Peste des petits ruminants (PPR)/ Goat Plague is an acute highly contagious economically important transboundary viral disease of sheep and goats associated with high morbidity and mortality and caused by PPR virus. In This disease there is high fever oculo-nasal discharges necrotizing and erosive stomatitis, gastroenteritis, diarrhoea and bronchopneumonia. Majority of the time disease can be diagnosed from its clinical signs and pathological lesions.
The disease with similar signs for differential diagnosis are Bluetongue (BT), Contagious ecthyma (Orf), Foot and mouth disease (FMD), Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP), Pasteurellosis etc The involvement of respiratory system in PPR is remarkable and pneumonia is a predominant sign in PPR. Bronchopneumonia is a constant lesion, with possibility of pleuritis and hydrothorax. Lymph nodes associated with lung (mediastinal) and intestine (mesenteric) are most commonly affected which are generally enlarged, oedematous and congested. Spleen was congested and engorged, and at times showed petechiae on the capsular surface. Severe congestion and necrotic lesions in gastro-intestinal tract are normal feature. Necrotic or haemorrhagic enteritis or congestion around the ileo-caecal valve, at the caeco-colic junction and in the re**um are seen usually. In the posterior part of colon and re**um, discontinuous streaks of congestion ("Zebra" stripes or "Zebra markings") on the mucosal folds are observed, which are typical of PPR
Best prevention is to vaccinate your animal. If your animal got the disease proper fluid therapy antibiotics multivitamins analgesics antipyretic
should be used for recovery.