amount, make-up, and moisture intake, complete digestion will occur 4 – 72 hours after a c**k eats. The softer the food source and the greater the moisture content, the quicker it will digest. The drier the feed, the more heavy husks in the feed (such as whole oats or whole sunflower seeds), and the less moisture a c**k is given, the longer it will ake him to digest the food, thus the longer it will take him to come sharp. Moisture is needed for digestion. Moisture can either be given in the form of drinking water or in the moisture content of the feed. With the misunderstandings in so many keeps, many c**kers will take the water from the fowl 3 days before fight day, then wonder why the fowl aren’t passing their feed. THEY ARE CONSTIPATED and can’t pass the feed. I feed a moist feed the last 3 days of the keep and reduce the amount each day until fight day. In weather less than 75 degrees, I use a mix of 1 cup of cracked corn, 2 bananas, 1 apple, 4 heaping tablespoons of brown sugar and 4 heaping tablespoons of cinnamon. If it has been dry, I soak the corn overnight in water. In weather hotter than 80 degrees, I use instant brown rice, instant white rice, and instant oatmeal in place of the corn. Bring to a boil 3 cups of water and 3 cups of condensed milk. Pour this over the uncooked grains and allow it to soak up all the moisture. Allow to cool then keep in the refrigerator when not being used. Add 4 bananas, 2 apples, 4 heaping tablespoons of brown sugar and 4 heaping tablespoons of cinnamon to this mix before feeding it to the c***s. With this feed mix, the fowl will completely pass it within 12 hours of feeding, if they aren’t traveled far.
To keep fowl at a level of sharpness requires moisture, and sugars. This is why I use banana. It is almost all moisture, is full of simple sugars and potassium and will keep the bile in the digestive system from souring and making the c**k go “over”. I cut banana in 1/2 inch thick slicesm then divide each slice into 3 pieces. Once the c**k comes sharp, I drop him out every 30 minutes. I also feed him the 1/3 of a 1/2 inch thick slice of banana every hour to keep him sharp. It works wonderful and there is no side effects that you WILL get from the other stimulants on the market. It is all natural and will not effect your fowl’s ability. The brown sugar provides a quick reserve energy source, the cinnamon is the best blood clotting agent I’ve ever found, and the potassium in the banana will help prevent fatigue cramps during battle.

Johnny Jumper Kelso 💯For this year's breeding season. ❤

Johnny Jumper Kelso 💯
For this year's breeding season. ❤

Ano ba ang best combination ng Firebird Gamefarm ngayon na pinaparami nila? White Kelso over Melsims or vice versa. Alam...

Ano ba ang best combination ng Firebird Gamefarm ngayon na pinaparami nila? White Kelso over Melsims or vice versa. Alam na this!! 💯

Pero ang best combination ay yung dalawang may hawak! (Wag kalimutan bolahin si misis kapag bibili ng manok 😂)


Sir Biboy D. Enriquez thank you for this Melsims Class-A Broodstag. This will become a personal broodc**k of Miyagi-Do Gamefarm in the future.

Bakit naiyak sa kwento si Idol Biboy Enriquez?Eto na part 3 ng Chicken Talk ni Usapang KalaManok with Idol Biboy Enrique...

Bakit naiyak sa kwento si Idol Biboy Enriquez?
Eto na part 3 ng Chicken Talk ni Usapang KalaManok with Idol Biboy Enriquez of Firebird Gamefarm!!

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Yow mga KalaManok!! Eto na yung part 2 ng Chicken Talk natin with Idol Biboy Enriquez of Firebird GF. Hope you enjoy this video.Maraming salamat sa suporta n...

Paano ba maging MILYONARYO?ONLINE SABONG - Golden Tips1. Makinis ang balahibo. Huwag mo piliin kong maari ung dry ung ba...

Paano ba maging MILYONARYO?


1. Makinis ang balahibo. Huwag mo piliin kong maari ung dry ung balahibo. Mas lamang ang makintab at oily tingnan at higit sa lahat kompleto ang balahibo nila.

2. Stretching of leg (doblehin mo pusta kapag nkita mo ito)

3. Tip toe/kung maglakad hindi sya flat footed (doblehin mo din ang pusta mo dito).

4. Preening of tail / winawalislis ung buntot balahibo

5. Papogi - inaayos ung mga balahibo sa katawan

6. Sa pag kahig, nka focus sa kalaban at kapit na kapit ung kuku sa lupa. Pag nag picking na, ung paa nya sumisipa sipa. Hindi laylay.

7. During palakad sa rueda. Kalmado lng sya at hambog ang porma at aware sa paligid. (Wag mo piliin ung manok na panay tingin sa ilaw at parang naninibago lalu na sa ingay ng rueda.

8. Yung ipot hindi basa na parang tubig (nag rerelease un ng moisture ng ktwan kaya dry na sya,hndi diin ang palo nyan). Mas maganda kpag puti na ipot. (Gut empty)

9. Huwag mo piliin ang man-fighter dhil hndi manok ang focus nyan kundi tao (mainitin ang ulo,wla sa focus). Sa online sabong wag mo piliin ang maliit, lamang tlga ang malaki jan. Kung tawagan ang manok na gusto mo, dun ka pumusta dhil gsto ng karamihan un. Pero pwde mo kontrahin kung alam mo na pointed ung kalaban. Dun ka sa kursunada mo na manok basi sa nkita mong on point sya.

Goodluck mga kasabong.

Yung Lolo ng tropa ko sinunod itong tip na to isang buwan, naging MILYONARYO dating BILYONARYO yun.

Breeding Pens!!Pintura, Net, Battery Cage Area na lang ang kulang. Lalarga na ang breeding natin sa farm!!

Breeding Pens!!
Pintura, Net, Battery Cage Area na lang ang kulang. Lalarga na ang breeding natin sa farm!!

White Kelso Brood Bullstag from Firebird Gamefarm. 👌👌Pls dont forget to like Miyagi-Do Gamefarm for more updates.  💯  💯 ...

White Kelso Brood Bullstag from Firebird Gamefarm. 👌👌
Pls dont forget to like Miyagi-Do Gamefarm for more updates.

Miyagi-Do Gamefarm Breeding Farm update. Malapit na malapit na matapos.

Miyagi-Do Gamefarm Breeding Farm update. Malapit na malapit na matapos.

My future Guard Dog. Given by mr. Joey Sy of Pitviper Gamefarm 💯💯

My future Guard Dog. Given by mr. Joey Sy of Pitviper Gamefarm 💯💯

Yow mga KalaManok! Eto na ang ating Exclusive Chicken Talk with Idol Biboy Enriquez ng Firebird Gamefarm! Dami nating na...

Yow mga KalaManok! Eto na ang ating Exclusive Chicken Talk with Idol Biboy Enriquez ng Firebird Gamefarm! Dami nating natutunan!

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Yow mga KalaManok! Napagbigyan tayo ni Idol Biboy Enriquez ng Firebird GF sa isang exclusive interview sa kanya. Super bait na tao talaga neto ni Idol Biboy...

We produced 5pcs of Cornish Bantam. Additional libangan natin mga Papi!

We produced 5pcs of Cornish Bantam. Additional libangan natin mga Papi!

Additional Reinforcements from Firebird Gamefarm. Si misis na daw bahala! 😂

Additional Reinforcements from Firebird Gamefarm. Si misis na daw bahala! 😂

Hindi lang tayo pang panabong na manok, breeder din tayo ng iba't-ibang manok. This is Ayam Cemani. Paanak na natin iton...

Hindi lang tayo pang panabong na manok, breeder din tayo ng iba't-ibang manok. This is Ayam Cemani. Paanak na natin itong dalawang ito.

Our Sweater Boston blend from Wdy Gamefarm Escolin Line!

Our Sweater Boston blend from Wdy Gamefarm Escolin Line!


Farm Update! We are expanding our Breeding Farm. Building new pens and house for our farm hand. Stay tuned mga papi!




Baka meron tayong matutunan from Idol Edwin Lumbres ng EDLUM Gamefarm.. Ano ba ang common mistakes ng mga newbies?? Nood na

Giving Gumboro and B1B1+IB to our Day Old Chick

Giving Gumboro and B1B1+IB to our Day Old Chick

Farm Construction starts now!! 💯

Farm Construction starts now!! 💯


Eto ung final video natin at the moment with Doc Marvin Rocafort na nagsheshare ng experience nya satin bilang isang idol at isang mahusay na Gamefowl Breeder.

Full Video: https://youtu.be/zSGqIyhjitw


Pumasyal tayo kay Doc Ronnie Magbalon at Nakakwentuhan natin siya! Eto ang final video natin sa kanya for now!! Salamat Doc Ronnie!

Full Video: https://youtu.be/XynkiHuf-8Y


Happy new year Everyone. Satin ang year 2021!


Sistema nila Doc Marvin Rocafort sa pagpapaligo ng Manok Panabong para gumanda ang balahibo, matanggal lahat ng kuto at Red Mites alamin! Big shoutouts to Doc Marvin for sharing their farm management. Super thank you Doc.

Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9MHhZd9YXw

Merry Christmas Bayang Sabungero. 💯

Merry Christmas Bayang Sabungero. 💯

Since we are now in the season of giving..https://youtu.be/8XwZ_Vcupv0

Since we are now in the season of giving..


Since we are now in the season of giving.. We decided to end this year by sharing what we have to those that are victim of Typhoon Ulysses for our Kababayan ...

Thank you Santa. 😂

Thank you Santa. 😂

Farm Visit and Chicken Talk with Maestro Baby Canillas of Spanichi Gamefarm. Please dont forget to LIKE, COMMENT and SUB...

Farm Visit and Chicken Talk with Maestro Baby Canillas of Spanichi Gamefarm.

Please dont forget to LIKE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE mga kaibigan. salamat ng marami!

What's up mga Kasabong!! Pinasyalan natin si Maestro Baby Canillas, nakaChicken-Kwentuhan natin siya at etong video na to ay pagpapakita ng kanyang mga manok...

Showcasing Doc Marvin Rocafort's Bloodline/Gamefowl. More to come mga kaibigan. Please dont forget to LIKE, COMMENT and ...

Showcasing Doc Marvin Rocafort's Bloodline/Gamefowl. More to come mga kaibigan.

Please dont forget to LIKE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE

Showcasing Doc Marvin Rocafort's Bloodline/GamefowlPlease dont forget to LIKE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE to our youtube channel.Doc Marvin Rocafort: https://www....


Chicken Kwentuhan with Doc Marvin Rocafort of El Campeon Gamefarm!

Full Video: https://youtu.be/K1FK6dp5BXs


Sharing is caring. This is our small way of sharing our blessings to our community. ❤

Sharing is caring. This is our small way of sharing our blessings to our community. ❤

We visited Maestro Baby Canillas of Spanichi Gamefarm. We learned a lot from this Master Breeder. 💯

We visited Maestro Baby Canillas of Spanichi Gamefarm. We learned a lot from this Master Breeder. 💯







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