Al-Hamd Veterinary & Poultry Services

Al-Hamd Veterinary & Poultry Services veterinary

Canine Distemper..,

Canine Distemper..,

Retained Placenta or RFMDefinition: Retained foetal membranes (RFM) is defined as nonseparation of the foetal membranes ...

Retained Placenta or RFM
Definition: Retained foetal membranes (RFM) is defined as nonseparation of the foetal membranes by 12 hours after calving.
Two types
Primary retention of placenta: The RPM which results from a lack of detachment of cotyledons from the maternal caruncles is called primary retention of placenta.
Secondary retention of placenta : The RPM which results from mechanical difficulty in expelling already detached foetal membranes (eg. uterine atony), is called secondary retention of placenta.

Etiology :
•Uterine inertia • Abortion • Multiple births • Still-birth • Advanced age of cow • Caesarean delivery • Dystocia • Short gestation period plus low calf weight • Summer calving • S*x of calf (male) • Hormonal imbalance • Induced delivery (PGF2u, Dexamethasone) • Vit. A deficiency • Vit. E deficiency • Excess iron • lnfection (eg. Brucella, moulds, Vibrio spp. etc.) • Placentitis

Clinical Signs
Non infectious or low grade infection: • Hanging of the placenta. • No foetid smell from the placenta. • Normal appetite. Normal pulse and temperature. • Milk yield normal. • Placenta is normal in colour, moist and glistening.
Severe infection and/or prolonged duration: • Anorexia • High fever • High pulse rate • Reduced milk yield • Straining • Foetid smell from placenta • Discoloured and dry Placenta

Diagnosis is usually straightforward as degenerating, discolored, ultimately fetid membranes are seen hanging from the v***a
>24 hr after parturition. Occasionally, the retained membranes may remain within the uterus and not be readily apparent, in which case their presence may be signalled by a foul-smelling discharge.
Cows that have once had retained fetal membranes are at increased risk of recurrence at a subsequent parturition.

Drug treatment: ✓Oxytocin @ 40-60 IU intramuscularly, if used immediately after calving. ✓PGFα and its analogues have direct effect on the placentomes.✓Rationale behind using antibiotics is to prevent or treat metritis.Systemic antibiotics can be used i.e Ceftiofur @2.2mg/kg intramuscularly for 5 days.

Procedure for Manual removal:
Give epidural anaesthesia (5-7 ml ignocaine). The use of epidural anaesthesia controls straining and defaecation
and makes gentle removal of placenta in a more hygienic manner. • Grasp the hanging placenta in the right hand and twist like a rope so that the placenta can be more easily managed. • Introduce the lubricated left hand into the uterus. The hand should be inside the uterus but outside the placenta i.e. between the uterus and placenta.• Grasp the individual cotyledon and its caruncle between the thumb and fingers and the two structures (cotyledon and caruncle) should be gently separated by rolling, pushing and squeezing motion This may be aided by traction with the other hand (right hand). • Remove or separate the cotyledons from the caruncles first which are near to the cervical area, then from non-gravid horn and lastly from the gravid horn. During this operation, tension should be maintained on the hanging placenta. •Sometimes, especially in exotic and large breeds of cow or earlier removal of placenta, the ovarian end or cranial end of gravid horn may be out of reach from the hand but traction on the placenta sometimes pull the apex of the horn nearer and removal of cotyledons from this portion becomes possible. • It is highly desirable to all the foetal membranes and not leave any remnant in the uterus as far as possible because they act as foremoveci of infection.
Manual removal of RFM is contraindicated if the cow has fever
because uterine damage increases the risk of septicaemia and perimetritis.
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_______________Sulfadimidine______________Intro:-Sulfadimidine acts usually bactericidal against many Gram-positive and ...



Sulfadimidine acts usually bactericidal against many Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms, like

🔹️Fusobacterium necrophorum,
🔹️Salmonella and
🔹️Streptococcus spp.

But the most usefull is to treat diarrhae...


🔸️respiratory and
🔸️urogenital infections,
🔸️mastitis and
🔸️panaritium caused by sulfadimidine sensitive micro-organisms, like Corynebacterium, E. coli, Fusobacterium necrophorum, Pasteurella, Salmonella and Streptococcus spp. in calves, cattle, goats, sheep and swine.

Contra indications

🔻Hypersensitivity to sulfonamides.
🔻Administration to animals with a seriously impaired renal and/or hepatic function or 🔻with blood dyscrasias.

Side effects

🔻Hypersensitivity reactions.
🔻leucopenia and


✔subcutaneous and
✔intramuscular administration.

🔺️General: 3 - 6 ml per 10 kg body weight the first day, followed by 3 ml per 10 kg body weight on the following 2 - 5 days.

Withdrawal times
❌ For meat : 10 days.
❌ For milk : 4 days.

Diseases which cause Abortion in Cattle 1.Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD)2.Brucellosis3.Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (I...

Diseases which cause Abortion in Cattle

1.Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD)
3.Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR, Bovine Herpesvirus 1)
6.Mycotic Abortion
10.Trueperella pyogenes
12.Epizootic Bovine Abortion
13.Mycoplasma and Salmonella

HAEMORRHAGIC SEPTICAEMIA (HS)🔸This is an acute bacterial disease of cattle and buffaloes which usually occurs during mon...


🔸This is an acute bacterial disease of cattle and buffaloes which usually occurs during

🔸Mortality rate may be as high as 80 %.

🔸Germs of this disease survive longer in humid and waterlogged conditions.


🔸High temperature, sudden decrease in milk
🔸Salivation and serous nasal discharge.
🔸Severe oedema of the throat region.
🔸Difficultly in breathing , animal produces a
grunting sound.
🔸Animal usually dies within 1-2 days of showing
🔸Buffaloes are generally more susceptible than cattle.
🔸Animals with clinical signs, particularly buffalo, rarely recover.
🔸In endemic areas, most deaths seen in older calves and young adults.


🔸Segregate the sick animal from healthy ones and avoid contamination of feed, fodder and
🔸Avoid crowding especially during wet seasons.
🔸Vaccinate all animals which are 6 months and above of age annually before the onset of
monsoon in endemic areas.


🔸Treatment is usually ineffective unless treated very early , that is during the stage when fever sets in.
🔸Few animals survive once clinical signs develop.
🔸Case fatality approaches 100% if treatment is not followed at the initial stage of infection.

👉Antibiotics of veterinary importance:💉1)Tetracycline🐄🔶Examples👇🚩Oxytetracycline🚩chlortetracycline🚩doxycycline🚩methacycl...

👉Antibiotics of veterinary importance:



💉3)Beta lactam antibiotics🐄
1)🚩Penicillins has three types🔻🔻
🐎Natural :👇
🔹penicillin G
🔹penicillin V
🐎Pencillinase resistant penicillin:👇
🐎Extended spectrum penicillin :👇

2)🚩Cephalosporins 🔻🔻








🚩polymixin B
🚩colistin (polymixin E)..


Lumpy skin disease (L*D)

Lumpy skin disease is a viral infection of cattle. Originally found in Africa, it has also spread to countries in the Middle East, Asia, and eastern Europe. Clinical signs include fever, lacrimation, hypersalivation, and characteristic skin eruptions. Diagnosis is by histopathology, virus isolation, or PCR. Attenuated vaccines may help control outbreaks.
Lumpy skin disease is an infectious, eruptive, occasionally fatal disease of cattle characterized by nodules on the skin and other parts of the body. Secondary bacterial infection often aggravates the condition. Traditionally, lumpy skin disease is found in southern and eastern Africa, but in the 1970s it extended northwest through the continent into subSaharan west Africa. Since 2000, it has spread to several countries of the Middle East and in 2013 extended west into Turkey and several countries in the Balkans. More recently, outbreaks of lumpy skin disease were reported for the first time in Georgia, Russia, Bangladesh, and the People's Republic of China. The recent geographic spread of lumpy skin disease has caused international concern. The disease has not been recorded in the Western hemisphere or in Australia or New Zealand.

Etiology and Epidemiology of Lumpy Skin Disease in Cattle
The causal virus is related to that of sheeppox. Lumpy skin disease appears epidemically or sporadically. Frequently, new foci of infection appear in areas far removed from the initial outbreak. Its incidence is highest in wet summer weather, but it may occur in winter. It is most prevalent along water courses and on low ground. Because quarantine restrictions designed to limit the spread of infection often fail, biting insects have been suspected as mechanical vectors; however, outbreaks have occurred under conditions in which insects practically could be excluded. Experimentally, three species of hard ticks found in Africa have been shown to biologically transmit the virus. Because the disease can be ex

Veterinary and Poultry Services AvailaHere.,(🐫🐃🐐🐕🐓🐴)

Veterinary and Poultry Services AvailaHere.,


ہستوفلوسیس Histophilosis

جانوروں کا پاوں موڑ کر بیٹھ جانا :

ایسے کیسز میں نے بہت دیکھے ہیں اور یہ اگست میں بہت دیکھنے کو ملتا ہے Heamophilus Somni نامی بیکٹریا کے وجہ سے ایسا ہوتا ہے۔ جو ایک گرام نیگٹو بیکٹریا ہے۔ یہ جانور کے خون میں Toxin چھوڑتا ہے, جانور بیٹھ جاتا ہے, جتنا اٹھانے کا کوشش کرو گے جانور اتنا ہی خراب ہوتا رہتا ہے۔ اس بیکٹریا کے خلاف صرف اور صرف Florfenicol سالٹ اثر کرتا ہے۔ مگر بدقسمتی سے یہ سالٹ بیماری کے ابتدائی وقت میں کام کرتا ہے , بعد میں فلورفینی کول بھی کام نہیں کرتا۔

میں ضلع جھنگ میں ایک ڈیری فارم پہ تھا, اچانک یہی بیماری شروع ہوگی اور روزانہ ایک ایک جانور بیٹھ جانے لگے اور مرنے لگے۔ جانور کا بخار کم نہیں ہوتا , Butalax, imizol , Novacoc , اور نجانے کیا کیا ادویات لگاتے مگر جانور مرتے رہے۔ میں بہت تنگ ایا , سمجھ ہی نہیں ارہا تھا کہ کیا کروں , پھر کافی سارے ڈاکٹروں سے مشوروں کے بعد پتہ چلا کہ یہ تو Histophilosis نامی بیماری, تب سے اس کو ابتدائی اور شروعات کے وقت Florfenicol لگانا شروع کیا۔ اس کے لیے ہم نے روزانہ صبح شام جانور کا ٹمیپریچر لینا شروع کیا جس بھی جانور کا ٹمیپریچر 104 سے اوپر ہوتا , ہم اس کو Naflor 25 ml اور ساتھ ,میں Loxin لگاتے دو انجکشن لگانے کے بعد جانور فٹ رہتا۔ یہی طریقہ ایک ہفتہ کرتے رہے, یہ ایک تھکا دینے والا طریقہ تھا مگر ہم نے ستمبر تک اپنے جانور بچائے تھے
میں نے پورے کیرئیر میں اس بیماری سے اور منہ کھر سے زیادہ ذلیل کرنے اور تھکانے والا مرض نہیں دیکھا۔ شاید اب لمپی اسکین اس سے زیادہ تھکانے والا مرض ہو۔
میرا ذاتی اندازہ یہ ہے کہ لمپی وباء میں Histophilosis مل کر ہی زیادہ اموات کا ذمہ دار ہے۔ اس لیے میں ڈاکٹر حضرات کو florfenicol کا مشورہ دونگا کہ دوسرے انٹی بیاٹک کے ساتھ اس کا بھی استعمال کرے۔ three day sickness اور H Somni کے علامات تھوڑا سا فرق ہوتا ہے
جو ایک بہت تجربہ کار ڈاکٹر ہی تشخص کرسکتا ہ...

Suggest treatment doctor sahiban's?

Suggest treatment doctor sahiban's?

Whenever thinking of poultry farming, Seven things you must need to know:1. Market researchIt is very important to criti...

Whenever thinking of poultry farming, Seven things you must need to know:

1. Market research

It is very important to critically look at the demand that needs to be met. Is there high demand for table eggs, out grower chicken or broiler meat? Most start-up farmers go by what a friend or relative or neighbouring farmer is doing and hope to reap the benefits.

It is important that you take your time to talk to clients or potential customers and listen to them. Do a survey on restaurants, hotels, open air or takeaway eateries, supermarkets and delis and collect as much data as possible.

Ask questions about seasonal trends of products that you intend to bring into the market. Sometimes your assumptions may not match your survey results or outcome, so be ready to change your original plans and make new decisions.

2. Farm location

A poultry farm can be located on any dry land anywhere in the country as it is not dependent on any weather patterns. However, the ideal location would be outskirts of urban or peri-urban cities where there is ready market for both meat and eggs. Construct your farm where there is access to all weather road, away from riparian land that experience occasional flooding and landslide.

3. Housing system

The most common housing system in this country is deep litter, where the entire floor is covered by wood shaving and the other equipment like nest boxes, feeders and drinkers are centrally located. It is best suited for all types of birds and conforms to animal welfare requirement.

The free-range type is common for Sasso chicken with a bit of housing at night and scavenging in an open enclosure. In organic farming, the chickens are most of the time on free range scavenging and are on restricted commercial feed with no use of antibiotics and any additive.

4. Demand for building

The most ideal house in this region must be open sided rectangular shaped structure, with roof made of iron sheet or locally available waterproof material. The long side of the house must be on an East-west orientation to reduce direct sunlight on the chicks.

Side walls should be 2-3 feet high made of bricks, iron sheet or block and the rest covered by wire mesh and chicken netting at 6-7 feet high. The floor could be concreted or compacted with red soil.

5. Choice of breed and supplier

If you want to keep commercial layers, choose type of breed which is hardy with low mortality rate, fast growth rates, high peak production, long peak period and good persistence (like Bovans brown). If it is for both meat and egg production, look for a breed of high feed conversion efficiency, and of good tasty and tender quality meat (like dual purpose Sasso).

6. Optimal health protection

Threats to your flock will include but not limited to protozoal and parasitic diseases, bacteria, yeast and mold and viral infections. You will need good rearing conditions that include proper brooding, temperature control, ventilation and humidity as well as quality water and adequate feed supply all the time.

Biosecurity is pivotal to your success; the premises must be highly sanitised within and around the site with limited flock visits to only authorised personnel. Vaccination schedule must be followed to the letter and must be chosen based on efficacy and administered professionally.

7. Record keeping

Anything that cannot be counted cannot be measured. Most farmers ignore the value of good record keeping. Feed being the highest production cost in poultry production, means that it must be weighed to the level of grammes fed/bird/day, and weight sampling must be done on weekly basis to establish production efficiency.

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Qureshi Morr
Dera Ismail Khan





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