✋🏼🤚🏼 high 10 with Mucho and Chika 🐶🦄
My little puppies are getting bigger and cuter each day 🥰 Its crazy lol Soon they are ready for rehoming🥺 Hopefully, Id be able to find them an Amazing new Fur Parents that will treat them like a Family Amen 🙏🏻🙂🐶if you are not ready for serious commitment please stay away and dont bother ✌🏻 yo
I gained 16 followers, created 20 posts and received 246 reactions from March to June! Thank you all for your continued support. I could not have done it without you. 🙏🤗🎉
PARENTAL GUIDANCE LOL.😅My boy Dorky is now 6 years old and yet he haven’t get inside the cave successfully 🤣 But Its okay my boy being a virgin nowadays is super rare so you are like a Motherf**k*ng UNICRON 🦄😎😂 #virgindog #nothischoice #justnolucklol
When you thought they were just playin but secretly hooked up in private 😅 boom after two months, she had 3 adorable puppies 😂 #mydogisaslut
Precious, chico, happy, cholo and peanut 🐶🐶