Pet care services

Pet care services pet treatment and poultry services




Myasis in Dog

Vaccinate your pets for their good health

Vaccinate your pets for their good health

Feline Panleukopenia

Feline Panleukopenia


Canine Parvo Virus Infection

Your pets are dear to us just as they are to you! Feel free to contact us for:• Vaccination• Grooming• General Check-up•...

Your pets are dear to us just as they are to you!
Feel free to contact us for:
• Vaccination
• Grooming
• General Check-up
• Consultancy
• Treatment and surgery
Phone: 0315-3793479

Lumpy Skin Disease

Lumpy Skin Disease

We started our new services....Online consultation, services at home (pet grooming, vaccination, treatment) in Pindi and...

We started our new services....
Online consultation, services at home (pet grooming, vaccination, treatment) in Pindi and Islamabad.

Pain detection

Pain detection

Needle size

Needle size

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) deficiency(Curly Toe Disease).........................Clinical signsYoung chicks, as early as 1-...

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) deficiency

(Curly Toe Disease).........................

Clinical signs

Young chicks, as early as 1-week-old, exhibit curling of the toes, inability to walk and sometimes diarrhea.

Treatment and control

Administering vitamin B preparations brings a rapid cure.

Only in advanced cases will birds be dehydrated and emaciated, requiring further treatment.

It is important to ensure adequate vitamin B levels not only in starter and grower diets, but also in the diet of parent

Sheep age estimation by their teeth

Sheep age estimation by their teeth



Sheep breeds

Sheep breeds

Dog breeds

Dog breeds



Milk Fever

Milk Fever

Vaccination Schedule for Cattle

Vaccination Schedule for Cattle

Egg selection for incubation

Egg selection for incubation

Injection sites

Injection sites

Anatomy of Dog

Anatomy of Dog

Vaccination schedule of Goat and SheepDr. SaraContact: 03456784334

Vaccination schedule of Goat and Sheep
Dr. Sara
Contact: 03456784334

Some common diseases of Cattle And Goat like CCPP , PPR etc....Dr. SaraContact: 03456784334

Some common diseases of Cattle And Goat like CCPP , PPR etc....
Dr. Sara
Contact: 03456784334

Treatment of Dog for Alopecia, worms, Diarrhea, off feed.Dr. Sara Contact: 03456784334

Treatment of Dog for Alopecia, worms, Diarrhea, off feed.

Dr. Sara
Contact: 03456784334

Treatment of Goat having diarrhea, worma also fever and off feedDr. SaraContact: 03456784334

Treatment of Goat having diarrhea, worma also fever and off feed
Dr. Sara
Contact: 03456784334


جانور کو ہیٹ میں لانے کے لیے فارمولا:
اگر جانور لمبے عرصے تک ہیٹ میں نہ آ رہا ہو تو ڈاکڑی نسخہ کے مطابق آپ
انجکشن ڈیلمازین یا لوٹالائز استعمال کریں
دیسی نسخہ
میتھرے 250 گرام
گڑ 250 گرام
اجوائن 150 گرام
گندم 250 گرام
مسور کی دال 100 گرام
یہ تمام چیزیں مکس کر کے روزانہ 200 گرام دیں
نسخہ نمبر 2
کسی بھی پنسار سے 12 دانے جائفل لیں اور روازانہ 4 دانے پیس کر ایک پائو گڑ میں دیں کنفرم ہیٹ میں آ جائے گی
اس میں احتیاط یہی ہو گی کہ کراس کوشش کریں جب ہیٹ ختم ہو رہی ہو تو کروائیں یا پھر کراس کے بعد سرسوں کا تیل دودھ میں پلا دیں

نمبر # # # 2

جانوروں ( گائے۔بھینس) کے بار بار پھر جانا ، ہیٹ میں آنا، ریپیٹ ہونے کی مختلف وجوہات ہو سکتی ہیں۔ جن میں خاص درج ذیل ہیں۔

1: بچہ دانی میں سوجن ہونا یا انفیکشن کا ہونا۔ وقت پر جیر کا نہ گیرانا یا پوری نہ گرنا جو انفیکشن کی وجہ بنتا ہے۔

2:ا Brucellosis جس کی وجہ سے بھی ایسا ہوتا ہے اور یہ انسان میں بھی منتقل ہو سکتا ہے جانوروں سے۔ اور اس کی ویکسین موجود ہے

3: منرل کی کمی کا باعث بھی بار بار پھر جانے کی بڑی وجہ ہے۔

البتہ اگر انفیکشن ہو تو اس کا جلد از جلد علاج کریں انشاء اللہ ٹھیک ہو جائے گی

دیسی طریقہ۔ (ایک دن کی خوراک)۔

1: 480 گرام: ایلویرا۔ Aloe Vera

2: 480 گرام : دھی۔۔ Curd

3۔: 720ml : صاف پانی۔ Water

ایلویرا کا سفید گودا نکال لیں اور دھی اور پانی کے ساتھ اچھی طرح حل کر کے جانور کو کھلا دیں یہ عمل تین دن کرنا ہے اس کے بعد جب جانور (گائے ۔ بھینس) ہیٹ پر تو (AI) ٹیکہ رکھوا دیں انشاء اللہ ٹھر جائے گی۔

Dr. Sara

Salmonellosis:It is a bacterial disease caused by strains of the Salmonella bacteria. Infections with Salmonella pulloru...

It is a bacterial disease caused by strains of the Salmonella bacteria.
Infections with Salmonella pullorum usually cause very high mortality in young chickens and turkeys within the first 2 - 3 weeks of age. In adult chickens, mortality may be high but frequently there are no clinical signs. The route of infection is oral (via feed or litter) or via the navel/yolk. Also transmission via the egg appears.
Clinical findings and lesions: Birds may die in the hatchery shortly after hatching. Affected birds huddle near a heat source, are anorectic, appear weak and have whitish diarrhoea around the vent. Survivors are small in size and frequently become carriers with localized infection of the o***y. These birds can continue to infect other birds.
Salmonella can be controlled with the successful combination of several strategies:
Hatching eggs should be clean and disinfected or fumigated.
Day old chicks should come from Salmonella-free breeder flocks.
Salmonella negative feed should be obtained. Feed should be heat-treated or treated with acids, to avoid recontamination after production. Also attention needs to be paid to the transport of feed (e.g. no open trucks to prevent contamination via pigeon-droppings).
Drinking water should come from a clean source and ideally should be chlorinated.
Only essential equipment should be allowed into the poultry house, after acknowledging that there are no Salmonella organisms present.
By Dr Sara

Pregnancy check up of GoatTreatment for shivering and blood loss.Dr. SaraContact: 03456784334

Pregnancy check up of Goat
Treatment for shivering and blood loss.
Dr. Sara
Contact: 03456784334

Vaccination schedule for BroilerDr. SaraContact: 03456784334

Vaccination schedule for Broiler

Dr. Sara
Contact: 03456784334

Male Cat Treatment for Alopecia, Off feed, worms and Diarrhea Dr. SaraContact: 03456784334

Male Cat Treatment for Alopecia, Off feed, worms and Diarrhea
Dr. Sara
Contact: 03456784334

Infectious Bronchitis (IB) in poultry:Avian infectious bronchitis (IB) is an acute and highly contagious respiratory dis...

Infectious Bronchitis (IB) in poultry:

Avian infectious bronchitis (IB) is an acute and highly contagious respiratory disease of chickens. The disease is caused by avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), a coronavirus (Coronaviridae, Orthocoronavirinae, genus Gammacoronavirus, subgenus Igacovirus), and characterized by respiratory signs including gasping, coughing, sneezing, tracheal rales, and nasal discharge. In young chickens, severe respiratory distress may occur. In layers, respiratory distress, nephritis, decrease in egg production, and loss of internal (watery egg white) and external (fragile, soft, irregular or rough shells, shell-less) egg quality are reported.

Signs and Symptoms:

Coughing and rattling are common, most severe in young, such as broilers, and rapidly spreading in chickens confined or at proximity. Morbidity is 100% in non-vaccinated flocks. Mortality varies according to the virus strain (up to 60% in non-vaccinated flocks). Respiratory signs will subdue within two weeks. However, for some strains, a kidney infection may follow, causing mortality by toxemia. Younger chickens may die of tracheal occlusion by mucus (lower end) or by kidney failure. The infection may prolong in the cecal tonsils.

In laying hens, there can be transient respiratory signs, but mortality may be negligible. However, egg production drops sharply. A great percentage of produced eggs are misshapen and discolored. Many laid eggs have a thin or soft shell and poor albumen (watery), and are not marketable or proper for incubation. Normally-colored eggs, indicative of normal shells for instance in brown chickens, have a normal hatchability.

Egg yield curve may never return to normal. Milder strains may allow normal production after around eight weeks.


IBV was the first coronavirus described[4] and varies greatly genetically and phenotypically, with hundreds of serotypes and strains described. The most updated classification of IBV places the virus in Coronaviridae, Orthocoronavirinae, genus Gammacoronavirus, subgenus Igacovirus. [1] The coronaviruses contain the largest known viral RNA genome in number of nucleotides, of approximately 30,000 bases. The RNA forms a single strand and single segment. IBV diversity is based on transcriptional error, which may become very relevant if occurring in genomic sequences coding for proteins, involved in adsorption to target cell or inducing immune responses. Transcriptional error variants may emerge with evolutional advantage in susceptible chickens. Large genomic changes will occur with entire gene interchanges, by reassortment, as for its replication, seven subgenomic mRNAs are produced and will enable reassortment in coinfections.


Chicken respiratory diseases are difficult to differentiate and may not be diagnosed based on respiratory signs and lesions. Other diseases such as mycoplasmosis by Mycoplasma gallisepticum (chronic respiratory disease), Newcastle disease by mesogenic strains of Newcastle diseases virus (APMV-1), Avian metapneumovirus, infectious laryngotracheitis, avian infectious coryza in some stages may clinically resemble IB. Similar kidney lesions may be caused by different etiologies, including other viruses, such as infectious bursal disease virus (the cause of Gumboro disease) and toxins (for instance ochratoxins of Aspergillus ochraceus), and dehydration.

In laying hens, abnormal and reduced egg production are also observed in Egg Drop Syndrome 76 (EDS), caused by an Atadenovirus and avian metapneumovirus infections. At present, IB is more common and far more spread than EDS. The large genetic and phenotypic diversity of IBV have been resulting in common vaccination failures. In addition, new strains of IBV, not present in commercial vaccines, can cause the disease in IB vaccinated flocks. Attenuated vaccines will revert to virulence by consecutive passage in chickens in densely populated areas, and may reassort with field strains, generating potentially important variants.

Definitive diagnosis relies on viral isolation and characterization. For virus characterization, the methodology using genomic amplification (PCR), firstly by the reverse transcription of viral RNA into cDNA, the cyclic amplification of cDNA and sequencing of products, will enable very precise description of strains, according to the oligonucleotide primers designed and target gene. Broadly sensitive universal gene targets are the nucleoprotein, the matrix or the S2 encoding genes. The S1 encoding gene products sequencing may enable phylogenetic results which are comparable to serotyping. Methods for IBV antigens detection may employ labelled antibodies, such as direct immunofluorescence or immunoperoxidase. Antibodies to IBV may be detected by indirect immunofluorescent antibody test, ELISA and Haemagglutination inhibition (haemagglutinating IBV produced after enzymatic treatment by phospholipase C).

Treatment and prevention:

antibiotics can be used to prevent secondary infections.

Vaccines are available (ATCvet codes: QI01AA03 (WHO) for the inactivated vaccine, QI01AD07 (WHO) for the live vaccine; plus various combinations).

Biosecurity protocols including adequate isolation, disinfection are important in controlling the spread of the disease.

Dr. Sara
Contact: 03456784334

Newcastle disease is a disease of poultry caused by a virus of avian paramyxovirus serotype 1 (APMV-1) which has an intr...

Newcastle disease is a disease of poultry caused by a virus of avian paramyxovirus serotype 1 (APMV-1) which has an intracerebral pathogenicity index (ICPI) in day-old chicks of 1.2 or greater.

⦁ Virulent virus can also be confirmed by the presence of multiple basic amino acids at the at the C-terminus of the F2 protein and F (phenylalanine) at residue 117, the N-terminus of the F1 protein If NDV virus unable to demonstrate the unique pattern of amino acid residues as explain above would require characterization of the isolated virus by an ICPI test.

According to the European Union (EU):

“an infection of poultry caused by an avian strain of the paramyxovirus 1 with an intracerebral pathogenicity index [ICPI] in day-old chicks greater than 0.7”.

Based on the OIE definition, by containing multiple amino acids in the fusion cleavage site, the PPMV-1 isolates are vNDV and upon infection of poultry are defined as ND and are reportable to the OIE.
However, only some PPMV-1 cause signs of clinical disease in chickens, giving ICPI values of less than 0.7.

but increasing in virulence after multiple passages in chickens.

There are two types of Newcastle disease found worldwide

virulence Newcastle disease virus (vNDV)
It’s defined as Newcastle disease (ND) infection which meets criteria according to OIE for Newcastle disease. Common criteria are

The virus should have an intracerebral pathogenicity index (ICPI) in day-old chicks (Gallus gallus) of 0.7 or greater
NDV shows basic amino acids in virus structure. etc
Common vNDV pathotypes are velogenic & Mesogenic strain

Low virulence Newcastle disease virus (LoDV)

It’s defined as asymptomatic or NDV of low virulence will be referred to as loNDV. These types of NDV found in reservoir hosts or natural hosts. The common natural host is Pigeon. domesticated chicken, comments, Live Newcastle disease vaccine.

Newcastle disease symptoms depend on factors that influence the incubation period. It also accounts for the variation in the clinical signs observed after infection. Clinical symptoms of Newcastle disease in other poultry species can be different and depend not only on the species but also on the specific breed of bird.
The comb may become blue as the bird becomes cyanotic in Newcastle disease. but hemorrhages are only seen with some isolates.
Both eyelids are swollen preventing them from fully opening. in some cases, eyelids are crusted with a small amount of yellow material.
A close-range view of the f***s shows both the green bile pigment as well as the white urates. These diarrheal f***s is somewhat characteristic of Newcastle disease.
A large amount of watery diarrhea is a common finding in Newcastle disease. This diarrhea often has a greenish color due to the presence of bile.
Additionally, diuresis results in an excessive amount of white urates seen in these f***s in Newcastle disease.
Mesogenic strains of Newcastle disease usually result in low or no mortality in 4-week-old chickens and will present with neurological signs such as torticollis, and paralysis.
Bilateral facial edema of the face is produced a square-shaped face. It is often the best appreciating from this vantage point in viscerotropic velogenic Newcastle disease. In the severe cold season, There is bilateral swelling of the face which gave the head a “square” contour.
Accumulation of mucus in the nasal cavity which is seen after pressing the nose.
Other symptoms are Respiratory symptoms, including mucus in the respiratory tract, which can be associated with both low virulence and high virulence NDV.
Well-vaccinated layers infected with Viseratropic Newcastle disease (vNDV) may only present with a decrease in egg production 1 week after infection, with the fewest eggs produced 2 to 3 weeks post-infection, after which the number of eggs produced will start to increase.
Inactivated and live NDV vaccines formulated with NDV strains of are the most commonly administered vaccines

Usually prepared from egg-grown virus that is killed by treatment with formalin or β-propiolactone. Aqueous inactivated vaccines have been used but in recent years these have been superseded by those based on oil.

The immunogenicity of such vaccines may vary considerably with the type and ratios of the components of the vaccine.

Both low virulence, such as B1 and LaSota virulent and avirulent viruses have been used as a source of antigen for inactivated vaccines.

From a safety aspect, viruses of low virulence would seem the most sensible source of antigen and have the added advantage of usually growing to higher titres in eggs.

Inactivated vaccines were first adjuvanted with aluminum hydroxide, but oil emulsions have proved to be more effective

Formalin, beta-Propiolactone (BPL), and binary ethylenimine (BEI) are used to inactivate NDV.

Dr. Sara
Contact: 03456784334

Poultry Farm VisitTreatment for Coryza and CRD DiseaseDr. SaraContact: 03456784334

Poultry Farm Visit
Treatment for Coryza and CRD Disease
Dr. Sara
Contact: 03456784334





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