Ty's Parrot Rescue

Ty's Parrot Rescue Parrot Rescuing/Relinquishing, Adopting, Fostering, Training/Taming, Emergency-Rescuing/Relinquishin


Estoy buscando jaulas para cotorras y perros grande. Si puede ayuda déjame saber. Gracias montón! Area de SUR Puerto Rico


Con la llegada de San Valentín... sería bueno donar algunos juguetes para pájaros de San Valentín en espíritu de San Valentín. para todas las aves rescatadas! Es un idea.


Sirviendo y ayudando a todos los animales con Amor sin importar la situación en Puerto Rico


Meet the 2 new 🦜 Lovebird Babies qe rescued atvonly a couple of weeks. And after alotnof time and care they are finally weaned wnd on seed pellet diet for now. 6.5 weeks old...Almost 7 weeks. Wow how fast the time has went. Our new lill babies



Were back opened to helping the public. We are here 24/7 for rescuing again. If you have any questions please feel free to message or call me.
Have a blessed day
Puerto rico area


Another Budgie rescued.


How adorable 😍😍

2 new chicks to add to our other 2 girls. All four chickens are gonna be our egg layers. For eggs daily

2 new chicks to add to our other 2 girls. All four chickens are gonna be our egg layers. For eggs daily

Dino is fitting in just well!

Dino is fitting in just well!

Here's the lil guy

Here's the lil guy


Another rescued baby cockatiel came into our hands through a very nice and gracious lady who helped him and looked after him until he could get here. Also thanks to Angels For Animals Puerto Rico to help the nice lady to get in contact with me.
Pictures to come of this sweet lil cutie!


Happy Easter


In need of someone to help transport a rescued baby cockatiel from Mayaguez to me in Guayama.
Any help or suggestion?
Thanks in advance!


Love helping the community! Helping someone or some animal in need is a good day.


Si estás en Puerto Rico y necesitas ayuda con tu ave, envíame un mensaje. Estoy abierto a ayudar a cualquier persona que lo necesite.
Que tiene buen dia!


Low Spay/Neuter clinics or vet clinics in or around Harrisburg PA (central pa)
For someone else.
Thanks in advance.


Animals in PR still need your help! Please volunteer or donate to a rescue here!!


We need your help becauee Hurricane Fiona- the river wiped out alot of my cages.
I am rescuing so many birds at the moment. We are in need of bird cages. At the moment I don't care what size of cage. The cage can be for another animal (ferret/rabbit cages/dog cages) and I can still use it for the birds.
If you are in the SUR (South) area Puerto Rico please reach out to me!
Also we are accepting donations if you want to help.
Cash App: $tyty0611
Anything helps.
Thank you all!!!!
God bless you all!! 🙏

Anyone in Puerto Rico or in Cabo Rojo area that can help them out. They are in need of alot of help.

Anyone in Puerto Rico or in Cabo Rojo area that can help them out. They are in need of alot of help.

Cabo Rojo rescue necesita tu ayuda!!!!!!

Cabo Rojo rescue necesita tu ayuda!!!!!!


Guayama Walmart is still open!!!!!


Walmart en Guayama todavía está abierto!!!!!


Igual de ocupado estoy y lleno de todo tipo de pájaros en este momento. Pero también lo son otros rescates en todo Puerto Rico! Que necesitan desesperadamente tu ayuda!!!!

Especialmente estos 2 rescates/santuario: Angels For Animals Puerto Rico
Santuario de Animales San Francisco de Asís, Inc.
Todos los refugios alrededor de la isla necesitan múltiples cosas. Todos necesitan ayuda, tu ayuda!

Voluntarios, jaulas, comida, agua, gas/diésel, cuidado veterinario, donaciones y adopciones/fosters.
Ayuda a tu refugio local o haz una donación!
Dios los bendiga a todos!


Public Announcement
Just as busy and filled i am with all kinds birds right now. But so are other rescues all around Puerto Rico! That desperately need your help.

Especially these 2 rescues/sanctuary Angels For Animals Puerto Rico
Santuario de Animales San Francisco de Asís, Inc.
All the shelters around the island are need of multiple things.They all need help your help!!

Volunteers, cages, food, water, gas/diesel, vet care, donations, and adoptions/fosters.
Help your local shelter or donate!
God bless you all!!!!


El WALMARTS en Puerto Rico está cerrando debido a que el diésel se está agotando.
CAYEY cerró más temprano hoy!
Se supone que GUAYAMA se está agotando. Así que ellas cerrarán la tienda pronto!!


Walmart in Puerto Rico are closing due to diesel outage.
Cayey closed earlier today!
Guayama is supposedly running low. So they will be closing soon!


Todavía no hay luz ni agua en el Área SUR de Puerto Rico. Area de Guayama/Arroyo!

There is still no electric or water in the south part of the island. Guayama/Arroyo Area


Puerto Rico necesita tu ayuda. Los rescates se están llenando y se están quedando sin espacio y dinero. (así como nosotros)
Los rescates necesitan comida, agua, jaulas, voluntarios, etc.
Especialmente en el área de rescate de Cabo Rojo.
Si puede ayudar de alguna manera, envíeme un mensaje, un mensaje de texto, una llamada o un correo electrónico.
Angels For Animals Puerto Rico también necesita ayuda.
Así como los rescates en el área de Cabo Rojo en este momento.
Si conoce un rescate que necesita ayuda o asistencia, ¡coméntelo a continuación!
Dios te bendiga!


Puerto Rico is need of your help. The rescues are filling up and running out of space and money. (As well as us)
Rescues are in need of food, water, cages, volunteers, etc.
Especially Over in the Cabo Rojo rescue area.
If you can help in any way please message, text, call, or email me!
Angels For Animals Puerto Rico is also in need of help.
As well as the rescues in the Cabo Rojo area right now.
If you know a rescue that is need of help or assistance please comment below!
God bless you and stay safe!



Horario de Apertura

Lunes 09:00 - 18:30
Martes 09:00 - 18:30
Miércoles 09:00 - 18:30
Jueves 09:00 - 18:30
Viernes 09:00 - 18:30
Sábado 10:30 - 17:00


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