It's advisable to avoid feeding avocados, especially the pit and skin, to animals. Always prioritize a balanced and species-appropriate diet for animals.
Avocado fruit, pits, leaves and the actual plant are all potentially poisonous to dogs, along with other pets like cats, mice, rats, birds, rabbits, horses, cattle and goats, among others.
🥑Persin is a fungicidal toxin found in both the fruit and leaves of the avocado tree (Persea americana).
🥑It has been isolated only recently and discovered to kill breast cancer cells.
🥑It has also been shown to enhance the effect of the breast cancer fighting drug Tamoxifen.
🥑This could potentially reduce the necessary dosage of current cancer drugs.
🥑Persin is however highly insoluble, and more research will be needed to put it into a soluble tablet form.
🚫Feeding avocados to any non-human animal should be completely avoided. The lethal dose is not known; the effect is different depending upon the animal species.
🚫Avocados will trigger fluid accumulation in the lungs and chest, leading to difficulty breathing and death due to oxygen deprivation.
🚫Fluid accumulation can also occur in the heart, pancreas and abdomen. High fat content of avocado can lead to pancreatitis.
Clinical signs
💥The symptoms include gastrointestinal irritation, vomiting, diarrhoea, respiratory distress, congestion, fluid accumulation around the tissues of the heart and even death.
💥Birds seem to be particularly sensitive to this toxic compound and the symptoms are the increased heart rate, myocardial tissue damage, labored breathing, disordered plumage, unrest, weakness, and apathy.
💥High doses cause acute respiratory syndrome (asphyxia), with death approximately 12 to 24 h after consumption.
💥In lactating rabbits and mice non-infectious mastitis and agalactia after consumption of leaves or bark was observed.
💥In rabbits cardial arrhythmia, submandibular edema and death after consumption of leaves occur.
💥In cows, horses and goats mastitis after consumption of leaves or bark was observed.