Watto Dairy Farm-vet info.

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Watto Dairy Farm-vet info. here is info about animals health, feed, disease treatment, farm management , quarantine and biosecurity .

  mostly occurs in equine  · Liquid paraffin or linseed oil given by mouth. Large animal give 500 ml (0.5 L), medium ani...

mostly occurs in equine

· Liquid paraffin or linseed oil given by mouth. Large animal give 500 ml (0.5 L), medium animal 250 ml (0.25 L), small animal 100 ml and very small animal give 20 to 50 ml. There are many forms of paraffin. Make sure that you use medicinal liquid paraffin. Check with your veterinarian.

· Magnesium sulphate (Epsom salts): White powder which is dissolved in water and given by mouth. Dose for large animals is 500 gm, medium animals 250 gm, small animals 50 - 80 gm and very small animals 5 to 20 gm. Mix the powder with clean water and give as a drench. Do not give horses, donkeys and mules more than 100 gm.

· Castor oil: Give to horses, mules, donkeys and pigs. Inj. Flunixinmeglumine (loxin)

GOAT DISEASES YOU NEED TO KNOW🐐🐐Diseases in goats are generally less than any other livestock animals. But for commercia...


Diseases in goats are generally less than any other livestock animals. But for commercial goat farming, you must have to know about some goat diseases and their prevention methods. If any goat of your farm get infected by diseases, then the growth and production also get reduced seriously. So you should be very conscious about various types of goat diseases and their preventive methods. Goats generally get infected by viral, parasites and malnutritious diseases. Some goat diseases, symptoms and necessary steps for preventing those diseases are shortly described below.


Anthrax disease causes in goats due to a bacteria named ‘bacillus anthracis’. This virus enter into the body of goat through their feed, water, breath and wound places. And start showing symptoms within 1 to 5 days. Sometimes goat may die without any symptoms. Blood may come out from the nose, mouth and a**s of goat.

1. Symptoms: The affected goats stop eating suddenly. They do not ruminate. Temperature of their body can be up to 41° Fahrenheit. They suffer much while breathing. The germ of this goat disease can survive for up to 40 years and can infect humans and other animals.
2. Treatment: Apply antibiotic medicine like penicillin, ampicillin, tetracycline etc. according to the suggestion of a veterinary surgeon. Apply anthrax disease preventive vaccine once to the goat.


Inflammation of lung is known as pneumonia. This disease occurs due to various reasons like bacteria, virus, parasites etc. It is a fatal disease. Germ or parasites of this disease spread through food, water and breath of disease affected goat.

1. Symptoms: Body temperature of affected goat increases for up to 41° to 45° Fahrenheit. They take breath frequently. Suffer by coughing and snivel ooze from the nose. Tongue get swelled and they always keep it out. They feel no interest in taking food. They stop ruminating. The goats become very sick gradually and like to stay sleeping.
2. Treatment: Using antibiotic of sulphonemide group like sulphadimidin, penicillin, tetracycline, ampicillin, tylucin etc. are very effective for this disease. Choose the proper medicine according to the suggestion of a veterinarian.


Foot and mouth disease is a fatal contagious goat disease. Animals with hoof like cow, buffalo, sheep, goat, pig, deer etc. get affected by this disease. One kind of tiny virus are responsible for this disease.

1. Symptoms: The first symptoms of this disease is fever. Succulent blister like water can be seen inside their mouth, lips, tongue and middle of the two hoof. This blister rupture while eating food and the wound place turned into red color. Saliva flows from their mouth. Bad smell spread from the wound place. Various types of insects take place in the wound place.
2. Treatment: This is among the fatal goat diseases and has no proper treatment. Use antibiotic medicines for keeping your goats free from other diseases and virus. Wash the wound place of the affected goat with antibiotic. Apply foot and mouth disease preventive vaccine after every 4 to 6 months.


This disease occurs due to toxin produced by bacteria of clostridium species. Enterotoxemia infect the goat when the farmer feed his goat only grainy food. Because grainy food helps to produce toxin and grow the bacteria rapidly.

1. Symptoms: Affected goat get excited and can die suddenly. Body remain shaking and flagrant always. They stave off their head with solid objects. Saliva flows from their mouth. Closet become waterish. Affected goats die within 24 hours.

2. Treatment: Treatment for this disease is not so effective. You can be benefited occasionally by using penicillin and tetracycline antibiotic.


Worms are very harmful parasites for goats. Baby goats get affected by worms more than adult. Adult goats get affected by tapeworm and baby goats by flatworms.

1. Symptoms: Belly of infected goat become very big sized. And they become very sick slowly. General body growth get reduced. Desirability get damaged. Sometimes worms come out with their closet. Affected goats loss their appetite.
2. Treatment: This disease can be cured by using worm preventive medicines for domestic animal like mebendazole, cambendazole, thiophanate etc. As worms are parasites, so feed your goat fresh and clean grass and water.


1. Clean their house, feed and water pot with germicide regularly.

2. Always clean the closet and urine of goat.

3. Keep different aged goat in separate pen.

4. Always feed your goat nutritious feed. Don’t feed them rotten or used feed by other animals.

5. Never keep recently bought goats with your existing farm goats.

6. Before keeping with farm goat check them whether they are affected by any goat diseases or not.

7. If any goat of your farm get affected by diseases, then separate them from healthy one and provide proper treatment.

8. Dead body of the affected goats should burned with fire or keep it under soil.
9. Vaccinate the goat timely and provide them medicine on a regular basis for preventing worm.

10. The main enemy of goat is rain and cold. So, they should be kept safe from cold and rain.

11. And finally, always take good care of your goats. By proper care and management, they will remain healthy and free from diseases.

   of placentae .                           A)Diffuse placentae   HorseCamel B)cotyledonary placentae•ruminants(afar cal...

of placentae


A)Diffuse placentae

B)cotyledonary placentae
•ruminants(afar calooley)
Goats (riyaha)

C)Discoid placentae

D)zonary placentae



 #𝗦𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗜𝗠𝗣𝗢𝗥𝗧𝗔𝗡𝗧 𝗠𝗘𝗗𝗜𝗖𝗔𝗟 𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗢𝗟𝗢𝗚𝗬> *Rx* = Treatment> *Hx* = History> *Dx* = Diagnosis> *q* = Every> *qd* = Every day>...


> *Rx* = Treatment
> *Hx* = History
> *Dx* = Diagnosis
> *q* = Every
> *qd* = Every day
> *qod* = Every other day
> *qh* = Every Hour
> *S* = without
> *SS* = One & half
> *C* = With
> *SOS* = If needed
> *AC* = Before Meals
> *PC* = After meals
> *BID* = Twice a Day
> *TID* = Thrice a Day
> *QID* = Four times a day
> *OD* = Once a Day
> *BT* = Bed Time
> *hs* = Bed Time
> *BBF* = Before Breakfast
> *BD* = Before Dinner
> *Tw* = Twice a week
> *SQ* = sub cutaneous
> *IM* = Intramuscular
> *ID* = Intradermal
> *IV* = Intravenous

*Knowledge About Blood*
1. Which is known as ‘River of Life’?
*Answer: Blood*
2. Blood circulation was discovered by?
*Answer: William Harvey*
3. The total blood volume in an adult?
*Answer: 5-6 Litres*
4. The pH value of Human blood?
*Answer: 7.35-7.45*
5. The normal blood cholesterol level?
*Answer: 150-250 mg/100 ml*
6. The fluid part of blood?
*Answer: Plasma*
7. Plasma protein fibrinogen has an active role in?
*Answer: Clotting of blood*
8. Plasma protein globulins functions as?
*Answer: Antibodies*
9. Plasma proteins maintain the blood pH?
*Answer: Albumins*
10. Biconcave discs shaped blood cell?
*Answer: RBC* (Erythrocytes)
*11. Non nucleated blood cell?*
*Answer: RBC* (Erythrocytes)
12. Respiratory pigments present in RBC?
*Answer: Haemoglobin*
13. Red pigment present in RBC?
*Answer: Haemoglobin*
14. RBC produced in the?
*Answer: Bone marrow*
15. Iron containing pigment of Haemoglobin?
*Answer: Haem*
16. Protein containing pigment of Haemoglobin?
*Answer: Globin*
17. Graveyard of RBC?
*Answer: Spleen*
18. Blood bank in the body?
*Answer: Spleen*
19. Life span of RBC?
*Answer: 120 Days*
20. Total count is measured by an instrument known as?
*Answer: Haemocytometer*
21. A decrease in RBC count is known as?
*Answer: Anemia*
22. An increase in RBC count is known as?
*Answer: Polycythemia*
23. A high concentration of bilirubin in the blood causes?
*Answer: Jaundice*
24. The disease resistant blood cell?
*Answer: WBC (leucocytes)*
25. Which WBC is known as soldiers of the body?
*Answer: Neutrophils*
26. Largest WBC?
*Answer: Monocyes*
27. Smallest WBC?
*Answer: Lymphocytes*
28. Antibodies producing WBC?
*Answer: Lymphocytes*
29. Life span of WBC?
*Answer: 10-15 days*
30. Blood cell performs an important role in blood clotting?
*Answer: Thrombocytes (Platelets)*
31. Vessels is called?
*Answer: Thrombus*
32. Anticoagulant present in Blood?
*Answer: Heparin*
33. A hereditary bleeding disease?
*Answer: Haemophilia*
34. Bleeder’s disease?
*Answer: Haemophilia*
35. Christmas disease?
*Answer: Haemophilia*
36. A type of Anemia with sickle shaped RBC?
*Answer: Sickle cell anemia*
37. Viscosity of Blood?
*Answer: 4.5 to 5.5*
38. Instrument used to measure haemoglobin?
*Answer: Haemoglobinometer*
39. Who demonstrated blood groups?
*Answer: Karl Landsteiner*
40. Who demonstrated Rh factor?
*Answer: Karl Landsteiner*
41. Blood group which is called Universal donor?
*Answer: O*
42. Blood group which is called Universal recipient?
*Answer: AB*
43. Blood group is most common among the Asians?
*Answer: B*


Everybody should know the basic functioning of Human Body and its main parts in order to express and explain their ailment to the Doctor and at the same time one should be able to understand the diagnosis expressed by the Doctor in the medical terminology. For easy recognition of the Compounded Words used in the Medical Terminology for naming the disease, Suffixes are added to Prefixes. For this hereunder giving you a few such prefixes for your ready reference and understanding.

Prefix - Meaning

*1. Adeno* - Glandular
*2. An* - Not
*3. Anti* - Against
*4. Aorto* - Aorta
*5. Artho* - joint
*6. Bleph* - Eyelid
*7. Broncho* - Bronchi
*8. Cardio* - Heart
*9. Cephal* - Head
*10. Cerebro* - Brain
*11. Cervico* - Cervix
*12. Cholecysto* - Gall Bladder
*13. Coli* - Bowel
*14. Colpo* - Va**na
*15. Entero* - Intestine
*16. Gastro* - Stomach
*17. Glosso* - Tongue
*18. Haema* - Blood
*19. Hepa* - Liver
*20. Hystero* - Uterus
*21. Laryngo* - Larynx
*22. Leuco* - White
*23. Metro* - Uterus
*24. Myelo* - Spinal cord
*25. Myo* - Muscle
*26. Nephro* - Kidney
*27. Neuro* - Nerve
*28. Odonto* - Tooth
*29. Orchido* - Te**is
*30. Osteo* - Bone
*31. Oto* - Ear
*32. Pharyngo* - Pharynx
*33. Pio* - Pus
*34. Pneumo* - Lung
*35. Ren* - Kidney
*36. Rhin* - Nose
*37. Spleno* - Spleen
*38. Thyro* - Thyroid Gland
*39. Urethro* - Urethra
*40. Vesico* – Bladder

*Here are the suffixes used in Medical terminology. Check out!Suffix - Meaning*

*1. -aemia* : Blood
*2. -algia* : Pain
*3. -derm* : skin
*4. -dynia* : pain
*5. -ectomy* : removal
*6. -Itis* : inflammation
*7. -lithiasis* : Presence of Stone
*8. -malacia* : softening
*9. -oma* : tumour
*10. -opia* : eye
*11. -osis* : Condition,excess
*12. -otomy* : incision of
*13. -phobia* : fear
*14. -plasty* : surgery
*15. -plegia* : peralysis
*16. -ptosis* : falling
*17. -rhoea* : excessive discharge
*18. -rhage* : to burst forth
*19. -rhythmia* : rhythm.
*20. -stasis* : stoppage of movement
*21. -sthenia* : weakness
*22. -stomy* : outlet
*23. -tomy* : removal
*24. -trophy* : nourishment
*25. -uria* : urine

*Compounded Words - Meaning*

*1. Anaemia* - Deficiency of haemoglobin in the blood
*2. Analgesic* - Medicine which alleviates pain
*3. Arthralgia* - Pain in a joint
*4. Cephalalgia* - Headache
*5. Nephralgia* - Pain in the kidney
*6. Neuralgia* - Nerve pain
*7. Myalgia* - Muscle pain
*8. Otalgia* - Ear ache
*9. Gastralgia* - Pain in the stomach
*10. Pyoderma* - Skin infection with pus formation
*11. Leucoderma* - Defective skin pigmentaion
*12. Hysterodynia* - Pain in the uterus
*13. Hysterectomy* - Excision of the uterus
*14. Nephrectomy* - Excision of a kidney
*15. Adenectomy* - Excision of a gland
*16. Cholecystectomy* - Excision of gall bladder
*17. Thyroidectomy* - Excision of thyroid gland
*18. Arthritis* - Inflammation of a joint
*19. Bronchitis* - Inflammation of the bronchi
*20. Carditis* - Inflammation of the heart
*21. Cervicitis* - Inflammation of the cervix
*22. Colitis* - Inflammation of the colon
*23. Colpitis* - Inflammation of the va**na
*24. Cystitis* - Inflammation of the urinary bladder
*25. Enteritis* - Inflammation of the intestines
*26. Gastritis* - Inflammation of the stomach
*27. Glossitis* - Inflammation of the tongue
*28. Hepatitis* - Inflammation of the liver
*29. Laryngitis* - Inflammation of the larynx
*30. Metritis* - Inflammation of the uterus
*31. Myelitis* - Inflammation of the spinal cord
*32. Nephritis* - Inflammation of the kidney
*33. Pharyngitis* - Inflammation of the pharynx
*34. Blepharitis* - Inflammation of the eyelids
*35. Cholelithiasis* - Stone in the gall bladder
*36. Nephrolithiasis* - Stone in the kidney
*37. Osteomalacia* - Softening of bones through deficiency of calcium or D vitamin
*38. Adenoma* -Benign tumour of glandular tissue
*39. Myoma* - Tumour of muscle
*40. Diplopia* - Double vision
*41. Thrombosis* - Formation of a blood clot
*42. Pyloromyotomy* - Incision of pyloric sphincter muscle
*43. Hedrophobia* - Fear of water(Rabies in humans)
*44. Neuroplasty* - Surgical repair of nerves
*45. Pyloraplasty* - Incision of plastic pylorus to widen passage
*46. Hemiplegia* - Paralysis of one side of the body
*47. Nephroptosis* - Downward displacement of the kidney
*48. Amenorrhoea* - Absence of menstrual discharge
*49. Dysmenorrhoea* - Painful menstruation
*50. Leucorrhoea* - Whitish va**nal discharge
*51. Menorrhoea* - Menstrual bleeding
*52. Haemorrhage* - Escape of blood from a vessel
*53. Arrhythmia* - Any deviation of normal rhythm of heart
*54. Cholestasis* - Diminution in the flow of bile
*55. Haemostatis* - Arrest of bleeding
*56. Neurasthenia* - Nervous debility
*57. Cystostomy* - Surgical opening made into the bladder
*58. Cystotomy* - Incision into the urinary bladder
*59. Hypertrophy* - Increase in the size of tissues
*60. Haematuria* - Blood in the urine
*61. Glycosuria* - Presence of sugar in the urine
*62. Albuminuria* - Presence of albumin in the urine






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