Sa Mga Naghahanap ng Poms 🐕🐕
Price Ranges 🤔🤔 - Pinas na Presyo
1. 10k to 20k - no papers .. some with papers .. and there is a distinct possibility of the dog being not a pure pomeranian .. high likelihood of mixed breed .. pomeranians are under the toy dog category and that makes them very expensive .. dont be fooled by low priced dogs being claimed as pure pomeranian .. breeding is a very difficult and expensive endeavor .. so dont expect this dogs to be sold cheaply
2. 20k to 40k - with papers - most of the dogs here are most certainly pure pomeranians, albeit with a lower quality .. dont come in and expect bear type or short snout pomeranian with such a price ... there might be some exemption but rarely .. pomeranians here are more suited as pet type
3. 40k to 60k - breeding type poms .. this are the pomeranian you would like to have if you are planning to start breeding .. now starting to sound and look pricey
4. 60k to 90k - quality poms .. breeding type .. pet type .. whatever you want .. it is almost at the show level type .. this are the poms that came from a very good and high level bloodlines
5. 90k up - show quality
Note: prices are my own opinion .. it doesnt necessarily mean that if someone sold you a pomeranian on this price ranges .. you will get this types of poms. there are sellers that are very good .. and can sell a low quality pom for a price of a high quality pom 😊😊😊😊 .. so be very aware .. so that you dont end up complaining in the end for what you got. there are also breeders/sellers that sell their poms at a lower prices despite their poms being quality dogs .. so if you happen to get one from them - then you are in luck 😊😊
-- this prices are for philippines only
-- if you check the prices for imported pomeranians then thats a different topic
- usually they are priced in dollars and start to fetch at 2000usd upward .. not including shipping
-- and also remember that being an imported pomeranian doesnt always translate to being a quality and good looking dog - stop this mentality that we have - there are many breeders here in the Philippines that have better quality poms with lower prices compared to imported poms
Hope this can help future buyers
Again - knowledge is key
Research First and Know the Breed 😊😊😊.