'Good Boys’
I wonder where we could be going today?
For a lovely long walk & maybe we can play.
Daddy look at all these people dressed in navy blue,
Do you think they'll stroke us & give belly rubs too?
Daddy why are you afraid, don't you think they want to have fun?
Why are they shouting at us, wait I think some of them have a gun.
Don't be scared daddy, we'll both bark & tell them to get back,
But I don't think they understand us, one of them said we're going to attack.
Take us home now daddy, to the safety of our bed,
They're shouting all around us, ones shot my brother in the head.
Don't they know we're good boys, maybe if I whimper & I cry,
I'm really scared now daddy, I'm far too young to die.
Then I hear a loud bang, I feel this burning inside me,
I'm struggling to hold on now, I'm struggling to see.
Why did they kill us, there really was no need,
They murdered us for no other reason, than we were both a bull breed.
But we're both in heaven now, there's lots of dogs & toys,
And God has gave us belly rubs, and told us we're both 'Good Boys'
Author : Marion white
Artwork : Jerson Chavez
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