Comprehensive diet support in the prevention and treatment of inflammatory skin conditions in dogs.
🟢 Pro Skin Gel
🐾 for the treatment of chronic dermatitis
🐾 anti-inflammatory and rebuilding the skin expressed
to a large extent
🐾 contains copper in a low dose necessary
for the skin rebuilding action
🟢 Pro Skin
🐾 for the treatment of early stages of dermatitis
🐾 anti-inflammatory activity better expressed than skin rebuilding activity
🐾 does not contain copper
🟢 Keep in mind
The most effective in regulating inflammatory processes among diet components are the unsaturated fatty
acids, especially the right proportions of the omega-3 / omega-6 with an omega-3 predominance.
The presence of omega-3s like EPA and DHA is required in compound feeds that effectively
supports the eradication of dermatitis.
Phenomena observed in the skin after supplementation with low-saturated omega-3 fatty acids:
- Change of arachidonic acid to eicosapentaenoic acid in lipids of cell membranes, leading to an
increase in the synthesis of non-inflammatory prostaglandins,
- The increase in the concentration of 5 leukotriene (LTB5), which has anti-inflammatory properties
Phenomena observed in the skin after supplementation with low-saturated omega-6 fatty acids:
- The increase of the LTB4 that has the pro-inflammatory properties,
- The increase of the gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and dihomo-gamma linolenic acid, which intensifies
the pro-inflammatory properties in the long-term due to the arachidonic acid synthesis boost
- On the other hand, GLA and DGLA have a greater affinity for COX than AA - as a consequence,
the acute phase of inflammation may be reduced.
Increase in the diet of unsaturated fatty acids reduces the level of vitamin E and A in the body,
therefore the addition of vitamin E and A in products with a high content of unsaturated fatty acids
is desirable.