Burn wound case || Alhamdulillah treated successfully .
#dvm #rcvet #uvas #arid #uaf #iub #bzu
#viral #trending #foryou
منہ کھر کی بیماری
Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a serious and highly contagious animal disease that affects all cloven-hoofed animals including cattle, sheep, goats, camelids, deer and pigs. Cloven-hoofed animals are those with divided hooves. It does not affect horses or zebras.
#cvas #uvas #adid #rcvet #viral #trending
#foryou #vet #dvm
Entropion is a condition where your eyelid turns in toward your eye. As a result eyelashes and skin rub against eyeball, causing discomfort to cornea (the front part of your eye). Entropion is common .
#cvas #uvas #bzu #rcvet #trending #foryou #viral #veterinarian
An auricular hematoma is a collection of blood underneath the perichondrium of the ear and typically occurs secondary to trauma. Auricular deformity, commonly known as "cauliflower ear" is the result of untreated or inadequately treated auricular hematoma. It is important to recognize and drain auricular hematomas since persistent hematomas can induce cartilage destruction with subsequent deformity of the ear.
#uvas #arid #bzu #rcvet #viral #foryou #trending #uaf
Hypomagnesemia is common in cattle receiving low dietary content of Mg, inadequate energy intake and cows shortly after calving during cold, wet and windy weather
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Cerebellar hypoplasia is a neurological condition in which the cerebellum—the part of the brain that coordinates movement—is smaller than usual or not completely developed. Cerebellar hypoplasia is a feature of a number of congenital (present at birth) brain malformation syndromes, inherited metabolic disorders and neurodegenerative disorders that begin in early childhood.
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Enucleation is the surgical procedure that involves removal of the entire globe and its intraocular contents..
گھوڑے کی کینسر زدہ آنکھ نکالنے کا آپریشن
Dr.Rizwan Bashir (DVM,RVMP,Surgeon)
☎️ 0300 7103678
#viral #trending #foryou #dvm #uvas #uaf #arid #bzu #uaf #rcvet #equine #animal #pakistan
Pakistan 🇵🇰 top ranked surgeon Dr.Rizwan Bashir (DVM,RVMP,Surgeon) || 29 Years of Excellence || Proud veterinarian of Pakistan 🇵🇰 || Father of thousands of veterinary surgeons.
#dvm #uvas #arid #uaf #bzu #uos #rcvet #vet #foryou #viral
Removal of tumor || Surgery ||
کینسر کا آپریشن
#dvm #uvas #arid #bzu #uaf #cvas #viral #trending #foryou #veterinarian
C-section in sheep || Surgery
آپریشن کے زریعے بھیڑ اور بچوں کی جان بچائی
#DVM #Veterinarian #arid #rcvet #uvas #bzu #uaf #viral #trending