Looking for new shelter
All breeder pair with fertilty gurantee
Green opline/ino
Green eiwing opline
Blue opline possible ino
Blue euwing opline
Green fisheri/oplne/ino
Bule fisheri/opline
Blue pasnata adult breeder male
Lotino fisheri/ino/opline
All birds are breeder
Nail tail fly 💯
Location korangi landhi
Total 26 pecs
All breeder lumsum amount 35k for all
Looking for new sheltre
All birds active and healthy
Age 3 months+
Green fisher/blue/ino
Voilet fisher possible ino
Blue opline /ino
Green opline/blue possible ino
Nail tail fly 💯
In reasonable price
All birds in 13k
Location korangi landhi
hatching 2k23
Green opline/blue/ino FEMALE
Green opline/ino MALE
Sunday offer
1 blue pasnata 6 months
2 violet fishri possible ino 3 months
1 blue pastleino 3 months
All birds in 10k fnf
Location korangi
Some birds looking for new sheltre
1) Green/opline/ino age 3month non d.n.a
2)Green opline split parblue
Gender MALE. Age 4 months
3) albino black eye split red eyes pair
Confrm red eye split
Age 4 months
Nail tail fly 💯
Jumbo size
Location korangi