Dogoteka FCI Italian Greyhounds

Dogoteka FCI Italian Greyhounds FCI / ZKwP


Charcie NaJ
Chart to pies, który nie pasuje do innych ras.

1. NAJszybszy-osiąga do 70 km/h w biegu, a spi do 18 godzin dziennie

2. NAJwęższej budowy, a serce podwaja rozmiar innych ras- serce i krew stanowią aż 13% ich wagi.

3. NAJszybciej zwiększa pracę serca: z 70 do ponad 300 uderzeń.

4. W biegu, zwiększa pojemność płuc 30 razy.

5. NAJczęściej używa wzroku, nie węchu.

6. NAJcichszy, rzadko "szczeka".

7. NAJchudsze- brak tłuszczu, i krótka sierśc bez podszerstka, sprawia, że praktycznie nie wydzielają zapachów.

8. NAJbardziej lekko chodzą, wydają się unosić się nad ziemią

9. bardzo towarzyski! Nie atakuje pierwszy i praktycznie nigdy nie gryzie.

10. Nie okazują uczuć liżąc cię, ale uderzając cię nosem.

11. Kocha niezależność, ale bardziej jeszcze kocha swoją rodzinę.

12. Chart jest cieniem właściciela - zawsze za nami podąża,

13. Najbardziej czczony w starożytności i towarzyszył wielu postaciom historii.

14. W komorze pogrzebowej Tutenchamona znajduje się chart, jego towarzysz życiowy.

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3 in 1       3 w 1😂

3 in 1 3 w 1

DOGOtEKA Igglets 🩵🩵🩵have been hyper active in 2024, proud of achievements  in prestigious shows:  Euro Dog Show (EDS), I...

DOGOtEKA Igglets 🩵🩵🩵have been hyper active in 2024, proud of achievements in prestigious shows: Euro Dog Show (EDS), Italy ENCI Winner, Clubshows: SK, PL, DE, international and national shows:

🏆30 CAC’s across 9 countries
⭐️11 Championships across Europe
🏆 5 x Best of Breed in 4 countries (Intermedia/Champion class)

I. FAMA (Famous Girl DOGOtEKA) biggest wins in 2024:
🏆 8 Championships
🏆 Euro Dog Show Veteran Winner VBOB (Celje SLO)
🏆 Euro Dog Show Club Veteran Winner VBOB (Celje SLO)
🏆 Italy Veteran ENCI Winner & shortlisted in finals (Bologna, IT)
🏆 Veteran Latin Winner VBOB (Bologna, IT)
🏆Slovakia Club Veteran Winner & Best in Show Veteran
🏆Sighound World Cup Veteran Winner VBOB (Slovakia)
🏆 Europe Central Sighound Veteran Winner & Res.BIS Veteran
🏆 BOS Champion of Champions, Bytom Poland
🏆 2x BOB winning across classes from Veteran class
🏆 4x CACIBs in 3 countries in Champion class as 8,5 years old girl 🌹

II. ABI (Abigail by Champion Chart / DOGOtEKA) biggest wins in year 2024:
🏆 3 Championships
⭐️ Res.CAC Intermedia class at Euro Dog Show (Celje SLO)
🏆 CAC Intermedia at Club Euro Dog Show (Celje SLO)
🏆 CAC Intermedia in Italy ENCI Dog Show (Bologna, IT)
⭐️ Res.CAC Intermediate SK Club Show
🏆 CAC Intermediate PL Club Show
🏆 CAC Intermediate Europe Central Sighound Club Show
III. Lola (OCH ACH Dogoteka)- our fenomenal mom delivered wonderful 3 puppies living great life with their friends and at their new homes.

Grateful for every success and failure along the way… Road to wins is pawed with hard lessons of perserverance on the ring and beyond, grateful for them, that needs to happen to make us better - then all the support from family and friends makes us strong again - big Thanks to You guys!

Thank you 2024, welcome 2025 with plans, hopes and excitement and keep us going!

Do siego roku!


ITALIA CLUB SHOW ENCI WINNER 2024BOLOGNIA 15/12/2024 1. Famous Girl DOGOTEKA (European Weteran Winner 2024, Sighounds Wo...

BOLOGNIA 15/12/2024

1. Famous Girl DOGOTEKA (European Weteran Winner 2024, Sighounds World Cup Weteran Winner 2024, Multi Club Winner, Multi Champion):

Veteran Class: Exc. 🏆 1ª, CAC
🏆Veteran Champion of Italy

2. Abigail by Champion Chart
(Ermes dei Raggi di Luna x OCH ACH DOGOTEKA )
Intermediate Class: Exc 2° (Res. CAC)

Judge: Alberto Cuccillato
Owned and handled by me.

Duo CACIB Kielce 2024: Abigail by Champion Chart Dogoteka

Duo CACIB Kielce 2024:
Abigail by Champion Chart Dogoteka

Fama is Grand Champion of Poland 🇵🇱  Exciting final step!  Goldie oldie charms Champion Class in Kielce 2024: 1. CAC und...

Fama is Grand Champion of Poland 🇵🇱 Exciting final step!

Goldie oldie charms Champion Class in Kielce 2024:
1. CAC under honorable judge Arnaldo Cotugno, and
2. CAC, top up with CACIB and adds BOB under honorable judge Mirosław Olejnik

And with BOS at Champion of Champions Show in Bytom, she is new Grand Champion of Poland 🇵🇱

Her Highness Fama shine in Ring again.

Thanks to Związek Kynologiczny w Polsce - Oddział Kraków, Magdalena Kwiczała and Angelika Wójcik that inspired me to bring Famous Girl Dogoteka back to the ring!

From that on, beginning in June, our Fama made amazing wins and titles for past 6 months.

So grateful for Her to Magdalena & Łukasz.

Her. Famous Girl Dogoteka in Best in Show Veteran. Memories from IDS Cracow June 2024 .

Her. Famous Girl Dogoteka in Best in Show Veteran. Memories from IDS Cracow June 2024 .


Beauty and Performance project

A woman in Red Cross uniform during FWW, training an italian greyhound being pulling a model Red Cross .

J C.I.B  Abi 🩵

J C.I.B Abi 🩵

European Dog Show 2024 Finals

European Dog Show 2024 Finals

We started   visiting Związek Kynologiczny w Polsce - Oddział Kraków stand with  Małgorzata Wieremiejczyk-Wierzchowska a...

We started visiting Związek Kynologiczny w Polsce - Oddział Kraków stand with Małgorzata Wieremiejczyk-Wierzchowska and got beautiful Polish gift that brought us luck ! Our results:

Famous Girl DOGOtEKA: European Veteran Winner EDS 2024!
You made me speechless in the Best in Show Ring! Walk of Fame! Queen of the Ring!

Abigail by Champion Chart/Dogoteka:
And day before: Winner of Intermediate class in European Specialty Club Show: 1/4, CAC, Excellent !
Your first such prestigious shows, and you made it girl!

Thank you to honorable judges:
Lotte Joergensen (Dennmark)
Steven Seymour (Australia)
Engh Espen (Norway)

And thanks to friends around that helped us along the way - little gestures that make a big difference and unites dog passionates!

Feel so grateful and blessed!





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